Thursday, October 29, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 5

Previously on...The Ruins: Tanya got drunk, hit Veronica and went home. Katie and Danny go HOME!

The opening credits are so freaking cheesy.

The kids have the day off so they are exploring Thailand and playing on the beach...oh and drinking. KA and Cohutta and hanging out and they both interview that things didn't work out but they are still friends and they care about each other. Hmmm. Foreshadowing. OH GAWD! Wes interviews that Cohutta fell in love with KA and has been OBSESSED with her for so long and that KA hurt him, but she still feels bad for him. WHATEVER, Wes. I think Cohutta is just a genuinely good person. He doesn't seem "obsessed" with KA at ALL. No one wants your girlfriend, Wes. Move on!

Back at the house. Wes is talking to Johanna. Talk about obsessed! I think Wes is still hung up on her. They talk about what went wrong and I guess their biggest issue was that Johanna just didn't trust Wes. Not surprising. Johanna says that coming into this challenge with a girlfriend or boyfriend is the stupidest thing. I kind of agree. Johanna says that she has a problem with Wes having sex next to her with KA. I don't think that's happened...I think she's just talking about how Wes is there with KA and probably doing the nasty while Johanna is in the same house. It's awkward. Johanna interviews that she needs to separate "personal life" with Wes from "team life" with Wes and it's really challenging for her. I can understand that. She tells Wes that she'd rather him not talk to her at all than have him be nice one day and not the next. Wes interviews that he feels like Johanna doesn't care that much about their friendship as Wes does.

Nighttime. Wes tells KA that Cohutta is getting a little frisky when he's drunk. KA tells Wes to shut up. Wes interviews that Cohutta forgets that he was practically never KA's boyfriend and that Wes is her boyfriend now. Dumb. Wes tells KA that's he going into the Ruins against Cohutta. KA says that she doesn't want him to but that's all she can do. She can't prevent Wes from doing it. Wes says that Cohutta's going home no matter what - it's just a matter of who gets his $$. Wes says that "people" have been calling him a Renegade (really?), but he wants to be bounty hunter and take people out for the "bounty" on their heads. GET OVER YOURSELF!

Johanna, Susie and Ibis are strategizing about how to get rid of Veronica so that the 3 of them will be safe until the end. Of course, Veronica overhears this. Veronica goes straight to Evan and Susie goes out on her balcony so that she can hear what they are saying. SO SNEAKY!! Evan interviews that "The Queen Bee overhears a conversation between Johanna, Susie and Ibis..." HA! I'm starting to really like Evan. Yes, he's a meathead, but he's funny. He says that Veronica finally comes with her tail between her legs to talk to Evan. HA! Veronica tells Evan that Susie is not going to nominate herself tomorrow and Evan agrees that she shouldn't because she's gone in everytime. Veronica spots Susie. Then she tells Evan that he told her he would NEVER vote for Susie. So Veronica thinks that it was a set up so that it would be between Susie and Veronica getting nominated and Evan already told Veronica that he wouldn't vote for Susie, so Veronica goes in. Evan's pissed that Veronica thinks he set it all up. Evan sees that Veronica is kissing his ass to say in the game. What will Evan do??

Challenge Day.


Champions: Veronica votes herself in since she knows she'd be picked anyway. The team wants Veronica to go against KA. So it's Veronica, Johanna and Ibis. Evan, Kenny, Wes.
Challengers: Casey, Kim, KA, Brad, Dunbar, Cohutta

The Game: Each team has a lane. There's a 15 foot pole with a gong on top at one end and building blocks at the other end. The concept is to use your team blocks to build a stairway up to reach the gong and hit it. There's a catch! There will be two guys/two girls holding onto the opponents pole. Each team will have to rip the opponents off of their pole and carry them back to their blocks before they can start building. Only the three guys who were nominated will be participating in the challenge to even out the teams. First team to ring the gong wins.

KA, Casey, Brad and Cohutta will be holding onto the Champion's pole. Kim, Sarah and Dunbar will be pulling the Champions off their pole. Wes, Veronica, Ibis and Evan will be holding onto the Challenger's pole. Susie, Johanna and Kenny are pulling the Challengers off their pole.

Ready? GO! Brad basically walked off the pole so he could help his team. Casey was dragged out first. Kenny drags Cohutta out next. Challengers get Ibis out. Next Wes is pulled out. KA is out and now Champions can start building their locks. Evan is still on the pole. Champions quickly build their stairway and hit the gong! Champions win.


Wes throws himself in and picks Cohutta. The team basically doesn't value Veronica and votes her in. Veronica is fighting for Ibis to go in. TJ comes up and takes a vote. It comes down to Evan. 3 votes for Veronica v. KA or Veronica v. Kimberly. Evan needs to vote. He says that he promised not to vote for Ibis but it's nice having Veronica around because she flirts with him and has big boobs and a big ass. Nice, Evan. Evan picks Veronica and says she can pick. So Veronica is voted in and it's a tie between KA or Kimberly. Since they are deadlocked, the entire team will come in to vote on the TWO girls going in. They basically threw out the part where Veronica was unanimously voted in.

Syrus: Ibis v. Kimberly
Derrick: Ibis v. Kimberly
Susie: Veronica v. KA
Darrell: Ibis v. Kimberly
Bananas: Ibis v. Kimberly
Johanna: Veronica v. KA
Evan: Veronica v. KA
Wes: Ibis v. Kimberly
Kenny: Veronica v. KA
Ibis: Veronica v. KA
Veronica: Ibis v. Kimberly

DAMN. Now it's Ibis v. Kimberly. Ibis is pissed. She should be. Why did everyone screw her over?? WTF?

Wes goes in and tells Cohutta that he's going in against him. Wes tells them about the girl drama. Bananas tries to back peddle and explain why he voted for Ibis and Ibis doesn't want to hear it. She tells Bananas to STFU!

Ibis feels betrayed by Derrick because they are good friends and he voted her into the Ruins. Derrick feels bad but he feels that Veronica has been doing a better job. Ibis is out for revenge. Johanna, KA and Veronica are all talking about Wes. Johanna is saying that Wes is talking shit. KA is trying to defend Wes. Weird. KA goes to talk to Wes. KA says that Wes is so wishy-washy about Johanna. One minute he hates her and the next minute she's his friend. KA wants him to make up his mind. Wes interviews that he is SO MAD at Johanna but that doesn't mean that he doesn't love her a little bit. OUCH! Move on, KA!

Cohutta and KA are talking. I love Cohutta. KA tells him that she'll be sad no matter who wins.


"The Spool" - Object is to unwrap your rope as fast as possible. Each player starts on one side with a rope attached to them. They have to make their way over, around, and under bamboo poles unwrapping their rope as they go. First person to unwrap their rope wins.

Wes v. Cohutta

HOLY SHIT! Cohutta WON!!! Wes is going home! OMG! That was awesome. KA is sad. It's the first time he's ever lost. He walks over and hugs Cohutta. Cohutta wins and takes Wes's money. CHA-CHING! Wow. Wes actually went out like a winner and wished everyone luck.

Ibis v. Kimberly

Kimberly wins. Wow. Two Champions out. I feel bad for Ibis. She's going out a winner, too.

Susie and Kimberly are calling Johanna out for feeling sad that Wes is gone. Johanna interviews that she's confused because one minute she hates Wes and the next she cares about him. They have a history and were going to get married.

All the girls are talking and KA (!!) is giving Johanna a hard time for not clapping for Wes. WTF? Why does she care? Johanna says that she didn't clap for either one, Cohutta or Wes. She doesn't feel like cheering on someone who treats her like shit. But, she does care about him. Johanna tells KA that she and Wes broke up a year and a half ago and she doesn't care about KA and her relationships. She just asks that KA leave her alone. KA says she doesn't severely dislike Johanna anymore, but they aren't friends. Weird. Drama.

See you next week.

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