Monday, December 21, 2009

Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins REUNION SHOW

All of our faves are back: Wes, KellyAnne, Derrick, Sarah, Evan, Dunbar, Kenny, Katie, Susie, Johanna, Johnny Bananas, Veronica

Maria Menounos is hosting the reunion show. Um, isn't she more important than this? I feel like Maria Menounos is too good to be hosting a Real World/Road Rules Reunion show. Maybe I give her too much credit.

We see a recap of the final challenge. Maria asks Susie why she didn't just cut a deal with KellyAnne and Sarah. Susie says she would have made more money if she had, but she wanted to actually win the money. Maria asks the guys if they thought Susie had made a deal and Evan says that Susie played it straight from the beginning - although Bananas says he had his doubts. Maria asks who had deals and who didn't. No one would cop to anything. Wes says that he got "evil vibes" from Susie the whole time. Whatevs.

Next up on the hot seat: Brad and the fight that got him kicked off the show. They show the fight again and that is crazy. Darrell just freaks out! Brad says that it had nothing to do with Darrell, but Susie disagrees. She thinks that it wasn't a coincidence that it was Darrell and that he represented all the Brad was going to lose. But, Brad sticks to his story and says that he missed his home life. Who cares?

Next up: Wes. He says that, aside from trying to throw the first challenge, he did NOTHING to anyone on the team and that his team ganged up on him. KellyAnne nods in agreement. Solidarity sister. Wes says he didn't come into this as an a**hole. He says he made TWO mistakes. First, he got way into Johnny's face and he apologized for that and he wishes he could take it back. And, second, he got too into the fight with Darrell (when he was badmouthing KellyAnne).

Maria asks Veronica about Wes's strategy to throw the first challenge. Veronica says she didn't think Wes had a choice and then KellyAnne chimes in and says that Wes had to do that. Shut up, KellyAnne. Maria says that Susie is furrowing her eyebrows and Susie says that sometimes you need to ask whether it's Wes or EVERYONE ELSE who is wrong. Heh.

Next up: The Kenny - Johanna - Wes - KellyAnne - Cohutta hexagon of drama. Wes gives Kenny props for acting way more gentlemanly than he expected. Of course, this causes Kenny to smirk arrogantly. Kenny gets up and walks over to Wes to give him a "bro hug" and says "Come here you big red-headed slut." HAHA. Kenny is a d-bag, but he can be funny sometimes. Wes says that he doesn't think Johanna made an effort to be his friend throughout the game. She thinks the same of him. Maria asks why that is. Stupid. Johanna says that it could've been that she hooked up with Kenny on TV or that she hooked up with Kenny - who used to be Wes's friend or a combo of both. Duh.

The conversation shifts to KellyAnne and Evelyn being put in the Ruins. Wes agrees with the Champions that it was actually a strategic decision and not so much about Wes. Kenny and Bananas say that the CHALLENGERS were actually all in on it and were in favor of it, too. KellyAnne says that a lot of her own teammates were "in" with the Champions which she thought was weird. THEN, Sarah says to KellyAnne that she was "in" with the Champions, too, because she was sleeping with WES!! KellyAnne says that Wes was NOT "the other team". Um, yeah he was. Then Wes says that Sarah would have slept with "the other team" - meaning, Kenny - if he would have let her. Ouch. So KellyAnne says that Sarah shouldn't criticize her for doing something she actually wanted to do. Dumb. The whole conversation...Dumb.

Next up: Trashtalk. The crazies!! Katie and Tanya!! Kenny and Evan talking crap about Katie, Tanya and Sarah. Sarah is making excuses for Kenny. Wow...she's such a victim. Sarah admits that she let Kenny get away with it because she had a little crush. Bananas hits the nail on the head: he says that she's got Battered Woman's Syndrome and she's going to come up with every excuse for what he's said to her. And she continues to do so. Ugh. She LOVES that Kenny is even talking to her so she takes the abuse.

This season was the season with the most people sent home. Wow. Next up: The Tanya/Veronica slap heard 'round the world. In hindsight, Veronica says that she shouldn't have called Tanya crazy. She says that it was shocking to her that all the guys took Tanya's side. Evan says that Veronica is a rational adult and everyone gives her credit for being a grown woman. Evan says that Tanya is not a rational person and she was going through some stuff. Veronica says that she's not a "politician" like Evan and that she gets emotional. UGH. Evan has a point. Tanya is sick. She has some very serious issues. Veronica should have walked away, but she just didn't. Veronica says that she didn't think Tanya should have been there at all because she wasn't emotionally ready for that environment. I will agree with Veronica there, but since when has that stopped MTV?

Evan and Veronica swear that they did not hook up. Hmmm. I'm not sure I believe that.

Quick recap of the season. The End.

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