Friday, October 23, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 4

Everyone is drinking...surprise, surprise. Katie is getting in on the drunk action. FINALLY!! I know she's engaged now, but I bet she's still got a little crazy in her. Katie and Veronica are slurring to each other about a plunger that was in Katie's bed. WTF? Kenny and Evan are laughing and Katie goes ape shit. She starts screaming/slurring and waving the plunger around. Kenny is such a dick. He says that Katie is dead weight and ugly. What? Seriously?? These kids need an education and some maturity.

Brad, Dunbar, KA and Sarah are motivating each other to really kick ass. They don't really have anyone else to lose at this point. They just need to fight to stay in the game.

In another room, the Mayor of Crazytown (Tonya) is totally shitfaced. She's slurring and falling down. Bad. Derrick and Bananas are talking to her (and laughing). Now Evan comes in and makes it worse. Cohutta looks on and interviews that Johnny, Kenny and Evan really give Tonya a hard time, but she makes such an easy target. Just after than, we see Evan squirting sunscreen on Tonya's back as she tries to walk away. Then someone throws baby powder on her face. Jeez. These guys are ridiculous. Evan interviews "It's always fun to pick on the confused kid. The one person that will get angry, get mad, pee her pants and then go to bed." Wes says that Tonya is a ticking time bomb. Jeez. I kind of feel bad for her. Those guys are assholes.

The next day Tonya and Katie are talking outside. Katie is telling Tonya that she has to separate her real life from the challenge and she sympathizes and says that she's a lot like Tonya. I have to admit, when she's sober, Katie is actually a good person. Ibis asks what happened and Tonya just says that she wishes she didn't drink as much as she does. MTV should do a Real World/Road Rules Rehab show. They could have Dr. Drew run it. It would be like Celebrity Rehab, but just with Real World/Road Rules people.

Ibis is encouraging Tonya to try not to drink as much. I get that she's being supportive, but it doesn't usually work that way. Tonya needs professional help. As Brad says, Tonya just got divorced and needs to get her shit together. That's not going to happen on this show. I understand that Tonya is an adult and makes her own decisions. But, I feel like MTV should be a little more responsible and not hire her when they know she's so messed up. I mean, it makes for good TV, but if she overdoses or something, that's a huge liability...not to mention bad press.

Later that night, Evan and Kenny are back at it. Katie is the target again. They put the plunger in her bed. She's drunk and gets all irate. She's yelling at Evan and Kenny and Sarah is in there and just laughs quietly at the trainwreck in front of her. I can't really blame her. It's a total shit show. Katie gets really mad that Sarah is laughing and orders her to get the F out of her room. [Tangent - This totally reminds me of when my sister and I would fight and she would get so mad that it would make me laugh. And the more I laughed the angrier she got...which it made it even funnier. Ahhh. Good times.] Sarah is shocked and Katie keeps screaming for her to leave. Bananas and Ibis are sitting with their heads down until Katie starts chasing Sarah out of the room. Then Bananas holds her back and yells for her to calm down. Two words: Hot Mess! Katie makes it clear she does NOT like Sarah. Wow.


Sarah is feeling sad that Katie doesn't like her. Evan and Kenny are trying to make her feel better. Evan brings her flowers to make her feel included and welcome her back to the group. SO DUMB. I get it, Katie is insane. But, Kenny and Evan are assholes. I guess there isn't much to choose from.


Challengers - Dunbar, Danny, Cohutta, Sarah, Casey and Kim
Champions - Darrell, Derrick, Bananas, Tonya, Katie and Susie

The Challenge - "Burning Bridge" - Teams must build a floating bridge out to their team raft and then light the torch on the raft. Each team member will take turns swimming out to retrieve a piece of the bridge. Once there, the team member will need to release it from it's anchor and then take it to it's place leading to the raft. Once the bridge is completed, one team member will run across it with a torch and light the torch on the raft. First team to do this, wins.

Katie and Kim will be lighting the torches for their teams.

Wes is first to swim for the Champions and Brad is going for the Challengers. Brad falls a little behind. Next up are Bananas and Danny. Followed by Veronica and Sarah. Sarah kicks ass and closes the gap between the teams. Tonya and Dunbar are next. Tonya goes out there and gets lost. She can't release the bridge piece and Challengers pull ahead. Next up is Cohutta for the Challengers. He gets back and it's KA and Johanna. Champions are one behind. Then, it's Casey for the Challengers and she's swimming slow ass backstroke out to the pieces. Evan calls her a drowning kitten. She finally makes it to the piece and gets on top of it, then rolls off like a seal. She starts panicking and takes these loud breaths. She's freaking out. Meanwhile, Syrus takes off for the Champions followed by Ibis and Darrell. The Champions pull ahead and Susie goes out. Casey is still having issues. Kenny is off for the Champions and Casey is not able to release the piece. Evan takes off and finishes the bridge. Katie takes off and is basically crawling along the bridge, but it doesn't matter because Casey is STILL out there.

Champions win.

The nominees are all deliberating and deciding who goes into The Ruins.

Champions: Katie volunteers and asks to pick Casey. Bananas says that Casey helped them win because she sucks so they want to keep her. So, Katie chooses Sarah. Darrell volunteers and picks Danny.

Nighttime. Tonya is completely wasted. Bananas interviews that Tonya is always the unstable, knucklehead female but tonight she's in Defcon 5 mode. Heh. OMG!!! She's talking to Wes and there's a moth flying around. She catches it in her hand and EATS IT!!! GROSS. Even Wes is laughing and looking at her like she's crazy. She chases it down with some beer. Sick.

Tonya is now outside talking to Veronica and Casey. She says to Veronica that she's still reliving the other challenge they were on together.

FLASHBACK: Veronica is telling Tonya - in front of a group of people - "No more masterbating when we're all still up talking in the same room." Veronica then starts demonstrating what Tonya does and Tonya clearly looks embarassed and annoyed.

Back to present day. Veronica just says that it was funny and Tonya says it wasn't funny to her. Tonya then says that it was "the rudest f****** thing you could ever say". Veronica doesn't understand and is kind of smiling and Tonya is angry. Veronica walks inside and Tonya follows her in. Tonya stops to scream that "Veronica is leaving!" to Bananas, Derrick, Dunbar, and Cohutta. She says that she hates Veronica more than she's ever hated anyone in her entire life.

Veronica is in another part of the house eating - noodles, I think - with Kim and they both talk about how crazy Tonya is and how she's more of a drunk now than she was before. Tonya comes into the room and tells Veronica to shut the F*** up. Now, Wes, Bananas, Cohutta and others are in the room. Rather than just ignore Tonya, Veronica decides to argue back. Veronica is not getting angry enough, so Crazytrain Tonya walks up to her and hits the noodles out of Veronica's hand all over Kim!! Tonya looks like a mad woman. She's got her glasses on, her hair is wild and she's in Veronica's face. Veronica is just laughing at her and telling Tonya how crazy she is. Tonya is just yelling in Veronica's face and Veronica is backing away. Tonya tells her "You don't make fun of someone who is half your age!!" Veronica yells back "Who here is half my age? You're not half my age." Tonya: "Not now." Veronica: "Not ever!" What a ridiculous conversation. Tonya tries to say she's sober, but no one is buying it. She's totally gone off the deep end. Wes interviews that all Veronica needs to do is step away and be the bigger person. He's right. But Veronica is just not going to do that. She keeps arguing with Tonya. Then, Tonya is standing there and Veronica grins and smirks, "Are you done? You are crazy. Let's just call a spade a spade." Tonya walks up to her and slaps Veronica across the face!!! As crazy as I think Tonya is, Veronica bugs me way more and that slap was AWESOME.

We come back from commercial and we see the slap again. Then Tonya keeps hitting Veronica and pulls her hair and it's a full on brawl. LOVE IT!! Where's the mud?!?! Wes jumps in to break them up and pull them apart and finally Evan comes in to help him. Veronica is smiling, but it's that "I'm totally embarassed that I just got my ass kicked sort of smile." She has a bloody lip. Evan holds onto Tonya and Tonya starts bawling. It's actually kind of sad. She's so broken.

Veronica is so freaking smug, it's irritating. Evan tells her to get out of the room and Veronica brats "Why do I have to leave?" Evan just says "V, it's gone far enough. Get the fuck out!" Veronica finally swaggers out. Tonya is bawling hysterically. Cohutta interviews that everyone in the room is stunned and is realizing that they should have intervened sooner. Evan interviews that "Veronica still doesn't think she did anything wrong. Veronica has "bad news" written all over her and it ain't for me." He's right. I'm torn on Evan. I think Kenny is always a d-bag. But Evan has his moments. He teases Tonya a lot, but you can see that he does care, too. I think it's just immaturity. Evan then interviews "As much as we bug Tonya and Tonya's completely out of her mind, Tonya is a part of our family. And I know that Tonya thinks this is the only family she has. So we need to embrace her, comfort her and get her through this." See? He's not so bad. And, he's smart to stay away from Veronica -- she's SHADY. Evan tells Tonya that no matter what situation she goes home to, he, Kenny, Cohutta, and Bananas will pick up her calls. The producer walks in and Tonya is sent home.

All the players are upstairs and Evan walks in. Veronica asks what she should have done differently. Evan tells her that she's a rational girl and Tonya isn't and that it went too far. Then Bananas says that Veronica went to a place that she shouldn't have gone. I'm assuming he means calling Tonya "crazy". Veronica starts to cry and doesn't understand why "the crazy person who just attacked her" has everyone's support. She expected more "friendship" support from Evan, so no more "cuddle time" for him. Veronica storms out of the room.

Tonya leaves the house. Tonya knows she's an alcoholic. She needs help and I really hope MTV will get her that help. As she's leaving, she says "I'm f****** ruined." It's really sad. I feel sad for her. However, she knew she had a problem before she signed up and yet she still decided to put herself on national television.

The rest of the guys are all talking in the house and Evan says that everyone has their own opinions about what happened. He then says that they've all had their fun at Tonya's expense. Wes speaks up that he NEVER has done or said anything to Tonya and neither has Derrick and neither has Cohutta. Oh snap! Wes points to Evan, Bananas and Kenny and totally calls them out. I don't like Wes that much, but he's so right on here. Wes interviews that those three have harassed and teased and made fun of Tonya from the beginning. Now that Tonya is gone, those three want to be the "good guys" and say that she has all these problems and show their concern. I'm with Wes. Evan gets all defensive and tells Wes he's not Oprah...missing the point entirely.

Katie and Derrick are talking outside. Katie tells him that she's not doing another challenge. Katie interviews that she misses her fiance and that she's ready to be a wife and a mother and move on with her life. THANK GOD! I have a sneaking feeling that Katie is going to lose the Ruins.


"O Ring" - Each person will be suspended at the center of The Ruins and they will each be holding onto the same "ring" (which is also hanging and suspended). When TJ says "GO", they will have to wrestle the ring away from their opponent. The person to do it twice, wins.

Katie v. Sarah

Katie wins the first one. Sarah wins the second. They are both talking serious shit to each other. SARAH WINS!! Wow. The two crazies are gone. On her way out, Katie says that the most she will remember of her time in Thailand is "bugs and a house full of assholes." Nice. Way to go out on top, Katie.

Darrell v. Danny

Darrell wins the first one. Danny wins the second one. DARRELL WINS!!! Danny is going home.

Susie says that the house has now gotten rid of the two crazies, Tonya and Katie. BUT, she says that she thinks Veronica is close behind in the crazy department. PHEW. I thought it would be boring without a hot mess in the house. Sounds like we may still have one. Veronica tells Casey and KA that she feels like she's next on the chopping block. Evan and Kenny are lying in bed talking strategy. Evan whispers: "The game is about to get real funny and we just need to keep our heads above water 'cause a lot of people are about to sink. You and I have always said 'Make it to the final week and trick everyone until you get there.'"

Until next time...

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