Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 3

Teams are all taken on the Bassic III Riverboat to My Tho, Vietnam - unbeknownst to the teams. When the boat arrives, the Farmers are the first to depart.

Teams will travel by taxi to Ho Chi Minh City. Once there, they will search for the Golden Dragon Water Puppet theater where they will have to grab the clue from the dragon puppet's mouth as it swims around.

The Farmers talk about how difficult it is to let go of one's son and to be the son who wants freedom. SO CUTE. Rainbow is next and they tell us that they are brothers and gay, but VERY different. Sam is laid back and chill and Dan is a whiny complainer. Globes are next and Big Easy tells us that he just lost his father two days before the race. Last time he saw him, his dad told him to win the race and that's what Big Easy is here to do.

Next to leave...Lawyahs (UGH!). Lance "lets" Keri lead but tells her not to waste too much time. He totally bitches at her when she's taking the lead, but as soon as she gives the lead back to him, he says "I don't know where we're going." Jackass. Besties(!!) are next to head out, followed by the Blondes and the Poker Chicks. They all get cabs to Ho Chi Minh City. Next to leave the boat are Clueless, Seniors and Team USA. Marcy (Seniors) tells us that it's emotional for her to be in Vietnam because her father was shot down in Vietnam in 1968 and rescued.

The Globes arrive at the Water Puppet theater and they each take turns trying to grab the clue. They finally do and they pull out a small bullet-looking container. All it had was a stamp with a building on it. That's it.

Teams must now figure out that they are looking for the building on the stamp - the Post Office in Ho Chi Minh City - where they will find their next clue.

Globes figure it out and ask someone who tells them it's the post office. They hop in a cab and take off.

The Farmers arrive next and figure it out right away. Someone tells them it's the post office and they decide to run it since it's only 1 km. Next up is Rainbow and they figure it out and look for a taxi.

Meanwhile, the Globes arrive at the post office and find the next clue: DETOUR. In this detour the teams will decide between Child's Play or Word Play. In Child's Play, teams go to a local park and choose a large concrete animal from a kiosk. They must transport their large and awkward animal through the park while collecting 5 balloons along the way. When they reach the children's playground, they receive the next clue. In Word Play, teams head to the observation deck of a hotel where they will scan the crowded intersection below. They will need to find 6 Vietnamese letters moving in the traffic and bring the 6 letters to an individual. When they have the correct 6 letters, they will need to go out and ask people to unscramble them until they find the right word (DOC LAP - the Vietnamese word for Independence). When they have the right word, they will receive the next clue.

The Farmers find out that the post office is further than 1km, so they hop in a cab. The Globes choose Child's Play and select a concrete ram and take off.

The Blondes get the clue from the Water Pupper theater and figure it out. The Poker Chicks and Rainbow and Seniors were all there getting the clues and they all figured out that they needed to find the building on the stamp. Lawyahs get the stamp and Lance starts yelling at Keri for "losing" the clue. They don't get it. He keeps yelling at her to find the clue. HA! After a while, they FINALLY figure it out.

Clueless finally gets to the theater and dance for the dragons - they think that will help them get the clue. Hmmm. It works and they're off just as Team USA arrives. They figure it out and take off.

Besties, Farmers, and Blondes all choose Child's Play. Seniors choose Word Play. Poker Chicks and Rainbow both pick Child's Play. Globes find the last balloon and head to the playground. The Blondes pick the concrete sheep and start collecting balloons.

Globes get the next clue. Teams will now head to Dien Co 008 where they'll find the next clue.

Clueless and Team USA find the clue box at the post office with the greatest of ease...just like the rest of the teams. Lawyahs both run inside the post office and when they come out and see it, Lance yells at Keri for not noticing it sooner. He's a gem. Maybe they should be "clueless". All three of those teams pick Child's Play. Seniors are the only team to pick Word Play and they are having trouble with the 6 letters. They got 5/6 correct.

Poker Chicks pick a concrete wolf, Rainbow picks a concrete deer, Farmers pick a concrete zebra, and for some reason, Besties pick a concrete giraffe (???). And wouldn't you know, as they are carting the giraffe, it tips over and an ear breaks off. They need to pick up all the pieces so that they can continue.

Team USA arrives and pick a concrete zebra...because they are black and white like Team USA. Nice. Lawyahs pick a deer and the Blondes finish and head to the next clue. The Seniors find the 6 letters so now they need to find someone to tell them what it says. Farmers and Rainbow finish and take off. Clueless picks an elephant. Team USA gains some ground and finish fifth. Next to finish are Poker Chicks and Besties (!). The Lawyahs finish...but not without Lance yelling at Keri some more. Clueless finishes and takes off.

Globes arrive at the next stop and pick up the clue: ROADBLOCK. In this roadblock, one team member must breakdown a VCR COMPLETELY and put the various parts into separate piles. When the VCR has been completely disassembled and the parts sorted, the team will receive their next clue.

The Globes decide that Flight Time will do the task. The Blondes arrive next and Cheyenne will do it since Meghan "can't build things". Farmers come next and the son does it (because he's taken apart VCRs before out of curiousity).

Meanwhile, the Seniors are trying to figure out what the letters spell.

The Globes finish and head to the next pit stop: The Reunification Palace.

Team USA arrives and Brian will be breaking down the VCR. Sam from Rainbow will disassemble for his team. The Blondes and Farmers finish and take off for the pit stop. The Globes have trouble trying to find a cab and finally find one as the Blondes find one, too. FOOT RACE! Seniors finish Word Play and head out. The Poker Chicks arrive and Tiffany will be disassembling. Rainbow finishes and head to the pit stop.

FOOT RACE. Globes and Blondes are running to the pit stop. Cheynne makes it, but Meghan is behind. GLOBES are first. They win a trip for 2 to Aruba!!! Blondes take second.

Justin of Besties is disassembling as well as Canaan. Lawyahs get out of their cab too early and end up having to take another cab to the clue. He continues to yell at Keri and she tells him to stop yelling at her. In the cab, Lance apologizes for taking out his frustration on Keri. He's still a d-bag.

Farmers are third. Team USA is fourth.

Lawyahs finally arrive and Lance will be disassembling. The Poker Chicks are done.

Rainbow is fifth.

Keri of Lawyahs is cheering Lance on and her voice is SO ANNOYING. Clueless heads to the pit stop. Lawyahs finish and head to the pit stop followed by Besties. Seniors finally arrive and Ron is disassembling.

Poker Chicks are sixth. Clueless is seventh.

Even though Seniors are last, Marcy is so supportive. She just keeps cheering Ron on. They seem so happy and just enjoying themselves.

FOOT RACE. Besties and Lawyahs are fighting to not be last. They forgot about the Seniors. Besties are eighth. Lawyahs are ninth.

Seniors are last and ... have been eliminated from the race. They were so sweet about being eliminated and grateful for the opportunity to be in Vietnam. Sad.

See you next week!

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