Thursday, October 29, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 5

Previously on...The Ruins: Tanya got drunk, hit Veronica and went home. Katie and Danny go HOME!

The opening credits are so freaking cheesy.

The kids have the day off so they are exploring Thailand and playing on the beach...oh and drinking. KA and Cohutta and hanging out and they both interview that things didn't work out but they are still friends and they care about each other. Hmmm. Foreshadowing. OH GAWD! Wes interviews that Cohutta fell in love with KA and has been OBSESSED with her for so long and that KA hurt him, but she still feels bad for him. WHATEVER, Wes. I think Cohutta is just a genuinely good person. He doesn't seem "obsessed" with KA at ALL. No one wants your girlfriend, Wes. Move on!

Back at the house. Wes is talking to Johanna. Talk about obsessed! I think Wes is still hung up on her. They talk about what went wrong and I guess their biggest issue was that Johanna just didn't trust Wes. Not surprising. Johanna says that coming into this challenge with a girlfriend or boyfriend is the stupidest thing. I kind of agree. Johanna says that she has a problem with Wes having sex next to her with KA. I don't think that's happened...I think she's just talking about how Wes is there with KA and probably doing the nasty while Johanna is in the same house. It's awkward. Johanna interviews that she needs to separate "personal life" with Wes from "team life" with Wes and it's really challenging for her. I can understand that. She tells Wes that she'd rather him not talk to her at all than have him be nice one day and not the next. Wes interviews that he feels like Johanna doesn't care that much about their friendship as Wes does.

Nighttime. Wes tells KA that Cohutta is getting a little frisky when he's drunk. KA tells Wes to shut up. Wes interviews that Cohutta forgets that he was practically never KA's boyfriend and that Wes is her boyfriend now. Dumb. Wes tells KA that's he going into the Ruins against Cohutta. KA says that she doesn't want him to but that's all she can do. She can't prevent Wes from doing it. Wes says that Cohutta's going home no matter what - it's just a matter of who gets his $$. Wes says that "people" have been calling him a Renegade (really?), but he wants to be bounty hunter and take people out for the "bounty" on their heads. GET OVER YOURSELF!

Johanna, Susie and Ibis are strategizing about how to get rid of Veronica so that the 3 of them will be safe until the end. Of course, Veronica overhears this. Veronica goes straight to Evan and Susie goes out on her balcony so that she can hear what they are saying. SO SNEAKY!! Evan interviews that "The Queen Bee overhears a conversation between Johanna, Susie and Ibis..." HA! I'm starting to really like Evan. Yes, he's a meathead, but he's funny. He says that Veronica finally comes with her tail between her legs to talk to Evan. HA! Veronica tells Evan that Susie is not going to nominate herself tomorrow and Evan agrees that she shouldn't because she's gone in everytime. Veronica spots Susie. Then she tells Evan that he told her he would NEVER vote for Susie. So Veronica thinks that it was a set up so that it would be between Susie and Veronica getting nominated and Evan already told Veronica that he wouldn't vote for Susie, so Veronica goes in. Evan's pissed that Veronica thinks he set it all up. Evan sees that Veronica is kissing his ass to say in the game. What will Evan do??

Challenge Day.


Champions: Veronica votes herself in since she knows she'd be picked anyway. The team wants Veronica to go against KA. So it's Veronica, Johanna and Ibis. Evan, Kenny, Wes.
Challengers: Casey, Kim, KA, Brad, Dunbar, Cohutta

The Game: Each team has a lane. There's a 15 foot pole with a gong on top at one end and building blocks at the other end. The concept is to use your team blocks to build a stairway up to reach the gong and hit it. There's a catch! There will be two guys/two girls holding onto the opponents pole. Each team will have to rip the opponents off of their pole and carry them back to their blocks before they can start building. Only the three guys who were nominated will be participating in the challenge to even out the teams. First team to ring the gong wins.

KA, Casey, Brad and Cohutta will be holding onto the Champion's pole. Kim, Sarah and Dunbar will be pulling the Champions off their pole. Wes, Veronica, Ibis and Evan will be holding onto the Challenger's pole. Susie, Johanna and Kenny are pulling the Challengers off their pole.

Ready? GO! Brad basically walked off the pole so he could help his team. Casey was dragged out first. Kenny drags Cohutta out next. Challengers get Ibis out. Next Wes is pulled out. KA is out and now Champions can start building their locks. Evan is still on the pole. Champions quickly build their stairway and hit the gong! Champions win.


Wes throws himself in and picks Cohutta. The team basically doesn't value Veronica and votes her in. Veronica is fighting for Ibis to go in. TJ comes up and takes a vote. It comes down to Evan. 3 votes for Veronica v. KA or Veronica v. Kimberly. Evan needs to vote. He says that he promised not to vote for Ibis but it's nice having Veronica around because she flirts with him and has big boobs and a big ass. Nice, Evan. Evan picks Veronica and says she can pick. So Veronica is voted in and it's a tie between KA or Kimberly. Since they are deadlocked, the entire team will come in to vote on the TWO girls going in. They basically threw out the part where Veronica was unanimously voted in.

Syrus: Ibis v. Kimberly
Derrick: Ibis v. Kimberly
Susie: Veronica v. KA
Darrell: Ibis v. Kimberly
Bananas: Ibis v. Kimberly
Johanna: Veronica v. KA
Evan: Veronica v. KA
Wes: Ibis v. Kimberly
Kenny: Veronica v. KA
Ibis: Veronica v. KA
Veronica: Ibis v. Kimberly

DAMN. Now it's Ibis v. Kimberly. Ibis is pissed. She should be. Why did everyone screw her over?? WTF?

Wes goes in and tells Cohutta that he's going in against him. Wes tells them about the girl drama. Bananas tries to back peddle and explain why he voted for Ibis and Ibis doesn't want to hear it. She tells Bananas to STFU!

Ibis feels betrayed by Derrick because they are good friends and he voted her into the Ruins. Derrick feels bad but he feels that Veronica has been doing a better job. Ibis is out for revenge. Johanna, KA and Veronica are all talking about Wes. Johanna is saying that Wes is talking shit. KA is trying to defend Wes. Weird. KA goes to talk to Wes. KA says that Wes is so wishy-washy about Johanna. One minute he hates her and the next minute she's his friend. KA wants him to make up his mind. Wes interviews that he is SO MAD at Johanna but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love her a little bit. OUCH! Move on, KA!

Cohutta and KA are talking. I love Cohutta. KA tells him that she'll be sad no matter who wins.


"The Spool" - Object is to unwrap your rope as fast as possible. Each player starts on one side with a rope attached to them. They have to make their way over, around, and under bamboo poles unwrapping their rope as they go. First person to unwrap their rope wins.

Wes v. Cohutta

HOLY SHIT! Cohutta WON!!! Wes is going home! OMG! That was awesome. KA is sad. It's the first time he's ever lost. He walks over and hugs Cohutta. Cohutta wins and takes Wes's money. CHA-CHING! Wow. Wes actually went out like a winner and wished everyone luck.

Ibis v. Kimberly

Kimberly wins. Wow. Two Champions out. I feel bad for Ibis. She's going out a winner, too.

Susie and Kimberly are calling Johanna out for feeling sad that Wes is gone. Johanna interviews that she's confused because one minute she hates Wes and the next she cares about him. They have a history and were going to get married.

All the girls are talking and KA (!!) is giving Johanna a hard time for not clapping for Wes. WTF? Why does she care? Johanna says that she didn't clap for either one, Cohutta or Wes. She doesn't feel like cheering on someone who treats her like shit. But, she does care about him. Johanna tells KA that she and Wes broke up a year and a half ago and she doesn't care about KA and her relationships. She just asks that KA leave her alone. KA says she doesn't severely dislike Johanna anymore, but they aren't friends. Weird. Drama.

See you next week.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 18

I feel so differently about The City now that I know about Roxy. Her name is Roxy Olin. I just discovered that she's Ken Olin and Patricia Wettig's daughter. They were on Thirtysomething together and now he's the executive producer of Brothers and Sisters. He's also on the show and so is Patricia Wettig. She plays "Holly" and he plays "David", her ex boyfriend/current boyfriend. It turns out Roxy is their daughter in "real" life and she ALSO has a role on Brothers and Sisters. She's going to be the surrogate for Scotty and Kevin's baby. Apparently she was filming Brothers and Sisters while shooting The City, but they didn't include that storyline. She's really passionate about fashion so they just focused on that. Weird!

Ok, let's begin.

People's Revolution. There's a staff meeting and Kelly Cutrone wants to discuss the Longchamp event at Elle and she wants Roxy and Whit to handle it. Kelly tells them that the Director of PR at Elle and Olivia will be meeting them and Roxy and Whit try to not to roll their eyes. Kelly tells them to do a good job. Whit tells Roxy that Jay (the ex-bf) has been calling and texting her. She admits to Roxy that she "booty called" him before he went on tour. Roxy is fake-pissed that Whit didn't tell her about it. Whit says it's because "She hit it and then she quit it." Roxy laughs. Whit feels like she should meet Jay and explain what's going on. Roxy disagrees. She think Whit should just move on with the new boy.

Opening Credits.

"Hit It and Quit It"

Elle Magazine. Erin is on the phone. She gets off and asks Olivia if she is ready to help with the Longchamp event. Olivia says she doesn't know much about it and asks Erin to explain it. Erin says that Elle is supporting the Kipton Art Foundation and - Olivia interrupts to tell Erin that Kipton is a very good friend of hers. STFU, Olivia. No one cares!!!! SO obnoxious. Erin continues that People's Revolution is representing Longchamp and Elle is going to do a walk-thru with them tomorrow. Olivia says that her former colleague from DVF (WHIT!) will probably be there. Erin tells Olivia that a photographer will be there and that it's her job to walk him around and make sure he gets awesome pics. Like a cocktail party.

Yoga Works, Soho. Whit and Sami are doing yoga and Whit tells her that Jay has been calling her because he found out that she brought Freddie to his apartment. Sami says "who cares?" Exactly!! NO ONE! the yoga instructor. HAHA. Namaste. So now Whit says that she has to talk to Jay. Sami tries to talk her out of it. Whit is looking for someone to tell her that it's ok for her to meet up with Jay. Dumb. Then Sami asks her if she's going to see Freddie again and Whit asks Sami if she's ok with that. Sami says she's totally fine with it.

Valbella, Meatpacking District. Whit has a date with Freddie. HOLY CRAP! He brought his dad, Fridolin Fackelmayer (no f'ing way. Can you imagine growing up with the name Fridolin Fackelmayer? Good Lord!). Whit has no idea his dad is going to be there. Wow, he called Whitney his girlfriend. He looks cuter than he did last time. Whit shows up and says hello. Whit started to ask Fridolin questions. He had very short answers. Fridolin is kind of an ass. He asks Whit what she does and she tells him that she's designing her own clothing line. Fridolin asks how she raises money to do that and she says that she needs investors. He kind of laughs at how ridiculous it is to expect people to invest in a clothing line. Freddie interrupts and says how very proud he is of Whit and that he thinks it's awesome. Fridolin laughs at his son. I think he's foreign...maybe German or something. He excuses himself because his car has arrived. Wow. That was...awkward. Whit tells him that it was a little soon to be meeting his dad. I think Freddie is a little embarassed.

Longchamp Store. Olivia arrives with Erin. Whitney asks Erin what the layout will be. Erin explains the set up and tells them that this is going to support the Kipton Art Foundation. Roxy asks who Kipton is. Erin tells her that he started this foundation to support emerging artists about two years ago. Olivia pipes in that it was longer, like 4 years ago. You know, because she and Kipton are Bffs. Dumb. Roxy asks Erin to assign them specific jobs. So she tells Roxy that she should supervise the photographer and that Olivia can help since she'll know most of the guests. Roxy clarifies that Erin is who they go to if they have any questions. Erin says yes and then Olivia says "And me." Erin laughs and says "Oh yeah, and Olivia, too." Erin thanks them for their help.

Whitney's Apartment. Roxy is teaching Whitney the "All the Single Ladies" dance. They are funny. They are getting ready for the Longchamp event. Whit is telling Roxy about the surprise meeting of Freddie's dad. Roxy asks if he was a good looking older man. Whit says he was fine and Roxy says "He was busted." I guess that's the new "tore up from the floor up." Whit says that dinner was good but she kept thinking about when she met Jay's mom. Apparently Jay's mom sold sex toys for a living. Wow. Really? Roxy's response "Holla!" She's all hip with the lingo isn't she? I guess Freddie is an uptown, socialite sort of person and, SURPRISE, he knows Olivia. Roxy asks if Freddie is a socialite and if there's such a thing as a male socialite. Hmmm.

Kipton Art Foundation Benefit. Kipton Cronkite (Any relation to Walter Cronkite?? NO. His real name isn't even Cronkite, but he's been lying telling people he's a "distant relative" of Walter Cronkite. SHADY!) is thanking everyone for coming and showing their support. Freddie walks in and Olivia immediately greets him. Whit sees him and wants to take Roxy over to meet him. Kelly stops them and tells them to wait for him to come to them! Have I mentioned how much I love Kelly Cutrone?? Freddie is just standing around so it gets awkward and Whit and Roxy go over to him. He's very sweet. He just looks so orange. Easy on the self tanner, Freddie. He says he's heard a lot about Roxy and Roxy says she's heard a lot about him and his DAD! Oh snap! She excuses herself to do work and Whit tells him he looks good. He apologizes for springing his dad - Fridolin - on her and says he'll make it up to her. I don't think it would be such a big deal if his dad wasn't such an ass. Kelly asks Erin how long she's been working at Elle. Erin tells her 4 years. Kelly is telling Erin how she used to be a publicist for Spin Magazine and then she quit and started her own company at 22 years of age. She didn't want to represent people she didn't believe in and when you work for someone else, you have to represent who they tell you to represent and she did not want that. AMEN SISTER! Olivia walks by with Roxy and they are looking for the photographer. They found him and Olivia does the intro with Roxy. Olivia leaves her with the photographer. Then Roxy walks over to Erin and says "I just never knew it could be that hard for a person to help me take some pictures." Erin says "Olivia?" Of course, it's Olivia. Again, you all know I don't like Olivia but this is so unprofessional. Roxy is basically whining to Erin about Olivia and Erin is telling Roxy that Olivia is impossible. Meanwhile Olivia is hanging out with her friends.

Whitney's Apartment. Roxy says that Olivia is a nightmare. Roxy says that something about Freddie really bothers her. Whit says that he grew up with Olivia and they have a lot of the same friends. Roxy is surprised that Olivia has friends. Whit tells Roxy that she's going to get drinks with Jay tonight. Roxy correctly asks WHY?? Whit says she feels like she owes it to him. She's dumb. Roxy tells her to look hot.

Elle Magazine. Erin asks Olivia what happened with the photographer and Roxy. Olivia tells Erin that she introduced Roxy to the photographer and explained to Roxy that she's not in PR and it's not her job to tell her how to take pictures. Olivia says that she knew the photographer so she's confident he did a good job. Erin says it doesn't make Elle look good. And Olivia says that Roxy works for a PR company so it's her job. Erin says that the people at the benefit were part of Olivia's world and they were her socialite friends and Olivia really could've used that to her benefit. Olivia starts laughing and says "Come on. Really?" Erin says that Olivia didn't have to be rude and that Roxy thought she was rude. Olivia laughs and says "Well, that's her problem." Bitch.

Paris Commune, West Village. Whit meets Jay for drinks. They small talk about her clothes line and his tour. Jay brings up Freddie coming to his house with Whit. He asks if she was seeing him the last time she hooked up with Jay. She says no, that she met him after Jay was gone on tour. Then she apologizes for bringing him to Jay's apartment. Jay's more upset that he's some Wall Street guy who hangs out with Olivia Palermo. Whit says she doesn't have to justify what he is to Jay. Go Whit! Jay says that he's just worried because Freddie's not a good guy. Whit tells him that if Freddie wasn't good to her she wouldn't be dating him. Jay says that he thinks "that one is going to bite you in the ass". Whit tells him that it's her life. Jay looks disappointed and tells her that he hopes she made the right choice and leaves. Whit is sad.

See you next time.

The Hills, Season 5, Episode 515

Last time on The Hills: Holly is an alcoholic, Brody and Jayde fight all the time, and Kristin forgives Justin (and he goes to meet Audrina)

Kristin's Place, Malibu. Bartender Stacie and Kristin are talking on the beach and BS tells Kristin she needs to have a party. Kristin wants to have a beach party that "goes into the night." They start talking about the guest list. Kristin tells BS that JB cooked her dinner, so BS asks if that eliminates the strike. (Kristin has a three strikes and you're out rule). Kristin says NO and that if he flakes again, he's out. He doesn't even get three.

Opening Credits.

"Sorry Boo, Strike Two"

Villa Blanca, Beverly Hills. Brody and Jayde are having some white wine and enjoying a nice lunch date. He thanks her for his birthday party. Then he tells her that Kristin is having a beach party and asks if Jayde is coming with him. Jayde says that she doesn't want to be at Kristin's and doesn't want Brody to go either. He says he's going and she rolls her eyes.

Speidi's House, Hollywood. Heidi is babysitting Enzo and Sponge Bob walks into the room. UGH. They talk about Kristin's party and Sponge Bob asks if Holly is still drinking and Heidi tells him "not in front of Enzo". Then Heidi says that Holly told her she's not drinking and Sponge Bob says "Your sister is a liar." Enzo: "Your sister is a liar. " Heh. Heidi: "I think Holly is good." Enzo: "I think Holly is good." Sponge Bob says "I think Holly should move home" Enzo "I think Holly should move home." Heidi "You're wrong, Spencer." Enzo: "You're wrong, Spencer." Sponge Bob "You're wrong, Heidi." Enzo: Silent...then "You're wrong, Spencer." HA!

Kristin's House, Malibu. It's the day of the beach party. BS and Kristin are setting up. She-Pratt and Holly show up. The boys show up and everyone is on the beach. Holly starts with a Jack and Coke and now she's doing shots. Kristin asks about Jayde (who is a no-show). JB texts Kristin "Sorry boo, strike two. I'll text you later." HA! Kristin decides that she's done with JB. Uh-oh, watch out, Jayde. Kristin is about to pounce on your man.

Holly is drunk and dancing on the beach. Wow. No shame. She is having fun. She-Pratt comes up to her and asks Holly if she's ok with drinking and stuff. Holly says she's fine and just dancing and having a good time. She says she hasn't had that much to drink. Holly doesn't look that drunk. JB shows up and now Kristin is...pissed. She doesn't understand why he would text that and then show up. OH GOOD LORD. Just be happy he's there. SO MUCH UNNECESSARY DRAMA. Brody goes to talk to JB. JB says he was just joking and Brody tells him that Kristin isn't into head games. JB starts laughing and says he doesn't care but that he thinks Brody might care. Brody denies it but not well. SNAP! JB just called you out! Brody distracts JB by telling him to do shots. Brody walks in the house and JAYDE is there. He's surprised and she asks him to take off his shades so she can see his eyes. Then he says, "what else do you want, QUEEN JAYDE?" and she tells him he's rude.

Audrina's house. Lo comes over and Audrina is watering plants. Audrina tells Lo about seeing JB the other night. Lo listens and then says "I hate to say it but all signs point to, he's not over you." Audrina attempts to look thoughtful.

Kristin's party. Kristin walks up to JB and pushes him. He laughs. She tells him his text wasn't funny. He's tells her to get over herself. She says "I'm done." JB says "Look. Were you happy when I got here or when I wasn't coming?" Good point. You know I don't like to give JB credit, but he's right. Kristin is kind of being stupid. She finally says that she was happy that he showed up and he says "throw the text out the window, then". Kristin goes into girl mode and says that she can't rely on him. WTF? He's not your boyfriend, remember?? UGH. This is why guys think girls are crazy. Meanwhile, Jayde is crying to her playmate friends about Brody being drunk and rude and flirty with Kristin. Brody comes up and starts fighting with Jayde. Oh Good Lord! These guys are f***ed up. GROW UP, PEOPLE!! Brody walks away and says "I'm done" about fifteen times and says "It's over." Jayde leaves.

Kristin's house. Next day. Kristin and BS are chatting. BS is telling Kristin that Holly was totally dancing her ass off. Personally, I think Holly is harmless. Ok, so she drinks and then dances her ass off. Who cares? She likes to dance!!! It's not like she's sleeping around or driving drunk or being reckless. She's drinking and dancing. Jeez. They start talking about JB and Brody and Kristin says she had more fun with Brody. Then she says "How funny would it be if I started dating Brody again?" BS says "How pissed would Jayde be??" Oh, that's a fantastic reason to date piss off their recent ex.

Speidi's House. She-Pratt is telling Heidi that Holly was drinking. Heidi is SHOCKED because Holly told her she wasn't going to drink ever again. Right. Because that's how sobriety works. Stupid. Holly comes over. Heidi asks about the beach party and Holly tells her it was fun. Heidi asks if Holly drank and Holly said that she had a couple of drinks. Heidi says that Holly promised she wouldn't drink ever again. Holly says she doesn't know where that miscommunication came from. Holly says that she told Heidi she would tone it down, but she's an adult and can have a couple of drinks if she wants. Heidi asks Holly if she thinks she has a problem and Holly says NOT AT ALL. Holly goes on to say that she sometimes goes weeks without drinking at all. She-Pratt interrupts and reminds Holly of She-Pratt's history. Holly says that she told She-Pratt she wasn't drunk at the party and She-Pratt says "don't bullshit a bullshitter." Then Holly says that they are different people and She-Pratt is projecting her shit onto Holly. I actually agree. She-Pratt was a hot mess with drugs/anorexia/alcohol. Holly drinks and dances. She's harmless. She-Pratt says it's rude for Holly to bullshit her. Holly is completely annoyed that she's being patronized by She-Pratt and her YOUNGER sister. Heidi says that she knows she's the younger sister but Holly is her ONLY sister. Heidi says that she feels responsible and starts crying and Holly is crying. Now She-Pratt and Heidi are hugging her and Holly is crying. She-Pratt tells Holly that they love her SO MUCH and that she just has to go to rehab. WTF? Holly gets up and says she has to get out of there and that she "doesn't need this from you guys." I really haven't seen Holly do anything other than dance when she's been drinking. No falling, no beligerence, no fights. Jeez. She-Pratt needs to check herself especially since she just got a DUI!

Brody's Condo. Brody starts by saying that Jayde was crazy the other night. Then, they start fighting. Brody says that Jayde started drinking and talking shit with her friends and caused a scene and embarassed him at Kristin's house. Jayde says that Kristin is manipulative and likes to start problems. Brody tells her to stop fighting about stupid things. Brody says that he doesn't "think" he has feelings for Kristin. Bad move, Brody. Jayde says "Why are we even sitting here talking if you don't know if you have feelings for another girl??" Then she gets up and tries to leave and Brody tries to stop her. She says "You figure out what you want to do. And if you want to get back together and you want to apologize, then you can call me" and leaves. She has a point. Why would you say that you aren't sure how you feel about another girl to your "girlfriend"?? Brody = not so smart.

See you next time...

SYTYCD, 20 to 18

Tonight the top twenty will perform and the jidges will ask two dancers to leave!! No results show this week. It's all in one.

I love how they change the sound when the "Tap Dancers" are introduced so you can hear them tapping.

Let's welcome the "jidges" - Spirit Fingers, Screamer and Creepy are all here. The fourth chair is still waiting for Paula Ab-drool.

Right off the bat, Creepy tells us that Billy will not be returning to the show due to an illness. Too bad because he was so good. Also, Mollee's bff, Noelle, will not be dancing tonight due to a knee injury.

Let's get started:

Channing and Phillip

Channing looks like a female softball player. She's a little "thick". I'm not being catty. She's NOT fat at all, but she's a little too athletic-looking to be a graceful dancer. Phillip is one of the "tappers". They will be doing a jive choreographed by Jason Gilkison (a new choreographer this season). They dance to Rockin' Robin by the Jackson 5. It was cute. Not super complicated. It was good, but didn't really blow me away. To be perfectly frank, I mostly paid attention to Channing. I didn't really notice Phillip, but I think he was fine. Overall, it was good.

Ashleigh and Jakob

Tyce Diorio is going to choreograph a sultry broadway number for them. Ashleigh kind of bugs me. She's the wife. They are dancing to Hit Me With A Hot Note by the Sophisticated Ladies. It was definitely sexy and sultry. I thought Jakob did a great job. He's a really good dancer. Ashleigh was just being sexy and her hair is too long. It's a little too Crystal Gayle for me. She needs to cut it or put it up or something. The performance was good. [OMG - I forgot how annoying Mary's voice is! I'm going to have to fast forward through the "feedback".]

Ariana and Peter

They are doing a Tabitha and Napoleon routine!!!! LOVE T&N! I know Peter is the tapper, but I don't know too much about Ariana. They are dancing to Black & Gold by Sam Sparro. That was AWESOME. They were totally in sync. I thought they did great. Spirit Fingers didn't think they danced the same. Screamer thought they got lazy. Creepy didn't like it. I disagree completely. I'm not the expert, but I really liked it.

Noelle and Russell

Since Noelle is out, Russell is dancing with Melanie (one of the choreographers). I'm assuming it's some latin ballroom style. I missed the intro because there was "Breaking News" about the Bay Bridge closure. They are doing a great job. Russell is the crumper but he's really doing great with ballroom. Admittedly, Ballroom is my least favorite style and I always find it a little boring. That being said, Russell did great.

Bianca and Victor

They are doing a contemporary piece by choreographer, Travis Wall!!! I love him. They dance to Wasted Time by Me'Shell Ndegeocello [I love Me'Shell. My favorite of hers is "Fool of Me"]. Biance has the shortest body and the longest legs ever. Maybe it's the dress. Great dance. Loved the choreography. I thought they were GREAT. I agree with Spirit Fingers...Bianca needs to work on relaxing her shoulders. Maybe that will elongate her midsection. Overall, great dance!

Karen and Kevin

Karen is from Venezuela so her latin style is natural. Hey! How come I'm not a natural latin dancer? My dad is Portuguese. Kevin is a hip-hop dancer. They are dancing a cha cha choreographed by Tony Meredith and Melanie Lapatin. SWEET!!! They are dancing to Push It by the GLEE CAST!! My two favorite shows are colliding. No, the Glee Cast isn't there, but they are the ones singing. LOVE IT! Hmmm. I don't know if it was the choreography (lots of spins and hips moving) or the song or the dancers, but it was ... ok. Nothing spectacular. I didn't think it looked that hard. Yes, she was sexy, but...meh.

Ryan and Ellenore

Oh Lord. It's a Sonya Tayeh. Let's see what craziness she has them do this time. Ryan is the husband. I like him and Ellenore. He's hot in a "Jersey" sort of way and she's adorable. They are dancing to Arcadia by Apparat. It's like a more upbeat version of the bird dance with Hok and Jamie from a few seasons ago. That was awesome. Great job! She's so cute. I like her. The jidges agree. I mean, it's still a Sonya piece so it's weird and nonsensical, but it worked. I really liked it.

Damn Breaking News!!! I missed the intro...

Brandon and Pauline

Brandon is taking Billy's place so he came in mid-week. They are dancing to You Light Up My Life but I don't know who is singing because of the stupid breaking news. It's a ballroom piece choreographed by Jason Gilkison. The jidges think they did a lovely waltz. I thought it was boring but I'm sure that's mostly because it was ballroom. Meh.

Kathryn and Legacy

Legacy? Really? WTF? Is that what his mom named him? Dumb. They are doing a hip hop routine choreographed by Dave Scott. I hope Kathryn doesn't cry and get all high pitched. They are dancing to On & On by Missy Elliot. Legacy is a b-boy so this is right up his alley. I thought it was really good. I like the style and it was well executed. I thought they did an awesome job.

DAMMIT. Another breaking news segment! We get it, the bridge is closed!

Mollee and Nathan

They are doing a disco routine choreographed by Doriana Sanchez. They are dancing to Turn the Beat Around by Gloria Estefan. Disco is always fun. This routine was no exception. I thought they had a lot of fun with it. Nathan is so freaking adorable. They are a hot little couple. I think they are both still teenagers. SO CUTE. They did great.

My favorite couples are Mollee and Nathan and Ryan and Ellenore. I also really like Jakob. Let's see how they did...

Dancing for their lives are Ariana, Brandon, Pauline and Russell (WTF?). I'm not totally surprised although I would swap Ashleigh for Ariana and Phillip or Kevin for Russell.

Ariana is first and dances to Darkest Hour by Charlotte Martin. Next is Russell with Give The Drummer Sum by Black Milk. Pauline is third dancing to Magalenha by Sergio Mendes. Finally we have Brandon dancing to Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer. Well, folks, it's a no brainer for me. I think Brandon and Pauline should go home. Let's see if the jidges agree...

YES and NO.

Eliminated: Ariana and Brandon. Since Brandon was not technically selected to be part of the Top Twenty and was only there because Billy got sick, Nigel is going to ask FOX if they will allow Brandon to re-enter the competition next year. Nigel, aren't you the creator and executive producer??? Do whatever you want, dude. Jeez.

See you next time when the Top 18 perform!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SYTYCD, Top Twenty Perform

The three judges are: Nigel "Creepy" Lythgoe, Mary "Screamer" Murphy and Adam "Spirit Fingers" Shankman. But wait, there's another chair. Apparently, Nigel is trying to recruit Paula Abdul to be the fourth judge!! That would actually be great. I think Paula is a much better dancer than singer.

Cat is in a black dress with sequence sporadically on the dress. Hmmmm. Interesting.

Wade "I broke Brittany and Justin up" Robson choreographed the first number. It's a "zoot suit" type dance to Comanche by The Revels. It's pretty awesome. It looks like it takes place in the "zoot suit" era.

Up next, Tabitha and Napoleon routine!!! YES! The hip-hop (Kevin), crumper (Russell), and b-boy (Legacy) are doing this routine. Sweet!! They are dancing to Beggin' (District 78 remix) by Madcon. That was SICK! They ROCKED IT!

Since the teams are just showcasing their own styles, I am skipping the judge commentary.

Next up is the first contemporary routine. Nathan, Arianna, Jakob and Channing. Tyce Diorio is choreographing this one. They are dancing to Crying by K.D. Lang. That was actually really beautiful. Nice job, Tyce.

Now we get to see the tappers!! Biana, Peter and Phillip are tapping. NEW choreographer, Derick K. Grant, will be working with these guys. They are dancing to Take the "A" Train by Ella Fitzgerald. It was really great, although, I tuned out halfway through it.

Jazz is up. Mollee, Pauline and Ellenore are dancing. Sonya Tajeh is choreographing...ugh. I hope it's good. Sonya bugs me, but sometimes her routines are good. They are dancing to On A Cloud by PPP. Hmmm...meh.

The second contemporary dancers are next. Victor, Noelle, Kathryn and Billy (Elliot!) are all dancing a Mandy Moore piece. YAY! I like Mandy Moore. I hope she grows this season now that Mia is out! They are dancing to Viva la Vida by Coldplay. It was ... ok. There was several mistakes and it was a little cheesy with the "Autumn" scene in the background.

Finally, we have ballroom. Ashleigh, Ryan and Kareen will dance to a Jason Gilkison routine. Who? Is this guy new? I don't remember him. They are dancing to Everything I Can't Have by Robin Thicke. Muy caliente! That was good....for ballroom. It was more Salsa than Ballroom.

That's it...tune in for the first night of competition.

So You Think You Can Dance, Top Twenty revealed!

OMG. Mia Michaels shaved her head. Weird.

Channing (contemporary) - She's the soccer player. I like her.

Nathan (contemporary) - He's the youngest and he's awesome. He tried out for Season 5 but he was too young.

Russell (crump) - He's cool.

Kathryn (contemporary) - She gets really emotional and when she's talking and crying, her voice gets higher and higher.

Billy (contemporary) - Billy Elliot. That's seriously what I think of when I see him.

Ariana (contemporary) - meh.

Ellenore (jazz) - meh.

Jakob (contemporary) - meh.

Biana (tap) - First tap dancer...altho she shares that title with two others.

Kevin (hip-hop) - meh.

Mollee (jazz) - very immature. She and Noelle met in Vegas and now they're bff.

Phillip (tap) - He has a bit of an attitude.

Noelle (comtemporary) - Mollee's bff.

Victor (contemporary) - cutie!!

Pauline (jazz) - she's good. She was hurt in vegas, but she's still good.

Peter (tap) - Tap dancer #3.

Karen (ballroom) - meh.

Legacy (b-boy) - he's crazy good.

Ashleigh (ballroom) - she's the wife.

Ryan (ballroom) - he's the husband.

I don't have a favorite you?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 6

The Lawyahs left!! WOOT! That's all we need to remember from last time.

The Blondes are the first to leave the Pit Stop, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.

THE CLUE: Teams must choose one of the 7 locked briefcases. Then they will travel by taxi to the Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club and search the marina's boardwalk for their next clue.

Blondes take off. They are in the taxi and call Dubai, an "island Vegas". I see their point. It's full of big flashy buildings and it's extremely hot. They arrive at the yacht club and find the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: In this roadblock, team members will need to row a raft to a yacht anchored offshore and find the sheik who will give them a watch - the Arab custom of hospitality. The team members will then return to the dock to open their briefcase. They must figure out that the time on the watch - 8:35 - is the combination to the briefcase.

Cheyne (oops...I've been spelling his name wrong this whole time) decides to do the Roadblock. He is singing "Row row row your boat gently down Dubai..." as he rows to the yacht. He makes it, gets the watch and heads back.

Team USA is second to depart followed by the Globes. Next to leave are Farmers. They are SO CUTE. This is the longest they've ever spent together and they are totally getting along well. Matt brought hair dye (pink) and his dad helped him re-dye his hair the night before. LOVE THEM!

Cheyne comes back with the watch and the Blondes quickly determine that the time is the combination. They open their briefcase and get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Abra Station, a water taxi stop, and search for their next clue.

Brian is rowing for Team USA because Miss America "doesn't do water". (insert eye roll here). Brian is having some difficulties. Rainbow now takes off. They are still in an alliance with Poker Chicks. Ugh. Brian makes it to the yacht and gets the watch. Team USA figures out the time/combination connection and they head to Abra Station.

Meanwhile, the Globes' cabbie took them to the wrong place! Now they have to turn around and head to the right yacht club.

The Farmers make it to the yacht club and the dad is rowing for the team. He's not used to rowing and lays stomach down and paddles.

The Blondes make it to Abra Station. [Where are the other teams?? We have not seen Clueless or Poker Chicks.] They find the next clue.

DETOUR: "Gold" or "Glass". In Gold, teams must find a jewelry store and use a precision scale to weigh $500,000 worth of gold. To do this, teams must figure out that they will need to divide $500,000 by the gold exchange rate on the screen in the store and the exchange rate is constantly changing so they need to work quickly to receive their next clue. In Glass, teams make their way to the spice market. There they will choose a crate with disassembled hookah parts. Teams will have to use ALL parts from their crate to assemble 12 hookahs using 3 sample hookahs as their guide. When they finish, they will receive their next clue.

The Blondes choose Glass and head out.

Gary (Farmers) gets the watch and heads back. The Poker Chicks head to the yacht club followed by Clueless. Farmers figure it out and head to Abra Station. Big Easy (Globes) is rowing for the Globes and they are playing the "Globetrotter" music in the background. Awesome.

The Blondes grab a crate and start to assemble. Meghan is getting frustrated. Team USA arrives at Abra Station and picks Gold. Brian is doing math.

Rainbow shows up at the yacht club and Dan is rowing. He and Big Easy are using their arms to row instead of the oars. They both make it back with the watches as the Poker Chicks head out. Tiffany will be rowing. Big Easy can't figure out the comination. Rainbows get it and head out. C'mon Big Easy! He's still not getting it. Clueless arrives and the Globes are still struggling. OMG. Flight Time is funny! He sees Clueless pull up and says "If we stay here long enough, Lance and Keri will show up." HAHA!! The Lawyahs!! It made me laugh...but it's also late, so maybe it's not that funny.

Canaan is rowing for Clueless. Tiffany is back for the Poker Chicks and figured it out. DAMN! He keeps saying "It's on the 8 and the 7. What's the third number?" Oh Big Easy!! C'mon.

Meanwhile, the Blondes are building hookahs and Brian is trying to do math for Team USA.

Big Easy is still struggling to figure it out. Canaan came back and is looking at the clock. He figures it out as Mika asks "does a Muslim clock work different?" I can't make this stuff up. The Globes FINALLY figure it out and head out. At least they can laugh at themselves. Big Easy says "the 'hood is saying 'Read the watch, dummy!'" because he was saying how he was representing the 'hood when he was rowing.

The Blondes are still putting together the hookahs. Brian is having trouble with the math. He wants to give up but Miss America says that he's smart at this stuff so they are staying. She says that she's better at spending money and Brian is smart and good at math. Then she says "I'm sure glad I married up." Again, laughing out loud. Is this show not funny? Am I just tired? Do I just think this is funny because it's late?

Farmers finally make it to Abra Station and are doing Glass. HAHA. Matt is explaining to his dad what a hookah is and says that you put "tobacco" in the middle. His dad says "you probably smoked something else." Heh. The Blondes are still trying to figure out what they've done incorrectly. They don't realize that they have to use ALL of the pieces. Brian decides to try the math one more time. Miss America is cracking herself up: "Brian's got a heard of gold. Too bad he doesn't know how to count it!" HA! She's right...they can't get the right number, so they decide to do Glass. The Blondes are totally frustrated. They finally figured out how to incorporate the missing pieces and they got the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Atlantis, The Palm, Dubai resort. It looks just like the one in the Bahamas. It's like an exact replica. I wish I was there again. LOVE the waterslides. So jealous. Anyhow, they must make their way to Atlantis and find the "Leap of Faith" waterslide (I totally went down that one!!!), go down and find their next clue. SO FUN! Best.Clue.Ever.

Team USA makes it to Glass and start trying to assemble the hookahs. They finished, but it was wrong. Farmers show up. Rainbow and Poker Chicks pick gold. Rainbow is smart - they brought a calculator with them!! I spoke too soon, they don't know what to do with the calculator. Maybe Poker chicks will help. They do and help Rainbow. But the number changed before they could finish.

Clueless do Glass and join the group with the hookahs. Rainbow and Poker Chicks got gold and head to Atlantis. Their alliance has totally done them good.

The Blondes make it to Leap of Faith. They both do it and get their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now search the ground for Dolphin Bay Beach...the PIT STOP for this leg of the race.

The Blondes are team #1. Cheyne grabs Meghan and throws her in the water. They each get a water craft.

Globes show up to do Glass. Team USA is still not getting it. Miss America is totally frustrated. Team USA figures out that the striped hoses go with striped bases. Globes give up and go do gold.

Poker chicks and Rainbow do the Leap of Faith. SO FUN! It totally gives you a wedgie, but it's so worth it.

Poker Chicks are team #2. Rainbow is team #3.

Farmers got it!!! YEAH!!! They head to Atlantis. Team USA is doing the Leap of Faith. He's scared of heights, she's scared of water. Nice. They make it.

Team USA is team #4.

Globes are doing Gold and having issues. Clueless makes it and head to Atlantis. Mika is scared of water and terrified of heights. This is going to be awesome. Farmers make it down the Leap of Faith. They are so cute. I love them.

Farmers are team #5.

Clueless is at the Leap of Faith. OMG. Mika has floaties on her arm. I shit you not. The girl has floaties on. Canaan is pulling her towards the water slide and she's freaking out. Canaan has no patience for her. Canaan very assertively - like a father to a daughter - says "We're not losing this race because of this." She is refusing, screaming, yelling that she's not doing it.

Globes head to Atlantis.

Mika is saying that this is her worst nightmare. Canaan is trying to calmly talk to her. Now he's physically trying to push her down the slide. Jeez. She screams and he yells "You're going to make us lose the race because you won't go down a waterslide." She tries to sit on the slide and stands up and says that she can't do it. Canaan: "You're breaking my heart. Please do this. You'll regret not doing it." Will she buy it??

Globes are on their way.

Canaan has given up and is standing on the other side of the slide not paying attention. Mika finally gets up the nerve and sits on the slide by herself. Rather than let her do it by herself, Canaan sees an opening and tries to push her down again. She tells him to go away and he does. Mika says "Canaan, why do you hate me?" Canaan: "Because you're being a complete moron." HA! Uh oh, the Globes arrive. When a team comes up behind you, you have 2 minutes to go down the slide. If you don't do it, you have to let the team go ahead of you. The Globes are telling her not to do it. She doesn't do it and lets the Globes go first. Damn. Canaan calls Big Easy a piece of crap for telling Mika not to do it. Then Canaan goes down. Mika ... doesn't do it. She walks down the stairs.

The Globes are team #6.

Clueless walks up and they are ELIMINATED. Canaan says he doesn't hold it against her. He doesn't know what it's like to have a crippling fear. "There's freedom in forgiveness." She's lucky he's Christian. I would have been PISSED!

See you next time.

Friday, October 23, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 4

Everyone is drinking...surprise, surprise. Katie is getting in on the drunk action. FINALLY!! I know she's engaged now, but I bet she's still got a little crazy in her. Katie and Veronica are slurring to each other about a plunger that was in Katie's bed. WTF? Kenny and Evan are laughing and Katie goes ape shit. She starts screaming/slurring and waving the plunger around. Kenny is such a dick. He says that Katie is dead weight and ugly. What? Seriously?? These kids need an education and some maturity.

Brad, Dunbar, KA and Sarah are motivating each other to really kick ass. They don't really have anyone else to lose at this point. They just need to fight to stay in the game.

In another room, the Mayor of Crazytown (Tonya) is totally shitfaced. She's slurring and falling down. Bad. Derrick and Bananas are talking to her (and laughing). Now Evan comes in and makes it worse. Cohutta looks on and interviews that Johnny, Kenny and Evan really give Tonya a hard time, but she makes such an easy target. Just after than, we see Evan squirting sunscreen on Tonya's back as she tries to walk away. Then someone throws baby powder on her face. Jeez. These guys are ridiculous. Evan interviews "It's always fun to pick on the confused kid. The one person that will get angry, get mad, pee her pants and then go to bed." Wes says that Tonya is a ticking time bomb. Jeez. I kind of feel bad for her. Those guys are assholes.

The next day Tonya and Katie are talking outside. Katie is telling Tonya that she has to separate her real life from the challenge and she sympathizes and says that she's a lot like Tonya. I have to admit, when she's sober, Katie is actually a good person. Ibis asks what happened and Tonya just says that she wishes she didn't drink as much as she does. MTV should do a Real World/Road Rules Rehab show. They could have Dr. Drew run it. It would be like Celebrity Rehab, but just with Real World/Road Rules people.

Ibis is encouraging Tonya to try not to drink as much. I get that she's being supportive, but it doesn't usually work that way. Tonya needs professional help. As Brad says, Tonya just got divorced and needs to get her shit together. That's not going to happen on this show. I understand that Tonya is an adult and makes her own decisions. But, I feel like MTV should be a little more responsible and not hire her when they know she's so messed up. I mean, it makes for good TV, but if she overdoses or something, that's a huge liability...not to mention bad press.

Later that night, Evan and Kenny are back at it. Katie is the target again. They put the plunger in her bed. She's drunk and gets all irate. She's yelling at Evan and Kenny and Sarah is in there and just laughs quietly at the trainwreck in front of her. I can't really blame her. It's a total shit show. Katie gets really mad that Sarah is laughing and orders her to get the F out of her room. [Tangent - This totally reminds me of when my sister and I would fight and she would get so mad that it would make me laugh. And the more I laughed the angrier she got...which it made it even funnier. Ahhh. Good times.] Sarah is shocked and Katie keeps screaming for her to leave. Bananas and Ibis are sitting with their heads down until Katie starts chasing Sarah out of the room. Then Bananas holds her back and yells for her to calm down. Two words: Hot Mess! Katie makes it clear she does NOT like Sarah. Wow.


Sarah is feeling sad that Katie doesn't like her. Evan and Kenny are trying to make her feel better. Evan brings her flowers to make her feel included and welcome her back to the group. SO DUMB. I get it, Katie is insane. But, Kenny and Evan are assholes. I guess there isn't much to choose from.


Challengers - Dunbar, Danny, Cohutta, Sarah, Casey and Kim
Champions - Darrell, Derrick, Bananas, Tonya, Katie and Susie

The Challenge - "Burning Bridge" - Teams must build a floating bridge out to their team raft and then light the torch on the raft. Each team member will take turns swimming out to retrieve a piece of the bridge. Once there, the team member will need to release it from it's anchor and then take it to it's place leading to the raft. Once the bridge is completed, one team member will run across it with a torch and light the torch on the raft. First team to do this, wins.

Katie and Kim will be lighting the torches for their teams.

Wes is first to swim for the Champions and Brad is going for the Challengers. Brad falls a little behind. Next up are Bananas and Danny. Followed by Veronica and Sarah. Sarah kicks ass and closes the gap between the teams. Tonya and Dunbar are next. Tonya goes out there and gets lost. She can't release the bridge piece and Challengers pull ahead. Next up is Cohutta for the Challengers. He gets back and it's KA and Johanna. Champions are one behind. Then, it's Casey for the Challengers and she's swimming slow ass backstroke out to the pieces. Evan calls her a drowning kitten. She finally makes it to the piece and gets on top of it, then rolls off like a seal. She starts panicking and takes these loud breaths. She's freaking out. Meanwhile, Syrus takes off for the Champions followed by Ibis and Darrell. The Champions pull ahead and Susie goes out. Casey is still having issues. Kenny is off for the Champions and Casey is not able to release the piece. Evan takes off and finishes the bridge. Katie takes off and is basically crawling along the bridge, but it doesn't matter because Casey is STILL out there.

Champions win.

The nominees are all deliberating and deciding who goes into The Ruins.

Champions: Katie volunteers and asks to pick Casey. Bananas says that Casey helped them win because she sucks so they want to keep her. So, Katie chooses Sarah. Darrell volunteers and picks Danny.

Nighttime. Tonya is completely wasted. Bananas interviews that Tonya is always the unstable, knucklehead female but tonight she's in Defcon 5 mode. Heh. OMG!!! She's talking to Wes and there's a moth flying around. She catches it in her hand and EATS IT!!! GROSS. Even Wes is laughing and looking at her like she's crazy. She chases it down with some beer. Sick.

Tonya is now outside talking to Veronica and Casey. She says to Veronica that she's still reliving the other challenge they were on together.

FLASHBACK: Veronica is telling Tonya - in front of a group of people - "No more masterbating when we're all still up talking in the same room." Veronica then starts demonstrating what Tonya does and Tonya clearly looks embarassed and annoyed.

Back to present day. Veronica just says that it was funny and Tonya says it wasn't funny to her. Tonya then says that it was "the rudest f****** thing you could ever say". Veronica doesn't understand and is kind of smiling and Tonya is angry. Veronica walks inside and Tonya follows her in. Tonya stops to scream that "Veronica is leaving!" to Bananas, Derrick, Dunbar, and Cohutta. She says that she hates Veronica more than she's ever hated anyone in her entire life.

Veronica is in another part of the house eating - noodles, I think - with Kim and they both talk about how crazy Tonya is and how she's more of a drunk now than she was before. Tonya comes into the room and tells Veronica to shut the F*** up. Now, Wes, Bananas, Cohutta and others are in the room. Rather than just ignore Tonya, Veronica decides to argue back. Veronica is not getting angry enough, so Crazytrain Tonya walks up to her and hits the noodles out of Veronica's hand all over Kim!! Tonya looks like a mad woman. She's got her glasses on, her hair is wild and she's in Veronica's face. Veronica is just laughing at her and telling Tonya how crazy she is. Tonya is just yelling in Veronica's face and Veronica is backing away. Tonya tells her "You don't make fun of someone who is half your age!!" Veronica yells back "Who here is half my age? You're not half my age." Tonya: "Not now." Veronica: "Not ever!" What a ridiculous conversation. Tonya tries to say she's sober, but no one is buying it. She's totally gone off the deep end. Wes interviews that all Veronica needs to do is step away and be the bigger person. He's right. But Veronica is just not going to do that. She keeps arguing with Tonya. Then, Tonya is standing there and Veronica grins and smirks, "Are you done? You are crazy. Let's just call a spade a spade." Tonya walks up to her and slaps Veronica across the face!!! As crazy as I think Tonya is, Veronica bugs me way more and that slap was AWESOME.

We come back from commercial and we see the slap again. Then Tonya keeps hitting Veronica and pulls her hair and it's a full on brawl. LOVE IT!! Where's the mud?!?! Wes jumps in to break them up and pull them apart and finally Evan comes in to help him. Veronica is smiling, but it's that "I'm totally embarassed that I just got my ass kicked sort of smile." She has a bloody lip. Evan holds onto Tonya and Tonya starts bawling. It's actually kind of sad. She's so broken.

Veronica is so freaking smug, it's irritating. Evan tells her to get out of the room and Veronica brats "Why do I have to leave?" Evan just says "V, it's gone far enough. Get the fuck out!" Veronica finally swaggers out. Tonya is bawling hysterically. Cohutta interviews that everyone in the room is stunned and is realizing that they should have intervened sooner. Evan interviews that "Veronica still doesn't think she did anything wrong. Veronica has "bad news" written all over her and it ain't for me." He's right. I'm torn on Evan. I think Kenny is always a d-bag. But Evan has his moments. He teases Tonya a lot, but you can see that he does care, too. I think it's just immaturity. Evan then interviews "As much as we bug Tonya and Tonya's completely out of her mind, Tonya is a part of our family. And I know that Tonya thinks this is the only family she has. So we need to embrace her, comfort her and get her through this." See? He's not so bad. And, he's smart to stay away from Veronica -- she's SHADY. Evan tells Tonya that no matter what situation she goes home to, he, Kenny, Cohutta, and Bananas will pick up her calls. The producer walks in and Tonya is sent home.

All the players are upstairs and Evan walks in. Veronica asks what she should have done differently. Evan tells her that she's a rational girl and Tonya isn't and that it went too far. Then Bananas says that Veronica went to a place that she shouldn't have gone. I'm assuming he means calling Tonya "crazy". Veronica starts to cry and doesn't understand why "the crazy person who just attacked her" has everyone's support. She expected more "friendship" support from Evan, so no more "cuddle time" for him. Veronica storms out of the room.

Tonya leaves the house. Tonya knows she's an alcoholic. She needs help and I really hope MTV will get her that help. As she's leaving, she says "I'm f****** ruined." It's really sad. I feel sad for her. However, she knew she had a problem before she signed up and yet she still decided to put herself on national television.

The rest of the guys are all talking in the house and Evan says that everyone has their own opinions about what happened. He then says that they've all had their fun at Tonya's expense. Wes speaks up that he NEVER has done or said anything to Tonya and neither has Derrick and neither has Cohutta. Oh snap! Wes points to Evan, Bananas and Kenny and totally calls them out. I don't like Wes that much, but he's so right on here. Wes interviews that those three have harassed and teased and made fun of Tonya from the beginning. Now that Tonya is gone, those three want to be the "good guys" and say that she has all these problems and show their concern. I'm with Wes. Evan gets all defensive and tells Wes he's not Oprah...missing the point entirely.

Katie and Derrick are talking outside. Katie tells him that she's not doing another challenge. Katie interviews that she misses her fiance and that she's ready to be a wife and a mother and move on with her life. THANK GOD! I have a sneaking feeling that Katie is going to lose the Ruins.


"O Ring" - Each person will be suspended at the center of The Ruins and they will each be holding onto the same "ring" (which is also hanging and suspended). When TJ says "GO", they will have to wrestle the ring away from their opponent. The person to do it twice, wins.

Katie v. Sarah

Katie wins the first one. Sarah wins the second. They are both talking serious shit to each other. SARAH WINS!! Wow. The two crazies are gone. On her way out, Katie says that the most she will remember of her time in Thailand is "bugs and a house full of assholes." Nice. Way to go out on top, Katie.

Darrell v. Danny

Darrell wins the first one. Danny wins the second one. DARRELL WINS!!! Danny is going home.

Susie says that the house has now gotten rid of the two crazies, Tonya and Katie. BUT, she says that she thinks Veronica is close behind in the crazy department. PHEW. I thought it would be boring without a hot mess in the house. Sounds like we may still have one. Veronica tells Casey and KA that she feels like she's next on the chopping block. Evan and Kenny are lying in bed talking strategy. Evan whispers: "The game is about to get real funny and we just need to keep our heads above water 'cause a lot of people are about to sink. You and I have always said 'Make it to the final week and trick everyone until you get there.'"

Until next time...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 17

Previously on The City: Olivia managed to pull it together. Damn. Kelly Cutrone was awesome. Whitney was dumb.

Jeffrey, New York. Samantha and Whit are shoe shopping. Sami is telling Whit about an event about Lifeguards happening that night and invites Whit but tells her NOT to invite Roxy. They throw pennies in the fountain (in the middle of the store...weird) and wish to meet cute boys tonight. Sami misses the fountain entirely. Dumb.


"Meet the Fackelmayers"

Elle Magazine. Erin goes into Joe's office to show him the Page 6 "mention" of some party. Joe is telling Erin about all the people coming to the party. Joe says they should invite Olivia to the party and sees that Erin disagrees. Joe says that he really wants her there and calls Olivia to come into his office. Joe tells Olivia that Carol Smith, the Chief Branding Officer at Elle, is having a small party at her house and he would like Olivia to come so she can meet more of the "Elle" family. Joe says that Erin will take her around the party and introduce her to everyone. Olivia fake smiles and thanks them both for including her. Gag.

Bergdorf Goodman. Lifeguard party!! Woot! Lifeguards are HOT! Whitney tells Sami about a BBQ at Adam's the next day. I'm confused. Who's Allie? Apparently it's someone that Whit wants to get along with and she's asking Sam to the BBQ for support. Seriously, who's Allie?

STK, NYC. Roxy is on a date with a guy named Zac. Zac asks her what's been going on (I think to just be nice) and Roxy goes on and on about Kelly and how no one likes her, but Roxy gets her, yada, yada, yada. Ok, I'm not sure what kind of dress Roxy is wearing but her entire bra is showing in the back...not just a strap, but the entire bra. Zac asks where Whitney is and Roxy tells him about the Lifeguard event and says that she feels like Sami didn't want her there. Roxy thinks that Sami excludes her on purpose. Hello? Isn't she on a date??

Bergdorf Goodman. Whit and Sami meet some boys. They are total preppy boys from CT and RI. Sam looks at one of them (Harry) and says that he looks just like her friend, Freddie. He tells her that he's Freddie's brother. Weird and random. So Sami invites the Harry to the BBQ the next day. [OHHH, I think Allie is that waify girl from last season who was dating Whit's boyfriend's roommate. Ouch...that hurt my head. Anyhow, Whit's ex-bf is out of town so that's why they were invited to the BBQ. Got it.]

People's Revolution. Whit is filling Roxy in on the lifeguard party and the preppy boys. She tells Roxy that Sami invited the boys to the BBQ at Adam's place. Whit feels weird about going herself and now she's bringing random guys. Roxy encourages her. Kelly Cutrone (!!) comes up to them and says she needs one of them to stay late. Roxy volunteers since Whit has a BBQ. Kelly wants details about the BBQ. Whitney tells Kelly that it's at Adam and Jay's place and Kelly rolls her eyes and says "OMG". Oh, Kelly, you're so cool. Roxy tells Kelly that she's meeting a boy there. So Kelly says "You're meeting a guy at your ex-boyfriend's apartment?" I love Kelly. Kelly tells Whit to have fun and tells Roxy she's hers tonight. Heh.

Elle Party, Carol Smith's Apartment. The Editor in Chief of Elle goes up to Olivia and welcomes her. Erin looks on totally annoyed. Olivia is actually doing well meeting people on her own. She runs into Joe Zee and he starts introducing her as well. Erin just watches - and does not show Olivia around as she was supposed to. Then, Erin leaves the party. Weird. Let me be clear. I like Erin and I do not like Olivia, but Erin is bugging me this episode. I know she just doesn't like Olivia but she's acting like a spoiled child.

Adam & Jay's Apartment. Whit and Sami show up in their gladiator sandal-looking wedges. Yes, Allie is the waify chick. Harry (preppy guy), his brother (Freddie) and two other guys show up. Ok, Freddie is WAY hotter than Harry but he just looks too chiseled. You know? Like he's cute, but looks almost too cute. Sam and Whit go get a drink and Whit says that Freddie is way hotter. They return to the boys and Freddie asks Whit what she wants to do later. Hmmm.

People's Revolution. Whit is telling Roxy about the BBQ. WTF is Roxy wearing?? She's got leggings with slits all along her outter legs, a T-shirt and red heels. Even the other people in the office are looking at her. So, Whit tells Roxy about the boy. His name is Freddie Fackelmayer (WHAT???) and he's from Greenwich, CT. Usually, I would hate on Roxy, but she looks at Whit and says "Fackelmayer" all slow. It was amusing. Whit continues that Freddie is really tan, he likes tennis, he surfs on the weekends. He's so picture perfect. So what's the catch? Whit thinks that Sami has a thing for Freddie. Roxy says to go out with him and forget Sami.

Elle Magazine. Erin asks Olivia how she's doing. She asks Olivia how she liked the party. Olivia says she had a nice time. Erin asks if she met the designers. Olivia smirks that she already knew all the designers who were there so it wasn't a big deal. Jeez. Erin is holding out an olive branch and Olivia simply doesn't get it. How obnoxious. So, Erin cuts Olivia off as she's bragging about some designer she knows and says "That's great, but then where are all of our exclusives?" Oh snap! She tells Olivia that she hasn't seen any and she'd like to. Olivia stutters that she needs to follow up with them first to see what they have. Erin says that she thought Carol's party was fun, but it's not all about air kissing and socializing and have a glass of champagne. She tells Olivia that she needs to look at the bigger picture. Erin asks when she can expect to see something and Olivia kind of blows her off, but just doesn't really know what to say. Erin tells her that she's there to guide Olivia and that she's there to help and would appreciate it if Olivia didn't have such an attitude. Olivia just gets up and walks away.

Elettaria, Greenwich Village. Freddie and Whit are on a date. Whit asks what he does and he's in commercial real estate (yawn). Then, he asks Whit where she went to school and she says USC (BOO!!!) and Freddie says "you really like the West Coast, huh?" Um, that's where she's from, you fool. So they talk about going to Nantucket this Summer. And Whit asks "Are you sure there's nothing going on with you and Sami?" Freddie: "Well, I'm here with you, right?" And, that's it. Um, Whit? He didn't answer the question.

See you next time on The City!

The Hills, Season 5, Episode 514

Previously on The Hills: JB was a d-bag, Kristin was a bitch and Speidi sucked.

Breadbar, Los Angeles. Lo and Kristin are having lunch and Kristin tells us she's going to "Lagunuh" this weekend. Lo pretends to care, much like the rest of us. Then Lo asks about Brody's party since she bailed before it ended. Kristin gives the 411 on the party, including how Brody showed up at her place post party sans Jayde. Lo says that they do this all the time: "They're either ferociously making out or screaming at each other." (Lo is funny sometimes). Kristin tells Lo that JB didn't show up. She says she was a little upset because "he's a really good guy." WTF? Was I that stupid when I was 21-22? I probably was. Jeez. How embarassing. But Kristin says she's not going to be like Audrina. JB has to work for it. Don't wait around too long, Kristin.


"Old Habits Die Hard"

Audrina's House. She-Pratt shows up and tells Audrina that Heidi's taking her to a "bull-riding event"? Wha..? I don't even know. Anyway subject quickly turns to Audrina and Derek. They had a date the night before. According to Audrina, Derek is the total opposite of JB. Wow! He must be an awesome guy...and a genius. Hmmm. Audrina tells She-Pratt that JB keeps texting her saying that he can't believe it's over. One word, Audrina: DELETE.

Laguna Beach, CA. Kristin goes home to her parents' house. Man, that house is BOSS! Of course her stepmom is a yoga instructor. Kristin, her dad and stepmom go out by the pool to have a staged conversation complete with the bottle of wine and cheese plate. Kristin fills her dad in on who she's been seeing around LA. She tells him that she's seeing a lot of Brody and her dad asks "Is he still in love with himself?" HA! Kristin says that Brody has grown up a lot. She tells them about JB and that he used to, kind of, be dating Audrina. And that she went on his motorcycle. Am I the only one with parents who would not care about the prior dating drama?? I'm finding it hard to figure out if they care or if they are all pretending to be interested and when the director says "Cut!", they all go their separate ways and don't speak. She tells her dad that JB isn't really the guy that she'd bring home to dad. So her dad says "then don't bring him home!" HAHA. This is such a ridiculous scene.

Bolthouse Photo Exhibit, Los Angeles. [OH! I thought She-Pratt said bull riding event, but I guess she said BOLTHOUSE event. Sorry!!] Sponge Bob shows up with the ridiculous black cowboy hat again. UGH. Holly (Heidi's sis) is there with Sponge Bob's friend, Charlie. OH...Heidi's dad gave him the hat...I get it. Whatever. Dumb. Heidi shows up and Sponge Bob tells her that Holly is DRUNK. Holly is having some shots. She's super drunk and talking to Brent Bolthouse. Speidi and She-Pratt look in horror as she continues to get drunk. Heidi and She-Pratt try to have an intervention with a very drunk Holly. You can imagine how well that goes. Holly is cracking me up. She's having her own party. She's dancing and swinging her hair around. OMG! Now she's doing the robot. I love it. She's not sloppy, she's just having a good time. She's not falling or slurring or being beligerant. You go, girl!!

Catherine Malandrino, Los Angeles. She-Pratt is confronting Heidi about Holly being out of control the night before. Holly says that she just had too much to drink. She-Pratt looks very concerned. Heidi asks She-Pratt if she sees Holly a lot and asks if Holly drinks like that a lot. She-Pratt says that she does see Holly a lot and she's always getting wasted. She-Pratt encourages Heidi to talk to Holly because "she'll really listen coming from you." I actually disagree. She-Pratt tells Heidi to bring Sponge Bob if she doesn't want to talk to Holly alone. Yeah, because Holly is DEFINITELY going to want to hear it from Sponge Bob. Worst advice ever, She-Pratt. I think Holly would listen to Lauren. They should call Lauren. [BTW - She-Pratt got a DUI last weekend, so she should really worry more about herself than Holly. Apparently, she was WITH Holly!]

Kristin's House, Malibu. JB is in her house cooking her dinner when Kristin arrives. She's not nearly as surprised as I would be. He doesn't greet her or say hello or anything. He mumbles "how hungry are you?" What a guy! Kristin asks where he's been and he grunts that he's been out of town and says "I know, I'm sorry" as he continues to cook and avoid eye contact. He asks about Brody's party completely ignoring the fact that he flaked on her. She passive aggressively tells him that everyone missed him. Then he quickly changes the subject and asks her if she could "get used to this". I'm assuming he means him cooking for her. She flirts that she can. They both give each other a flirty smile. And all is forgiven. WEAK!

Essex Public House, Hollywood. Audrina and Derek are on a date. Audrina brings JB up and they talk about him. BAD FORM, Audrina. Derek asks if she's over him and she kind of shrugs and says "yeah". She's blowing it. Derek is actually kind of cute. Poor guy.

Kristin's Place. JB and Kristin are having some wine and eating dinner outside. He says he's sorry he didn't show up to the party and Kristin says "it's ok. this makes up for it." Kristin says no one has ever cooked for her before and JB says he's never cooked for anyone before. She asks if he's going to tell his mom about her and then tells him that she told her dad about him. Then she gives the "I don't want a boyfriend. I don't want anything." speech that EVERY GIRL GIVES when she first starts dating a guy and it's total BULLSHIT! Guys know it's bullshit (even JB) but they will use it against you when you start asking where things are going or when you have the "exclusive" conversation. I'm just sayin'. JB thinks that Kristin is a bit of a wild card, which is good for a guy like him. Then they go in and do naughty things.

Spanish Kitchen, Los Angeles. Holly is walking down the street and she kind of looks drunk. Maybe that's just how she walks, but she's walking all crooked. Heidi took She-Pratt's advice and went to confront Holly. Unfortunately, she also listened to the part where She-Pratt told her to bring Sponge Bob. Dumb. Holy bright red lips, Holly. Of course, Holly sits down to lunch and orders a margherita with Patron. Awkward. Heidi tells Holly that she was scared by how drunk she was the other night. Holly listens as she sips her margherita. Holly dismisses Heidi and tells her that when she goes to an event, she thinks it's perfectly fine to have a few drinks. She thinks that's standard. To be fair, having a few drinks at an event at a club in LA is standard. Getting shit-faced at said event, not so standard. Sponge Bob is telling Holly how important the Bolthouse events are because there are so many influencial people that attend. Heidi tells her that people won't take her seriously. Holly thanks them for their input. I think she's feeling a little embarassed. She decides that after several great years together, she and alcohol need to break up for good. Sponge Bob doesn't look convinced.

Brody's Condo, Hollywood. Kristin comes over to Brody. He calls her Mrs. Bobby! HAHA. She asks him how Jayde is and that she keeps hearing how they always break up and get back together. Brody explains that it's all semantic. They never actually "break up", they just fight. Duh. Kristin asks if Jayde knows she's there. Brody says that he made it very clear, that despite their past, Kristin is one of Brody's closest friends and Jayde has nothing to worry about. Closest friends? Really? Brody likes JB because he's his friend, but he'd never tell a girl friend to date him. Kristin tells Brody that JB just showed up at her "Malibu house". Brody tells Kristin that now Audrina will be coming after her. Kristin tells him that she called Audrina to have lunch and Audrina stood her up. Brody says "So this is your way of saying HA HA HA". YES!! Kristin says No, of course, and that she really does like JB. Brody says he believes her.

Thompson Hotel, Beverly Hills. JB is meeting Audrina for a drink. Hmmm...interesting. (Oh and he's letting his beard grow back after shaving to impress Kristin). Apparently, Audrina asked him to come meet her. She tells him that she wants to stop the awkwardness so it's not weird whenever they're out and he's with Kristin. He brings up the party where Kristin and Audrina went at it. Audrina admits that it was hard to see JB with Kristin. He understands, but then he says that he would never talk to someone that Audrina is close to. Audrina asks if this is about Derek and he asks "who would ever do that?" So, it is. He says he would never do that to her. JB says that he's not with Kristin to make Audrina upset. Audrina says that Derek talked to JB and JB said it was fine. JB says "I don't care. I would never do that to you." Wow. He genuinely looks hurt. He says that he and Kristin aren't together, they are just hanging out. Oh good Lord. He says that a part of him will always have feelings for Audrina and he doesn't know what to do, feel or say. Neither does Audrina. Then JB says, "I will never be able to say that anything was better than Audrina Patridge in my life". Ouch, sorry Kristin. So, Audrina says she won't talk to Derek anymore. JB totally grins and says "don't let me stop you." They both smile in a flirty sort of way. They probably hooked up.

See you next time on The Hills.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 5

Last time on Amazing Race: Farmers became my new faves since Besties went home after losing Zev's passport. Lawyahs are still annoying. Eight teams remain!


The teams are now leaving the last Pit Stop. First to leave is Rainbow.

Clue: The teams must fly to the Persian Gulf and find the world's tallest building. Teams will need to figure out that the tallest building is the Burj Dubai. When they arrive in Dubai, they will need to find their way to a statue (that looks like a bear) and take an elevator to the top of the Burj Dubai where they will find their next clue.

Rainbow is heading out to find out where the tallest building is. The Globes are next and they head to an internet cafe. Third to leave is Team USA and go straight to the airport. Miss America knows right off the bat that Dubai is where to find the world's tallest building. You go, girl!! The Globes go to the internet cafe and figure it out, too. The Farmers and the Blondes head out. Ok, I'm going to digress here for a minute. What the HELL is going on with Cheyenne's hair? Seriously, for the last couple of episodes, he's fanned his bangs straight up ... or maybe that's the style? I don't know but his hair just gets higher and higher. It's really bizarre. Back to the show...

Rainbow arrives at the airport and ask for tickets to "the Persian Gulf". Wow. Sam tells Dan that the Persian Gulf is just a large area and they need to figure out where to go. Team USA comes up and tells them it's DUBAI. Um, I don't think Team USA gets that this is a GAME!! Whatever. UGH...the Lawyahs are the sixth team to leave. Keri talks about the "bond" she and Lance share. Of course, he has to pipe up and say that they really just have a lot of expensive deposits on the wedding that they can't afford to lose, so that's why they're getting married. Keri laughs it off as a joke, but it really wasn't funny.

Next to leave are Clueless. DRAMA: Mika is terrified of heights. Last to depart are the Poker Chicks. Basically everyone shows up at the airport while Rainbow and Team USA are buying their tickets and find out that DUBAI is where they are all going. Dumb. The Lawyahs are still at an internet cafe and find out the Dubai is their desired destination. Lance and Keri try to book a flight at the internet cafe. Lance whines that they can't buy the tickets because they are being booked and keep running out. Keri complains that it's not that they're getting booked, it's just the slow-ass computer. OMG. Lance is so annoying. He looks like he's going to cry. He keeps whining and pouting that he knows the website and tickets are being booked, that's why it won't let them buy tickets. I think I prefer Asshole Lance to Whiny Lance. Geesh!

The seven remaining teams manage to book the same flight to Dubai. And...the Lawyahs make it, too. All teams arrive in Dubai, United Arab Emirates at night and everyone scrambles for a taxi. Team USA leads the pack to the tallest building, followed by Poker Chicks, Clueless, Rainbow, the Blondes, Lawyahs and The Globes. The Farmers are trailing (C'mon guys!!!). They arrive at the statue of the bear and the teams have to sign up for one of two shuttles. One goes up to the top first, the other second. Poker Chicks, Team USA, Rainbow, and The Blondes all make it on the first shuttle. After an unexpected detour by their lost cabbie, Clueless are first on the second shuttle, followed by Lawyahs, Globes, and the Farmers.

Next morning, the teams are getting ready to head to the top of the WORLD'S TALLEST BUILDING! The first group heads up. It's actually still in construction so the outer structure and the elevator are built, but there's alot of construction going on. Mika (Clueless) is starting to freak out due to her Altophobia (fear of heights). The first group is at the top. Wow. It looks so freakin' high and scary, but so awesome and exciting, too. They grab the next clue and head down.

The second group makes their way up and Mika realizes that they just had to walk onto a platform and grab the clue. No scariness. The group heads back down.

FAST FORWARD: This is the only fast forward in the whole race. The first team to complete it, can skip all tasks and head directly to the pit stop. To complete the fast forward, teams must find the Dubai Autodrome. There, one team member will need to drive in an F-3 open wheel race car (?) and do a lap in under 45 seconds in order to complete the task. ONLY THE FIRST TEAM TO COMPLETE THE TASK WILL BE ABLE TO FAST FORWARD.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the parking structure at The Dubai Mall to find the Amazing Race marked cars (Audi SUVs). Then, they will need to drive themselves to the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve where they will ride 4x4's to their next clue.

The Blondes decide to do the fast forward and the rest of group one head to the desert. Group two finds the cars and head to the desert. EXCEPT for the Lawyahs. Lance and Keri try to find the cars and get lost in the parking structure. I'm not sure which Lance I despise more. He's so pathetic right now with the whining. They finally find it.

The Blondes are at the racetrack and Cheyenne is racing.

Team USA, Rainbow and Poker Chicks are the first to the desert. They are now in their 4x4's and headed to the clue. Clueless is lost. Lawyahs are having problems. Lance is driving and Keri is "directing"? Anyhow, they take the wrong exit and Lance just doesn't have the energy to yell at Keri. I swear he looks like he's going to cry. Maybe he's Bipolar? You know, manic and hyper one day and then totally depressed and whiny the next.

In the desert, the Team USA finds the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams will have to "drink in the landscape". One teammate will take a traditional bag and search the desert for urns with water that have been buried in the sand. Not all of the urns contain water. Ahhh...tricky. When they have found enough water to fill their bag, they give it to a man for his thirsty camels and receive their next clue.

Brian (Team USA), Tiffany (Poker Chicks) and Dan (Rainbow) all decide to "drink the landscape". Big Easy (Globes) and Matt (Farmers) are looking for water.

Back at the racetrack, Cheyenne is doing laps. Meghan is having issues because she's afraid of Cheyenne crashing. HE MADE IT in 40 seconds. Awesome. "I'm like Ricky Bobby." Love it. The Blondes get a ride in a Maseratti to the pit stop, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.

Brian found water and is hiding the fact that he found water so the other teams don't see. Although, Brian whispers to Tiffany and Dan where the water jug is. BRIAN!! It's a GAME! Brian gets the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: After completing the road block, teams must head back to the city and find SKi DUBAI, a huge indoor ski resort covering 4 football fields. There, they will find their next clue.

Poker Chicks and Rainbow find the water, but Dan's ladle breaks. Tiffany fills her bag and then helps Dan by filling his bag, too. They finish, followed by the Farmers (!!) and all head to Ski Dubai. Meanwhile, Clueless is still lost although they are seeing other teams and know they are close. They pull over and spot Team USA. Brian yells that they are close and points where they need to go. Erika interviews that Brian is WAY WAY WAY nicer than she would be. She thinks people see her a certain way because she's Miss America, but she can "pull the claws out" when she needs to. :)

Lawyahs are still lost. Back in the desert, Poker Chicks are trying to pull out and they puncture the radiator. Fluid is POURING out of the car. Rainbow is waiting for the girls to get their replacement car since Tiffany helped Dan with the ladle. They are lucky that the Lawyahs are lost and Clueless just got there, otherwise, this is a RACE, people!! Globes are heading out to Ski Dubai as Canaan (Clueless) starts searching for water. The replacement car arrives and Poker Chicks and Rainbow go to Ski Dubai.

The Blondes arrive at the next pit stop and are team #1. They get a trip for two to Jamaica!!

The Lawyahs FINALLY arrive at the desert. Lance is searching for water. It's just Lance and Canaan.

NEXT CLUE: Build a snowman or find a snowman. In Build a Snowman, teams will need to carry snow from inside the building and take it OUTSIDE in the blistering heat to build a traditional snowman. If they can complete the snowman before it melts, they will receive their next clue. In Find a Snowman, teams take a lift to the top of the hill and sled down into a large pile of snow. There, they will go through the snow and find a tiny snowman. Once found, they will receive their next clue.

Canaan finally finds water and Clueless heads to Ski Dubai. The Farmers decide to find a snowman since Matt snowboards in his boxers every Winter. Hmmm, not sure that matters. OH YES IT DOES. They do not have coats. They have to stay in their shorts/summer clothes. Yikes. It can get cold. Poker Chicks, Rainbow, and Globes do find a snowman, too.

Lance is still looking for water and going a little crazy. He's talking to himself. Mika is driving to Ski Dubai and she laughs about how in Dubai they can drive 120 (mph) and it only feels like 60. Canaan says "Yeah, that's kilometers, so you are only going about 60." HA! Lance finally finishes for the Lawyahs and I prefer Depressed Lance. That way he only looks a d-bag and pathetic. But Asshole Lance came out a little when he returned the bag/ladle and threw them on the ground in front of the guy and said "have a nice life". Rude.

The teams are all finding a snowman and are FREEZING. Looking for a tiny snowman is hard. Team USA found the snowman!! They are headed to the pit stop. The Farmers and Poker Chicks decide to build a snowman instead. The Globes show up to find a snowman and Rainbow decides to stick it out. Meanwhile, Keri told Lance the wrong direction and rather than yell at her, he goes back into whining mode. She says she doesn't know where they should go and Lance whines "I knnnnoooowwww" with a pathetic - and somewhat constipated - look on his face.

Over at Build a Snowman, the Farmers and Poker Chicks are starting to build. Canaan is backseat driving with Mika. Lawyahs are talking about their "poor, terrible, dispicable" decisions.

Team USA is team #2 at the Pit Stop.

Rainbow gave up and went to Build a Snowman. Globes stuck it out and FOUND A SNOWMAN!! Clueless made it. The Globes tell them to grab their jackets on their way out. Globes are nice. The Farmers are finished and head to the pit stop. Clueless decides to build a snowman since Mika has never sledded in her LIFE!

Globes are team #3 at the Pit Stop.

Poker Chicks finish and so do Rainbow.

Farmers are team #4 (!!!).

Poker Chicks are having issues with directions. Lawyahs decide to build a snowman.

Rainbow is team #5. Poker Chicks are team #6.

Clueless finish. Lawyahs are building.

Clueless is team #7.

Which means, Lawyahs are #8. THEY ARE ELIMINATED!!

See you next week!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 3

Last time on The Ruins: Shauvon's boob popped and she left. Ev threw The Ruins so KA could stay. Wes got angry.

We start out on a boat with all the players just enjoying Thailand. Evan is crushing on Veronica. Tonya is drunk and climbing the mast of the boat and everyone is yelling for her to come down. Attention-seeking behavior! Oh and now she's making out with Aiyaphat who is a "random local". Tonya sure is living up to her reputation as the Mayor of Crazytown. Ewww. Now she's vomiting overboard. Veronica and Evan are flirting like crazy. I think she's using him to align herself with Evan so she's safe. I'm telling you, she's SHADY!

Wes is scolding Evan for the Champions betraying him last week. Evan is trying to reason with Wes and explaining that he has to be a team player in order to gain respect from the team. DUH! Evan also points out that Wes is all about "Me me me" and he needs to think about the team as a whole and that instead Wes is calling Evan selfish. Wes interrupts and says "No, I'm calling you selfish and a coward. Go on." Evan is done and walks away. Wes interviews that the Champions as a team - with the exception of himself of course - are a group of cowards.

Wes is now scolding the entire Champions team. Kenny interrupts and Johanna stops him. She says that Wes is making peace, let him talk. Hmmm...I'm not so sure about making peace, but let's see. Ok, so Wes says that they kept him in the dark about their plan and they tell him that he keeps them in the dark because they don't know what he's going to do on a daily basis. Basically, Wes threw the first challenge, so they are skeptical. Wes interviews that his team is convinced that he's going to throw the rest of the challenges, but that they are "not intelligent good people. they're losers". Wait. Didn't he TELL them he was going to throw the rest of the challenges?? Wes, you can go ahead and lump yourself in with the teammates in the not intelligent category. So now Wes says he needs to prove to his team that he's not here for the money. Apparently, he's giving all of his money to charity. What? Seriously? He's a lot dumber than I thought if he thinks anyone is going to buy that. Johanna totally calls him out. Now he's saying he wants to play fair and inspire kids to do the right thing. I don't even know what to say. Wes is insane. He's possessed. Now he's saying he's ashamed of how people have acted towards him and how he's acted towards others. He wants to "change this right now." WTF? I mean, if it was sincere, it's great. But, c'mon.

No one else believes him either. They are all still talking about throwing him in again. Bananas thinks that he should get off the hook this time. He thinks they should wait until the stronger guys from the Challengers get thrown in because that's when Wes will really be put to the test and he may even lose and leave!

Wes is still on his reformed kick. Wes: "I want to see bad people do good things." From anyone else, I would buy it. Even crazytrain Tonya. But Wes? No way. Evan is telling him that Wes needs to lead by example and people will eventually follow. That's how people will know he means what he says.

Evan and Susie are talking. Susie is willing to always nominate herself...same with Evan and Bananas. Susie realizes that if she stays aligned with Evan, she's safe. But, unlike Veronica, she doesn't have to F*** him.


Challengers: Danny, Adam, Brad, Brianna, Casey, Kim
Champions: Evan, Kenny, Syrus, Susie, Veronica, Ibis

Wes is an idiot. He thinks he convinced his teammates that he's a changed man. Wes thinks that they are saying "Oh. He's giving the money away now. He's such a good person. Let's throw him a bone and keep him out of one elimination round." Kenny clarifies in an interview that they aren't giving Wes the week off because of his stupid speech...they are doing it because of how it works out for the rotation. I believe Kenny. Wes is such a Narcissist.

Wes nominates Veronica and everyone votes. Bananas interviews that Veronica sees that Evan is one of the leaders. Instead of working hard and doing a good job, Veronica decides to "F*** the boss and move up the ladder that way." Bananas doesn't respect that at all. heh. Veronica ends up one of the three and now she's questioning her alliance with Evan because she did not expect to be one of the three girls. HEH!

REPO RACE. Two obstacle courses have been set up. They need to get one of the team members all the way through the obstacle course without ever touching the sand. The team does this by all lying in the sand and making a human bridge (with the last person moving to the front to keep the bridge going as the teammate walks on their backs). It's a race so it'll be timed.

Champions select DERRICK. Challengers select COHUTTA. Interesting.

And they're off. Immediately the Champions take the lead. Cohutta touched the sand and he and his team were sent back to the last check point. Challengers make up some time when Champions go back to their last check point. The game is tied right now as they pass through the second of four checkpoints. Champions pull ahead. But then Derrick gets confused. The rules on the last platform tell him to pick up a sand bag and carry it to the finish line without ever letting it touch the sand. It sounds pretty obvious, but Derrick is yelling "what do I do with this?" Hmmm. Bananas interviews that Derrick is tough as nails, but anytime a challenge has "thinking or problem solving or reading involved", it's not his cup of tea. HA!'s neck and neck. Derrick drops his bag. Oh Dang!! CHALLENGERS WIN!

The Challenger nominees have to decide who goes into the Ruins. Adam, Brianna, Syrus, and Susie are going into the Ruins.

Cohutta and Adam are appreciating the Thai culture. Then, they start talking about how much the deliberation sucks. Adam can't believe Danny didn't get voted in. Meanwhile, Brianna is bitching to Evan that everyone was supposed to vote for Casey and instead, they all voted for her. Evan interviews that Brianna is a tough chick. ("She's got tattoos, she's got a lot of anger in her heart, she's got a very bad hair dye job") HA!!


The game: "Burnout". Each player starts on their platform with their hands on their hips. Then they grab their wheel and water will come out the pipe in the center of the contraption. They need to redirect the water into their opponent's barrel by turning the wheel. Once full, the barrel will tip into a gutter that leads to the opponent's fire and the water will put it out. First person to put out the opponent's fire wins.

Brianna v. Susie

They are both redirecting. It's stressful...neck and neck. Susie tips the barrel and WINS!!! She also takes Brianna's $$. Bye Brianna.

Adam v. Syrus

They are redirecting. Syrus looks crazy with his wheel turning. Syrus tips the barrel and WINS!! Syrus also takes the $$. Bye Adam.

Challengers have lost a lot of people. In celebration, Champions are playing drinking games. Veronica tells Evan that "it's" going to happen tonight. They are dirty-talking about having sex. And...they end up in bed the next morning. So predictable.

Next time: Tonya slaps Veronica. AWESOME!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 16

Last time on The City, Kelly Cutrone likes Roxy and Joe Zee likes Olivia.

Georgio Armani Building. Erin and Joe are having lunch. He asks how her department is doing. She tells him that she and Olivia are working on "A to Z" together and that she's worried because Olivia is not receptive to her at all. Joe asks if Olivia is being hostile or if it's just a personality conflict. Erin says it's not a personality conflict, it's an "Olivia doesn't do work" conflict. Heh. Erin is pissed that Olivia falls short and then she has to pick up her slack on top of her own workload. So Joe tells Erin not to bail Olivia out next time. But Erin says that she's not going to just not deliver to the customer and ruin client relationships. Joe says he's feeling constantly disappointed and he doesn't want to feel that way because he thinks that Olivia is good for Elle. Erin looks shocked and says "Name one thing she's done that's good for the magazine." He brings up the Today show segment that's coming up and Erin says "because that was so good last time??" She has a point. Olivia sucked ass on that one. Joe comes back with "one of her outfits made it on air." Erin: "No comment." Joe says that he thinks Olivia is going to "kill it" on "A to Z". He says it's really important because his name is on that project. Good! Finally, he'll get to see first hand! Joe says that he thinks Olivia is going to "hit it out of the ballpark" on this one. Erin asks what happens if she doesn't. Joe says he doesn't know. Then he says that maybe Olivia's future won't be with Elle. Fingers crossed.


Erin and Olivia are in a limo and Erin is explaining "A to Z" to Olivia. Apparently it's a Fall program where each letter is assigned a trend and accessory. They need 26 pieces and they pitched it to US Weekly and Joe has a segment on Access Hollywood. They are headed to Badgley Mischka to see what they have. Then Olivia is on her own.

People's Revolution. Whitney brought in sketches to show Kelly. Why is she sharing this with Roxy? Seriously? Whitney is way too trusting. Roxy looks at the sketches and is very supportive and encouraging to Whitney - except she tells Whitney that one of the fabrics feels like a couch. She tells Whitney that she should be proud of her sketches and has nothing to be embarassed about...except for the couch. HA! She tells Whitney that she's impressed.

Whitney takes her designs and shows Kelly. Kelly tells Whitney that she's impressed with the sketches and the designs. Then she makes a few suggestions. She doesn't like the "couch" one either, but for different and more valid reasons. Kelly tells her that she needs about 26-30 pieces for a Spring line which means about 15 more pieces for Whitney to design. Kelly says that Whitney can work on her designs at People's Revolution. She also tells Whitney that they need a little work so "don't show them to anyone." Kelly tells her that she's her "loyal bitch" and that she's in her corner. Kelly is awesome.

Badgley Mischka. I love Badgley Mischka. I always said that if I had the opportunity to go to an awards' show, I'd wear Badgley Mischka. Olivia and Erin are meeting with James Mischka and Mark Badgley and they are showing the girls their accessories from their holiday collection. Erin says they love everything (but I can't really tell because the designers are right there. What's she supposed to say?)

Blue Water Grill. Whit and Roxy meet Samantha for lunch. They start talking about the sketches and Roxy suggests that Whit show her sketches to Sam's boss since Sam works at Bergdorf Goodman. I can't tell if Roxy is being a good friend or she knows Kelly told Whit not to show them and she's doing it to screw Whit. I'm thinking the latter. Roxy is being super pushy and Sam is not sure if she can show them to her boss. Awkward.

Roberta Freymann Showroom, Fashion District. Olivia is looking for accessories and taking pictures while chatting with Roberta Freymann. Hmmm, Roberta says that production of the accessories will take 4-6 weeks. Not sure if that will work.

Mood Fabrics, Fashion District. Roxy is telling Whitney that Sam's boss is a huge buyer at Bergdorf's. Whit says that she's scared of rejection. Roxy is pushing HARD. I feel like she must know this would piss Kelly off. OR Roxy is telling her to show her sketches because she knows they're not ready and Whitney will get rejected. I just don't trust that girl.

Rachel Roy Showroom, Midtown. Olivia is looking at accessories. Olivia and her "friend" Rachel Roy are talking about working at Elle and Olivia says that "people" aren't super helpful. Rachel tells her to stay sweet and keep strong people around her. It's great advice, except that Erin is totally helping Olivia and covering for her when she screws up and Olivia is not "sweet".

Bergdorf Goodman, Uptown. Whitney is meeting with Sam's boss, Sunni, to show her the sketches. Sunni gives her some constructive criticism. She tells Whitney that people usually send her pictures (photos) to look at (rather than sketches). She tells Whitney that she has potential but she has a lot of work to do. Basically, she told her what Kelly need to work on it more. I don't think Whitney should have shown her the sketches. Kelly is going to be pissed.

People's Revolution. Apparently Bergdorf Goodman CALLED KELLY!!! She asked Whitney if she'd been there lately. WTF?? Whitney tells Kelly that she, Roxy and Sam were at lunch and Roxy told Whitney to show her sketches to Sam's boss. Kelly says "Yeah it's always really good to take advice from a chick from California who's been in NY for 3 weeks and knows F-ing all. That's always a great way to start your fashion career. But, go ahead." Yikes. Whitney thought it was a good idea and thought that she had nothing to lose. And Kelly says "Except your f-ing reputation because nobody in their right mind goes to Bergdorf Goodman with a DRAWING!!" Whitney tells her that they told her the same thing. Kelly says "This is so f-ing ass backward insane." Kelly tells her that she's trying to help Whitney because she loves her and believes in her and thinks she's great. Then she says "you want to listen to Roxy. Don't do it in my office, with my relationships on my time." Kelly tells her that she's in a different place than Roxy. Whitney is not the girl who just came off the boat from LA. Kelly lays it out "I just don't think that Roxy always has your best interest in mind." Nail. Head. LOVE Kelly. Kelly tells Whitney that when it comes to Whitney's career, she shouldn't listen to anything Roxy has to say. I wish I could be there when Roxy watches this season.

Elle Magazine. Joe shows Erin some photos from the Victoria Beckham shoot. Then he asks what's happening with A to Z. Erin says she's counting on Olivia to deliver. Erin says that Olivia wasn't taking notes, but maybe she has a photographic memory. heh. Joe says this can't just be great, it has to be excellent. Oh sure, now that it's his ass. Joe says "if she comes in with nothing there will be more than a major problem. " Enter, Olivia. Olivia is telling Joe that she had a successful meeting with Rachel Roy and Joe says he loves her. Olivia is like " Yeah, she's a good friend. And her daughters are so adorable." Stupid. Erin rolls her eyes. Then Olivia is showing photographs of some of the accessories. Erin is kind of smirking because Joe is not blown away. Then he starts to love some of the stuff. At the end, Joe tells Olivia that she's really impressed him. She leaves all smiley and Erin can barely stand it. Joe says "Girl's a star. I told you that." Erin just kind of nods and looks totally irritated. I feel your pain Erin.

See you next week.