Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 15

Elle Magazine. Erin walks into Joe Zee's office to talk to him about the Today Show segment. He asks what happened and Erin tell him that she was willing to tell Olivia what she did right and what she did wrong, but Olivia said "If you don't like it, do it yourself". Joe isn't nearly as appalled as I would be...then again, he's got some hard-on for Olivia (even tho he is so gay). So, he asks if Erin thinks Olivia doesn't respect authority or doesn't like criticism or she doesn't understand what's going on. Erin says yes, yes and yes. Oh dang! She says that Olivia doesn't understand and she doesn't want to try to understand. Olivia doesn't want Erin to tell her what to do (which is a problem since Erin is her boss!!). Bottom line, Erin: "She's not a nice person, Joe." Joe wants to stand by his hiring decision and thinks that Olivia is still new. Basically, Erin, make it work. UGH. I can't wait to see what she does next!! :)


"Working Girls"

People's Revolution, SoHo. Whitney is working in what appears to be a dress she wore in 3rd grade!! It's bright orange with some sort of weird green amoeba-looking pattern that barely covers her ass and has huge shoulder pads/puffed sleeves. Roxy walks in (wearing black, now that she can because she's in NYC). Whit tells her that they have a photo shoot today. Roxy looks around at everyone busy at work and calls them robots. Clearly this is one of those work environments where people come in, do their work, and go home. It's not nearly as social as Teen Vogue where LC and Whit were chatting all day...or Bolthouse where Heidi and Elodie were chatting all day ... or Smashbox where Audrina and Chiara chat all day. (Ok, I'm sad that I know all these random characters from seasons past and present on this show and The Hills - I am a vat of useless information). Whitney says that people keep to themselves. So Roxy yells "hello, I'm Roxy" and waves to the girl across the table from her. The girl looks up and says she's Michelle and then goes back to work. Whitney looks a little embarassed. Whitney tries to warn Roxy that Kelly will be on her case in the beginning and that you have to show that you work hard. Roxy kind of blows her off and says that she totally "gets" Kelly and that Roxy takes work totally serious. And, Roxy says she's not afraid of Kelly. You've been warned, Roxy. Few have survived Kelly Cutrone. Even our dear LC had a difficult time. I think Olivia should work at People's Revolution!! OMG, a Kelly/Olivia catfight would be AWESOME, no?? Who's with me?

Kelly walks in with Ali Fatourechi, Creative Director of Generic Denim. She introduces him to Roxy and Whitney. Kelly says that the model is really skinny and Ali says he's worried about the jeans looking right. So he asks Roxy AND Whitney (I think. I couldn't tell who he was looking at) to bring clips for the jeans. Kelly starts giving orders. First, she tells Roxy that Roxy is going to drive Kelly's car. She asks Roxy if she's ever driven in NYC and Roxy says no, but she's not worried. Then Kelly tells her to break up the rack and bring it. Parting words from Kelly "Don't F*** up my car. It's the only one I have and I pay $600/mo to park it, ok."

Elle Magazine, Midtown. Looks like a team meeting led by Joe. He's talking about the big Personal Style issue with Victoria Beckham. Olivia pipes up about knowing this great vintage store that she can pick looks from and Joe shoots her down. He says "That's something for Victoria, but not the everyday reader." Next. He tells Olivia that he wants her to work on this one. Erin tells her that they want a wide range of accessories and a lot to choose from. More is better. Why do I get this feeling that Olivia is going to come back with LESS??

Streets of NYC. Roxy and Whitney are in Kelly's car and Roxy is going to drive them to the shoot. They make it to the shoot without complication and start to unload the car/huge truck. (Ford Range Rover? I don't know. It's a Ford and looks like a Range Rover. Does Ford make those? Does it really matter? No.) They try to put the rack together on the sidewalk. Dumb girls. They finally make it up to the shoot. Kelly asks if they brought the clips. They did not, but Whitney thinks she has some in her bag, but she doesn't. Roxy picks a great look for the model and Kelly seems impressed. Then the model starts to "model" and Kelly says she's boring and tells her to move more. Roxy thinks that the shoot isn't edgy enough. She thinks the girl needs to lose the shirt entirely since it's a "jeans" ad. Whitney tells her to ask Kelly first. So, Roxy DOESN'T go to Kelly and just tells Ali that she thinks the girl should take her top off. Ali says it's a good idea and Kelly walks up and asks "What's a good idea?". They tell her and she agrees. She asks if it's Roxy's idea and then tells Roxy "next time you tell me before you tell my client. Good idea, though." Heh. Then Whitney says "the jeans fit perfectly" and Kelly says "you're just saying that because you forgot the clips, Whitney." Uh-oh. Move over, Whitney. There's a new pet in town.

Elle Magazine. Joe walks up to Olivia's and Erin's desks. He tells Olivia to go down to Canal Street and load up. He needs at least 10 handbags, scarves, watches. Olivia cuts him off and says she lives by there and police are shutting it down all the time so there isn't much stuff. Joe says "You'd be surprised. You can find things behind the curtains as well. Don't get arrested." He tells her he wants to run through it first thing in the morning. So Olivia gathers her stuff and Erin asks her if she has any questions. She says no, of course. Erin tells her to call if she needs anything. And, Olivia is off.

Marchesa Design Showroom, Chelsea. Samantha (Whitney's friend), an assistant buyer for Bergdorf Goodman and Sunni, a buyer for Bergdorf Whitney are looking at clothes. Whitney walks in and greets them both. Samantha asks Whitney how work is and Whit says that Roxy and Kelly seem to really get along because they are so much alike. She tells Sam about the shoot and how Roxy took over. Whit says in HS she was shy, quiet, nice and Roxy was always overpowering and Whit just let her take over. So, she thinks Roxy still sees her the same way and thinks Whit will let Roxy walk all over her. Whitney needs to find a way to show Roxy that she's not that little timid girl that she can walk all over. Hmmm. That's going to be kind of hard since she kind of still is that girl. We'll see.

Canal Street. Olivia is looking for accessories. I missed the part where they gave her a budget, but they must have because she's asks how much everything costs and then walks away. She finds a guy on the street who has designer purses. Then Olivia acts like they are doing some drug deal. She tells the guy to cross the street and walk with her as she looks around in an "is anyone watching us" sort of way. Ok, I've been to Canal Street. My friend and I actually bought "Prada" purses there. It was not scary at all. So I thought Olivia was being all shady and dramatic because he was going to show her actual purses. NO. She looks at PICTURES of bags and tells him which ones she wants. Jeez. He makes a call and she waits to see them. She looks at them and buys them, still on the look out for...cops? I'm not sure how many she bought. He had a large shopping bag, but they only filmed her looking at one bag.

People's Revolution. Roxy comes in and Whit is already there. Intern Tim asks how the shoot went and Roxy said she thought it went well. Whit agrees and says she hasn't seen Kelly to see how she feels about the no shirt thing. Whit also says that Kelly likes being in the leadership role with respect to giving ideas to clients. And Roxy rolls her eyes and says at least she gave her opinion and showed her passion rather than just standing around quietly. ZING!! Whitney says "we'll see" and then gets up. Roxy shoots her an annoyed look.

Elle Magazine. Olivia says she saw a lot of crap. She basically brought back two watches, two sunglasses and four bags. Erin says they need MORE. They have 8 models. Again, Olivia says "you can go down there. there's nothing." Joe walks in!! Olivia offers excuses to Joe immediately saying that nothing was good and this was all she could find. Joe said he was SURPRISED because he always sees a ton of stuff when he walks down there. Olivia explains that "up close" it looks terrible. So Joe looks over what she has. He likes the bags that she brought. BUT, he says he's concerned that they don't have enough and Erin confirms that they don't have any accessories or jewelry. yikes. Joe is visibly disappointed, but then walks outside with Erin and keeps defending Olivia. He says that he thought she did great. Erin, correctly, points out that they don't have enough stuff for the 8 models. Joe keeps saying that the stuff they do have is great. Joe says that it was a difficult task for Olivia. Erin keeps saying that she needed accessories and now she has nothing. Joe asks if she thinks it was really that much of a failure. Erin says she doesn't have a segment and she needs to deliver to the client or they won't use Elle again. Joe agrees and Erin says she'll have to change the whole segment. Joe says that from the specific products he saw, he thought Olivia did a good job. Erin just takes a deep breath. Ok, I think that Erin isn't really giving Olivia a fair shake and is entering every project expecting Olivia to fail. HOWEVER, I think Joe is obsessed with Olivia and thinks everything she does is great. Maybe Olivia put him under a spell. I really think deep down Joe knows Olivia f'ed up, but he doesn't want to fire her yet.

People's Revolution. Kelly walks in and wants to talk to Whit and Roxy about the shoot. She says that everything went ok except for the model. She thought the model was "a Brazilian snore" aka BORING. Roxy says that she loosened up after she took her shirt off. Kelly says "That's because you did a really good job." Roxy smiles. Oh Roxy, Kelly isn't finished. Kelly then says "That being said. I've been doing this 22 years. You've been doing it for 5 mintues. When I'm on a set, respect my authority." She first points out that she was pissed and embarassed that they forgot the clips for the jeans. So, they can't forget shit. Then, she turns directly to Roxy "The stuff you did with the model was fantastic. I'm mama wolf. This is MY company. You DO NOT go up to my client and make suggestions when I'm at a shoot. In the future, pass things by me. Alright." Roxy rolls her eyes and says "at least she liked it. It could be a lot worse." Whitney just puts her head in her hands.

See you next week...

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