Thursday, December 3, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 23

Last time on The City: Olivia was a bitch, Roxy ruined Whit's dress and Kelly was awesome.

People's Revolution. Kelly calls Whit into her office. She tells Whit that since she and Roxy went to Bergdorf Goodman and showed Whit's sketches, Kelly sent the "look book" to Bergdorf as a courtesy. The VP from Bergdorf called Kelly and told her that she liked the book. So Kelly tells Whit that she needs to do a presentation for Bergdorf and get a few models to show some of the looks. Kelly says it's important for her to be there and it's important for Whit to do this on her own. Whit says "So you don't think that Roxy should be there?" WHY WHIT? Why would you even bring up Roxy in this conversation. So DUMB. Kelly tells Whit that it would be a very bad idea to have Roxy there. Kelly explains that this is business and Bergdorf Goodman is the most important department store in the world. It's make it or break time. Translation: You cannot afford to have Roxy fuck it up in any way!


"Everything on the Line"

Elle Magazine. Erin goes into the room with Brynn and tells her that she needs everything packed up because they have to head to the Today Show. Brynn says that she noticed that Erin didn't have anything that she and Olivia picked out. Erin says that she's not using anything that Olivia picked and that she went ahead and pulled the looks herself. Brynn asks if Olivia knows and Erin tells her not to worry about it and that it doesn't matter. Ouch.

People's Revolution. Roxy assumes that she's going with Whit to the presentation and asks what Whit wants her to say. Whit tells her that Kelly doesn't want Roxy to go. Roxy decides to go and talk to Kelly. WTF? Just stay out of it Roxy. It's Whit's design collection. Do your own thing! Roxy says that she works really hard so why shouldn't she be there. Kelly says that she thinks Whit should have a trained salesperson there. Roxy says that it's frustrating when she's punished for exhibiting the same qualities that Kelly has. Kelly says that she and Roxy do have some similar qualities. BUT Kelly says that it would be better for Whit to have a professional salesperson to answer questions instead of standing there like "Lucy and Ethel". HA! Then she starts throwing out sales terms and asks if Roxy knows what any of the terms mean. She doesn't wait for a response and says "I don't think that you do." She thinks Whit should bring someone who knows what the f*** they're doing. Roxy says that Whit asked her to go. Kelly says that Whit is a big girl and if she wants Roxy there, then she should go with her. Then Kelly says "I've had enough of this for the day. You can go now." Roxy tries to say something and Kelly interrupts "Get the f*** out. I'm done. Good-bye." Awesome. I love Kelly Cutrone.

The Today Show. Joe Zee is talking to Olivia and he's asking her what she worked on. Olivia says that she worked on "evening out" and "a night on the town". Joe asked if they are using her "looks" and Olivia says she doesn't think so. Erin walks up and Joe asks if she needs Olivia to help get any of the models dressed and Erin says NO. Erin asks if Olivia will go over the looks with her. Erin asks Olivia if she understands why they didn't use Olivia's looks and what she was looking for. Olivia says she's going to refrain from answering that question. Awkward.

Milk Studios. This is where Whit is doing her presentation. Roxy is there! She's placing the look book out for each person. Sami shows up right when Kelly calls to tell Whit she's not coming to the presentation. Crap! Whit says she can't freak out, she just needs to get through this. All the important Bergdorf buyers show up in black Lincoln towncars.

The Today Show. Erin tells Olivia that she has to run out for a second and asks Olivia to stay on the set. Joe Zee comes to Olivia and asks her to run through the looks for him again. He needs the head to toe looks and the price points for each of the outfits so that he knows before getting on the air. Olivia says that Erin knows that information and then stutters about what she thinks different price points are and where they are from. She has no idea. Joe is frustrated and tells Olivia to go get Erin. Olivia walks away and then...doesn't get Erin. Joe goes on air and he's asked what things cost and he says each look is under $100. He pulls it off, but you can tell he's uncomfortable.

Milk Studios. All the buyers walk in and Whit greets them and has them sit. Linda Fargo, Senior VP, Fashion Office & Store Presentation is there with Ginny Hersh-Lambert, Senior VP/General Merchandising Manager, RTW, Footwear and Handbags (I'm not sure what RTW means, but she's important) and Sunny Spencer who is Sami's boss and a buyer for Bergdorf. Whit does a brief introduction of the collection and brings out the first look. It's a multi-colored mini-skirt with an eggshell colored jacket. I don't love it and neither do Ginny Hersh and Linda Fargo. Yikes. Strike One. The second look is a stretchy off-white lacy short dress with the shoulders cut out. Hmmm. Ginny Hersh says that the fabric is "interesting" in small patches but all over the dress, it just makes the model look large. They ask if she has it in black and she says she stays away from black because no one wears black in L.A. Um, Whit honey, you're in NYC!!! Ginny tells Whit that she's running a business that caters to all women, not just women in L.A. Then, Roxy says that she wears black in L.A. Why would she say that?? Hello?! You're there for Whit not to impress the Bergdorf women. Strike Two. Whit brings out the third - and final - look. It's the strapless dress with the black bow around the top. The bottom material is a metallic light pink/peach. Linda Fargo says that she doesn't like the fabric because it looks cheap. Strike Three. Whit says that she's learning and thanks them for their time. That's it?? You only show THREE LOOKS? This whole scene is so awkward.

The Today Show. Joe tells Erin that he was really tense on air and went on not knowing what the prices were or who the designers were. Joe says that he asked Olivia and she said she didn't have the information. He asks if Erin gave her the information. Erin says "Of course. I've given her nothing but information this entire time." Hmmm, not sure that's entirely true. However, if you know someone wants to see you fail, wouldn't you do whatever you could to ensure that didn't happen?? Erin is shocked that Olivia didn't know any of the prices or who the designers were. Erin says that Olivia needs to be gone and fired. Joe asks if Erin prepped Olivia because it's Erin's job to make sure Olivia is given the information. Erin says that she tried by the green room and Olivia wasn't interested. Erin says that it's not about personalities anymore, Olivia just doesn't care and she needs to be fired.

Olivia walks up all nonchalantly and tells Joe he did a good job. Then she calmly says that everything is bagged up and ready to go. Joe says that he's freaking out because he was so tense and he didn't now anything about prices or designers. Erin asks Olivia why she told Joe that Erin didn't give her any of the information. Olivia says that Erin didn't give her the information. Erin asks Olivia: "Did you not have THREE HOURS to learn that information and get it to Joe." Olivia dismisses the question and says that the looks were Erin's so it wasn't her thing. Erin said that they were her looks because Olivia couldn't do the job and can't understand why she just sat around for three hours and didn't learn the information. Olivia responds "Ok. Well, I'm going to head back to the office now. Everything is bagged." Joe says they'll deal with this at the office.

Roxy and Whit are walking to work and Whit says she's nervous about meeting with Kelly. Kelly told her that Linda Fargo called and wants to give Whit feedback.

Elle Magazine. Joe, Erin and Olivia are in Joe's office and he wants to know what happened at the Today Show. Olivia says that if Erin neglects to share information with her then that's Erin's problem. Erin says that it's Olivia's problem because Olivia keeps messing up and Erin keeps having to fix it. And Erin says that if she doesn't take the time during a live television shoot to sit down with Olivia and go through every single price with her, it's not Erin's problem, it's Olivia's problem. Olivia tells Joe that they can't move forward if Erin doesn't respect her. Erin says that Olivia has not given Erin any reason to respect her since she started. Erin says that she doesn't even like dealing with Olivia. Olivia says that's very clear and unfortunately, Olivia is working at this magazine so she has to deal with her. Erin says, "yeah, unfortunately." Ouch. Olivia says in order for her to do her job, Erin has to change her tone of voice with her. Erin says "or else what?"

Joe interrupts and says this isn't high school and he doesn't want to mediate. Joe looks at Olivia and says that they've been here before. He brought Olivia on board because she has a good eye, she knows fashion and people in the industry, but sometimes he wonders if she really wants to be at Elle. Olivia says of course she does. Olivia looks at Erin and asks if she wants to work with her, yes or no. Erin says she would never quit anything (Olivia says she wouldn't quit either) and that she's way harder on herself than she is on Olivia, but she expects Olivia to be the same way. Joe asks if they can no longer work together anymore. Erin says that she can't work with Olivia so it's either Erin or Olivia. The three of them just sit there and Erin leaves the room. Olivia says she doesn't know what do and doesn't want to have the same bullshit conversation that they've had 16,000 times before. Joe says "I just want to know, can you girls work together?" Um, weren't you listening to Erin? She said NO! Olivia says she doesn't know how to work with Erin. I think that's because Olivia has no work ethic. She doesn't have to work, she's a trust fund kid. She doesn't "need" this job, so she doesn't feel like she has to work hard. She's so entitled. I think that's what Erin finds frustrating. People like Erin and Brynn have to work their asses off to prove themselves so that they can keep their jobs and move up the ladder. Olivia isn't like that. She thinks she should move up because she's Olivia Palermo. Annoying.

People's Revolution. Kelly says that Linda Fargo isn't prepared to give them an answer yet. One thing she did say was that she can't buy a collection based on 10 looks and then asked if there was going to be a show. This gave Kelly an idea. Last year they went to ING (or IMG? Not sure) and asked to do three shows in one venue to give young designers an opportunity to show their stuff. It went really well, but this year one of the designers dropped out, so they have space for a designer. Kelly says that Whit could do it, but it's a leap of faith. Kelly tells Whit that it's a huge risk. If it works and does well, it would be HUGE for Whit's career. If it tanks, then Whit's career is over. Kelly says she'll take the risk with Whit because if her show sucks, Kelly is going down the drain with her. Which is not entirely true. Kelly has a super successful business. One bad show will not break her. But, I get what she's saying. Whit says she's going to make it happen.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent Recap!

    I am so looking forward to the return of the City! Don't like Olivia ~ Joe should fire her. Olivia has no respect for Erin and behaves as if the world owes her something ~ she's not my kind of person.
