Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance, Top 8 Dance

Last time we lost Nathan and Noelle.

Cat comes out and introduces the "JIDGES"! I was watching this with my friend, Cristina, and we decided that the three judges are the Queen (Adam), the other Queen (Mary) and the Creepy Queen (Nigel). HAHA.

Annoying Ashleigh walks out and tells us that she's not dancing this week because she hurt her shoulder and the doctors won't clear her to dance. BUT, she's still in the running, so vote for her (or not). :)

Let's get started...

Kathryn & Ryan

Kathryn says she's going to go for it and not take anything for granted. Ryan says...I don't know what Ryan says because I'm totally distracted by the bright red super low-cut V-neck T-shirt he's wearing. How is he not gay? I mean, I get that he's married to Ashleigh, but she has to know that her husband is gay, right? I can't even focus on what he is saying. They are dancing to a Doriana Sanchez Disco routine. While they are practicing, it seriously looks like Ryan is wearing one of Ashleigh's shirts. It's a tank top - not a wife beater - a tank top...that GIRLS wear. Don't get me wrong. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have no problem with anyone's sexual orientation. I just want people to OWN who they are.

They dance to "Last Dance" by Donna Summer. I love this song. OMG. AGAIN! The costume people have to know that Ryan is gay. Otherwise, why would they dress him like this?? He's wearing a see-through blue "blouse" with sequins and black pants with shiny designs with glitter on the sides. C'MON PEOPLE!! The dance itself was AWESOME. They did fantastic. It was exciting, it was entertaining, it was together and it was fun!! I loved it. Adam loved it and says that real men can wear sequins. Creepy Queen and I disagree. Sequined shirt aside, the jidges all loved it.

Mollee & Jakob

These guys are so cute and they both want to get to the finale (which apparently this season is next week with SIX dancers. Weird). They are dancing the Viennese Waltz choreographed by Jason Gilkison.

They are dancing to "Ordinary Day" by Michelle Branch. Wow. It's beautiful. All of you know that I do NOT like ballroom, but this is fantastic. The dance, the music, the dancers. Jason Gilkison is amazing. I LOVED it. Chills. Seriously. I have seen this about 3 times now and it doesn't get old. Beautiful. The judges all raved. They loved it. OMG. Adam Shankman is in LOVE with Jakob. It's so obvious and a little embarrassing.

Ellenore & Legacy

They are keeping the faith and really want to make it to the finale. They are dancing to a Travis Wall (!!) Contemporary routine. It's kind of a "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" routine. I love Travis, so I expect good things!

They are dancing to "Machine Gun" by Portishead. Hmmm. It looked like a difficult routine and they danced it really well. I didn't love the routine, but it was cool and they did a great job with it. it's just not a typical Travis Wall routine - I was expecting something more emotional or romantic. But they did a great job. The judges all thought it was AMAZING and loved them. I don't know what it is, but I don't love Ellenore. I think she's quirky and very pretty, but I wouldn't be sad if she left this week.

JAKOB dances his solo routine and it's phenomenal. I don't know how he does some of his tricks. He is so incredibly flexible. He's a beautiful dancer.

[Random] & Russell

Russell is dancing to a Shane Sparks hip-hop routine. He'll be dancing with a "fill-in" since Ashleigh can't perform tonight.

He and his "partner" are dancing to "Too Much Booty 2" by Soundmaster T & Jah-Rista feat. Korveil. Ok, I don't mean to diss his partner, but she sucks and her pants are falling down. She's a big girl and she's doing alright, but she keeps pulling her pants up and doesn't have as much energy as Russell. Which is good for Russell because she's making him look BUCK! It was an awesome routine. Tonight's routines are really great. I loved it. The jidges all agree and praise Russell.

MOLLEE dances her solo and it's great as usual. It wasn't her best solo, but it was good.

Kathryn & Ryan

Ryan is wearing that damn red V-neck again. Why?? They are dancing to a Jason Gilkison Cha Cha routine. I like Jason Gilkison. He does more modern and fun ballroom dancing routines. I'm excited to see it!!

They are dancing to "Put Your Hands On Me" by Joss Stone. Wow. That was amazing. I could watch that dance again and again. I LOVE what the choreographer did with the Cha Cha. It was fantastic. Kathryn ended the routine upside down. It was so cool. I think Kathryn is this season's Jeanine. She's kind of understated, but I wouldn't be surprised if she wins the whole thing. Adam loved it. Mary went a little crazy during her commentary. She starts: "Of course y'all know that I love ballroom dancing. I've spent most of my life ... WOO!" and then gives them first class tickets on the hot tamale train. She had a little psychotic break right there. Crazy Mary. Nigel thought it was fantastic.

LEGACY does his solo and it's amazing. He is so talented. His tricks are fantastic.

ELLENORE does her solo and it's fine. It doesn't look particularly challenging. Meh.

RUSSELL does his solo and embarrasses himself. He's in a freakin' Santa suit. WTF?! AND, he loses a shoe in the process. He's got talent so that may compensate for his lack of fashion sense.

Mollee & Jakob

They are dancing to a Joey Dowling Broadway routine for their second dance. They dance to a Samantha Ronson remix of "Easy Street" from Annie. I think Mollee should be on broadway. She totally has the look and I think she'd be an awesome broadway dancer. I wonder if she can sing. This routine is so fantastic. They are totally together and just execute this dance flawlessly. I loved it. Amazing. Adam tells Jakob that he's the best dancer he's ever seen about 5 times. I'm not kidding, he is seriously in LOVE with Jakob. Adam loved it, Mary love it, and Nigel loved it.

KATHRYN does her solo and it's lovely.

Ellenore & Legacy

They are dancing to a Tabitha & Napoleon (!!!) hip-hop routine this week. YAY!! They dance to "People Are Strange (remix)" by the Doors. Hmmm. I didn't love it. It was different than the usual routines they do. Legacy & Ellenore had masks on the backs of their heads so you couldn't tell which way they were facing. It was weird. Typically I really love their routines, but this one didn't do it for me. The judges agree although they are way harsher than they needed to be. I thought Legacy and Ellenore executed the choreography very well. And, while I didn't love the routine, I still thought it was good.

RYAN does his solo...meh. It was boring. Then he is with Cat and she tells him to tell America what number to call and he totally starts crying and tells everyone to vote for Ashleigh because she's worked so hard to be there. OMG!! Seriously??

[Different Random] & Russell

They are dancing to a Nakul Dev Mahajan Bollywood routine. WOOT! They dance to "Spirit of Rageela" from the Rageela Original Soundtrack. Ok, I can't even concentrate on the dancing. I love Russell...But when he smiles that big cheesy grin while he's dancing, he looks like Tracy Morgan doing a parody of some Bollywood dance on Saturday Night Live. NO JOKE! I cannot stop laughing. He just keeps smiling with that tooth-y, cheesy grin of his. OMG! It's so Tracy Morgan. It's hard to watch this with a straight face. Parody aside, he danced it very well and did an awesome job. I love the Bollywood routines. The judges all praise him.

I predict at least Ellenore and Legacy in the bottom...

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