Monday, October 26, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 6

The Lawyahs left!! WOOT! That's all we need to remember from last time.

The Blondes are the first to leave the Pit Stop, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.

THE CLUE: Teams must choose one of the 7 locked briefcases. Then they will travel by taxi to the Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club and search the marina's boardwalk for their next clue.

Blondes take off. They are in the taxi and call Dubai, an "island Vegas". I see their point. It's full of big flashy buildings and it's extremely hot. They arrive at the yacht club and find the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: In this roadblock, team members will need to row a raft to a yacht anchored offshore and find the sheik who will give them a watch - the Arab custom of hospitality. The team members will then return to the dock to open their briefcase. They must figure out that the time on the watch - 8:35 - is the combination to the briefcase.

Cheyne (oops...I've been spelling his name wrong this whole time) decides to do the Roadblock. He is singing "Row row row your boat gently down Dubai..." as he rows to the yacht. He makes it, gets the watch and heads back.

Team USA is second to depart followed by the Globes. Next to leave are Farmers. They are SO CUTE. This is the longest they've ever spent together and they are totally getting along well. Matt brought hair dye (pink) and his dad helped him re-dye his hair the night before. LOVE THEM!

Cheyne comes back with the watch and the Blondes quickly determine that the time is the combination. They open their briefcase and get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Abra Station, a water taxi stop, and search for their next clue.

Brian is rowing for Team USA because Miss America "doesn't do water". (insert eye roll here). Brian is having some difficulties. Rainbow now takes off. They are still in an alliance with Poker Chicks. Ugh. Brian makes it to the yacht and gets the watch. Team USA figures out the time/combination connection and they head to Abra Station.

Meanwhile, the Globes' cabbie took them to the wrong place! Now they have to turn around and head to the right yacht club.

The Farmers make it to the yacht club and the dad is rowing for the team. He's not used to rowing and lays stomach down and paddles.

The Blondes make it to Abra Station. [Where are the other teams?? We have not seen Clueless or Poker Chicks.] They find the next clue.

DETOUR: "Gold" or "Glass". In Gold, teams must find a jewelry store and use a precision scale to weigh $500,000 worth of gold. To do this, teams must figure out that they will need to divide $500,000 by the gold exchange rate on the screen in the store and the exchange rate is constantly changing so they need to work quickly to receive their next clue. In Glass, teams make their way to the spice market. There they will choose a crate with disassembled hookah parts. Teams will have to use ALL parts from their crate to assemble 12 hookahs using 3 sample hookahs as their guide. When they finish, they will receive their next clue.

The Blondes choose Glass and head out.

Gary (Farmers) gets the watch and heads back. The Poker Chicks head to the yacht club followed by Clueless. Farmers figure it out and head to Abra Station. Big Easy (Globes) is rowing for the Globes and they are playing the "Globetrotter" music in the background. Awesome.

The Blondes grab a crate and start to assemble. Meghan is getting frustrated. Team USA arrives at Abra Station and picks Gold. Brian is doing math.

Rainbow shows up at the yacht club and Dan is rowing. He and Big Easy are using their arms to row instead of the oars. They both make it back with the watches as the Poker Chicks head out. Tiffany will be rowing. Big Easy can't figure out the comination. Rainbows get it and head out. C'mon Big Easy! He's still not getting it. Clueless arrives and the Globes are still struggling. OMG. Flight Time is funny! He sees Clueless pull up and says "If we stay here long enough, Lance and Keri will show up." HAHA!! The Lawyahs!! It made me laugh...but it's also late, so maybe it's not that funny.

Canaan is rowing for Clueless. Tiffany is back for the Poker Chicks and figured it out. DAMN! He keeps saying "It's on the 8 and the 7. What's the third number?" Oh Big Easy!! C'mon.

Meanwhile, the Blondes are building hookahs and Brian is trying to do math for Team USA.

Big Easy is still struggling to figure it out. Canaan came back and is looking at the clock. He figures it out as Mika asks "does a Muslim clock work different?" I can't make this stuff up. The Globes FINALLY figure it out and head out. At least they can laugh at themselves. Big Easy says "the 'hood is saying 'Read the watch, dummy!'" because he was saying how he was representing the 'hood when he was rowing.

The Blondes are still putting together the hookahs. Brian is having trouble with the math. He wants to give up but Miss America says that he's smart at this stuff so they are staying. She says that she's better at spending money and Brian is smart and good at math. Then she says "I'm sure glad I married up." Again, laughing out loud. Is this show not funny? Am I just tired? Do I just think this is funny because it's late?

Farmers finally make it to Abra Station and are doing Glass. HAHA. Matt is explaining to his dad what a hookah is and says that you put "tobacco" in the middle. His dad says "you probably smoked something else." Heh. The Blondes are still trying to figure out what they've done incorrectly. They don't realize that they have to use ALL of the pieces. Brian decides to try the math one more time. Miss America is cracking herself up: "Brian's got a heard of gold. Too bad he doesn't know how to count it!" HA! She's right...they can't get the right number, so they decide to do Glass. The Blondes are totally frustrated. They finally figured out how to incorporate the missing pieces and they got the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the Atlantis, The Palm, Dubai resort. It looks just like the one in the Bahamas. It's like an exact replica. I wish I was there again. LOVE the waterslides. So jealous. Anyhow, they must make their way to Atlantis and find the "Leap of Faith" waterslide (I totally went down that one!!!), go down and find their next clue. SO FUN! Best.Clue.Ever.

Team USA makes it to Glass and start trying to assemble the hookahs. They finished, but it was wrong. Farmers show up. Rainbow and Poker Chicks pick gold. Rainbow is smart - they brought a calculator with them!! I spoke too soon, they don't know what to do with the calculator. Maybe Poker chicks will help. They do and help Rainbow. But the number changed before they could finish.

Clueless do Glass and join the group with the hookahs. Rainbow and Poker Chicks got gold and head to Atlantis. Their alliance has totally done them good.

The Blondes make it to Leap of Faith. They both do it and get their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now search the ground for Dolphin Bay Beach...the PIT STOP for this leg of the race.

The Blondes are team #1. Cheyne grabs Meghan and throws her in the water. They each get a water craft.

Globes show up to do Glass. Team USA is still not getting it. Miss America is totally frustrated. Team USA figures out that the striped hoses go with striped bases. Globes give up and go do gold.

Poker chicks and Rainbow do the Leap of Faith. SO FUN! It totally gives you a wedgie, but it's so worth it.

Poker Chicks are team #2. Rainbow is team #3.

Farmers got it!!! YEAH!!! They head to Atlantis. Team USA is doing the Leap of Faith. He's scared of heights, she's scared of water. Nice. They make it.

Team USA is team #4.

Globes are doing Gold and having issues. Clueless makes it and head to Atlantis. Mika is scared of water and terrified of heights. This is going to be awesome. Farmers make it down the Leap of Faith. They are so cute. I love them.

Farmers are team #5.

Clueless is at the Leap of Faith. OMG. Mika has floaties on her arm. I shit you not. The girl has floaties on. Canaan is pulling her towards the water slide and she's freaking out. Canaan has no patience for her. Canaan very assertively - like a father to a daughter - says "We're not losing this race because of this." She is refusing, screaming, yelling that she's not doing it.

Globes head to Atlantis.

Mika is saying that this is her worst nightmare. Canaan is trying to calmly talk to her. Now he's physically trying to push her down the slide. Jeez. She screams and he yells "You're going to make us lose the race because you won't go down a waterslide." She tries to sit on the slide and stands up and says that she can't do it. Canaan: "You're breaking my heart. Please do this. You'll regret not doing it." Will she buy it??

Globes are on their way.

Canaan has given up and is standing on the other side of the slide not paying attention. Mika finally gets up the nerve and sits on the slide by herself. Rather than let her do it by herself, Canaan sees an opening and tries to push her down again. She tells him to go away and he does. Mika says "Canaan, why do you hate me?" Canaan: "Because you're being a complete moron." HA! Uh oh, the Globes arrive. When a team comes up behind you, you have 2 minutes to go down the slide. If you don't do it, you have to let the team go ahead of you. The Globes are telling her not to do it. She doesn't do it and lets the Globes go first. Damn. Canaan calls Big Easy a piece of crap for telling Mika not to do it. Then Canaan goes down. Mika ... doesn't do it. She walks down the stairs.

The Globes are team #6.

Clueless walks up and they are ELIMINATED. Canaan says he doesn't hold it against her. He doesn't know what it's like to have a crippling fear. "There's freedom in forgiveness." She's lucky he's Christian. I would have been PISSED!

See you next time.

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