Thursday, October 15, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 3

Last time on The Ruins: Shauvon's boob popped and she left. Ev threw The Ruins so KA could stay. Wes got angry.

We start out on a boat with all the players just enjoying Thailand. Evan is crushing on Veronica. Tonya is drunk and climbing the mast of the boat and everyone is yelling for her to come down. Attention-seeking behavior! Oh and now she's making out with Aiyaphat who is a "random local". Tonya sure is living up to her reputation as the Mayor of Crazytown. Ewww. Now she's vomiting overboard. Veronica and Evan are flirting like crazy. I think she's using him to align herself with Evan so she's safe. I'm telling you, she's SHADY!

Wes is scolding Evan for the Champions betraying him last week. Evan is trying to reason with Wes and explaining that he has to be a team player in order to gain respect from the team. DUH! Evan also points out that Wes is all about "Me me me" and he needs to think about the team as a whole and that instead Wes is calling Evan selfish. Wes interrupts and says "No, I'm calling you selfish and a coward. Go on." Evan is done and walks away. Wes interviews that the Champions as a team - with the exception of himself of course - are a group of cowards.

Wes is now scolding the entire Champions team. Kenny interrupts and Johanna stops him. She says that Wes is making peace, let him talk. Hmmm...I'm not so sure about making peace, but let's see. Ok, so Wes says that they kept him in the dark about their plan and they tell him that he keeps them in the dark because they don't know what he's going to do on a daily basis. Basically, Wes threw the first challenge, so they are skeptical. Wes interviews that his team is convinced that he's going to throw the rest of the challenges, but that they are "not intelligent good people. they're losers". Wait. Didn't he TELL them he was going to throw the rest of the challenges?? Wes, you can go ahead and lump yourself in with the teammates in the not intelligent category. So now Wes says he needs to prove to his team that he's not here for the money. Apparently, he's giving all of his money to charity. What? Seriously? He's a lot dumber than I thought if he thinks anyone is going to buy that. Johanna totally calls him out. Now he's saying he wants to play fair and inspire kids to do the right thing. I don't even know what to say. Wes is insane. He's possessed. Now he's saying he's ashamed of how people have acted towards him and how he's acted towards others. He wants to "change this right now." WTF? I mean, if it was sincere, it's great. But, c'mon.

No one else believes him either. They are all still talking about throwing him in again. Bananas thinks that he should get off the hook this time. He thinks they should wait until the stronger guys from the Challengers get thrown in because that's when Wes will really be put to the test and he may even lose and leave!

Wes is still on his reformed kick. Wes: "I want to see bad people do good things." From anyone else, I would buy it. Even crazytrain Tonya. But Wes? No way. Evan is telling him that Wes needs to lead by example and people will eventually follow. That's how people will know he means what he says.

Evan and Susie are talking. Susie is willing to always nominate herself...same with Evan and Bananas. Susie realizes that if she stays aligned with Evan, she's safe. But, unlike Veronica, she doesn't have to F*** him.


Challengers: Danny, Adam, Brad, Brianna, Casey, Kim
Champions: Evan, Kenny, Syrus, Susie, Veronica, Ibis

Wes is an idiot. He thinks he convinced his teammates that he's a changed man. Wes thinks that they are saying "Oh. He's giving the money away now. He's such a good person. Let's throw him a bone and keep him out of one elimination round." Kenny clarifies in an interview that they aren't giving Wes the week off because of his stupid speech...they are doing it because of how it works out for the rotation. I believe Kenny. Wes is such a Narcissist.

Wes nominates Veronica and everyone votes. Bananas interviews that Veronica sees that Evan is one of the leaders. Instead of working hard and doing a good job, Veronica decides to "F*** the boss and move up the ladder that way." Bananas doesn't respect that at all. heh. Veronica ends up one of the three and now she's questioning her alliance with Evan because she did not expect to be one of the three girls. HEH!

REPO RACE. Two obstacle courses have been set up. They need to get one of the team members all the way through the obstacle course without ever touching the sand. The team does this by all lying in the sand and making a human bridge (with the last person moving to the front to keep the bridge going as the teammate walks on their backs). It's a race so it'll be timed.

Champions select DERRICK. Challengers select COHUTTA. Interesting.

And they're off. Immediately the Champions take the lead. Cohutta touched the sand and he and his team were sent back to the last check point. Challengers make up some time when Champions go back to their last check point. The game is tied right now as they pass through the second of four checkpoints. Champions pull ahead. But then Derrick gets confused. The rules on the last platform tell him to pick up a sand bag and carry it to the finish line without ever letting it touch the sand. It sounds pretty obvious, but Derrick is yelling "what do I do with this?" Hmmm. Bananas interviews that Derrick is tough as nails, but anytime a challenge has "thinking or problem solving or reading involved", it's not his cup of tea. HA!'s neck and neck. Derrick drops his bag. Oh Dang!! CHALLENGERS WIN!

The Challenger nominees have to decide who goes into the Ruins. Adam, Brianna, Syrus, and Susie are going into the Ruins.

Cohutta and Adam are appreciating the Thai culture. Then, they start talking about how much the deliberation sucks. Adam can't believe Danny didn't get voted in. Meanwhile, Brianna is bitching to Evan that everyone was supposed to vote for Casey and instead, they all voted for her. Evan interviews that Brianna is a tough chick. ("She's got tattoos, she's got a lot of anger in her heart, she's got a very bad hair dye job") HA!!


The game: "Burnout". Each player starts on their platform with their hands on their hips. Then they grab their wheel and water will come out the pipe in the center of the contraption. They need to redirect the water into their opponent's barrel by turning the wheel. Once full, the barrel will tip into a gutter that leads to the opponent's fire and the water will put it out. First person to put out the opponent's fire wins.

Brianna v. Susie

They are both redirecting. It's stressful...neck and neck. Susie tips the barrel and WINS!!! She also takes Brianna's $$. Bye Brianna.

Adam v. Syrus

They are redirecting. Syrus looks crazy with his wheel turning. Syrus tips the barrel and WINS!! Syrus also takes the $$. Bye Adam.

Challengers have lost a lot of people. In celebration, Champions are playing drinking games. Veronica tells Evan that "it's" going to happen tonight. They are dirty-talking about having sex. And...they end up in bed the next morning. So predictable.

Next time: Tonya slaps Veronica. AWESOME!!

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