Thursday, October 8, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 2

The Champions are discussing the "Wes" issue. Wes is not trying to repair the damage, so they're back where they started. No one wants to compromise.

Apparently KA and Eve are BFF's. When did this happen? Ev is lying to KA. She's telling her that the girls on the Champions team are scared of KA. WTF?? Since when? Oh and Ev thinks that she and KA are in the same position because they are both the strongest women on their teams. (Ev's using "women" rather loosely. And, it's not hard to the be the best girl on the Challengers).

Johanna is trying to talk some sense into Wes asking him to be a team player. Wes feels misunderstood. Then the coversation moves to Wes parading around with KA - who Johanna does not like for some reason. I'll tell you the reason Johanna - she's clueless with fake boobs who is used to getting by on her looks. Even Wes gets that. He vents to KA and she just stares at him. All the serious DIALOGUES Wes has had have been with Johanna! Not that Johanna is a Rhodes Scholar, but she's smarter than KA. I digress.

Johanna acknowledges that Wes is hurt. He says that she was supposed to be the most important person in the world to him and right after they broke up, she f***** Kenny on National TV. OF COURSE, he's hurt. Johanna doesn't know what to say and decides that she's done trying to protect Wes and be his friend.

It's the night before the challenges and the Champions are strategizing. They've figured out that Wes isn't budging. Bananas interviews that KA is the closest thing Wes has to family at the challenge so now they're going after Wes's friends/family. Hmmm. Bananas asks Katie what she thinks about Ev and KA going into the Ruins. Katie thinks it's a good idea. She feels bad, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Evan talks to Sarah and Casey to let them in on the plan. Ev vs. KA - the line up of the century.

First, nominations.
Champions: Derrick, Wes, Bananas, Katie, Susie, Ev
Challengers: Cohutta, Nick, Danny, Shauvon, Casey, KA

Wes approaches his team and says he'll throw himself in this time, but if they agree to rotate the 3 guys from here on out and pick names out of a hat, then he'll bust his ass this time. They agree (and then talk about how they just threw KA under the bus and have no intention of picking names out of a hat). heh.

The Game: Two platforms are separated by a fence suspended above the water. Team members must swing from one platform around the fence and land on the other platform. The landing platform is very narrow so team members must stay on. If you fall of at any point (while swinging or off the platform) you must swing again. The game ends when team members are ALL on the landing platform. It's a timed event - fastest time wins.

Champions get to sit out two players so the teams are even. They sit out Katie and Syrus.

Challengers: First up is Danny and he makes it. Next is Adam, then Brianna, then Brad, then Cohutta, then Nick, then KA, then Sarah, then Kimberly , then Dunbar. Next is Casey...she doesn't make it on the platform so she has to go again. This time with the guys' help, she makes it. Next is Shauvon. She's scared, but goes and falls off and does a total bellyflop. Danny is yelling at her to try again. She's telling him that she thinks she busted her implant. WHAT? This is awesome. You can't make this stuff up. It's just too good. The Champions are totally laughing. I mean, it's kind of sad, but seriously...she's totally out of shape (by her own admission), she's competing with girls who try hard and are in really great shape AND she's got these ridiculously HUGE fake boobs. She's just asking for it. She tries again and falls. So 11/12 made it. She's freaking out and is in serious pain. She's convinced she busted an implant. So she's taken away in an ambulance. KA is interviewing that she's heard of people busting implants and it makes her scared (as she laughs and holds her own implants). DUMB!

Champions: First up is Bananas, then Derrick, then Kenny, then Susie. Ibis goes and totally bangs into the fence and falls. She goes to the back of the line. Next up Veronica, then Darrell, then Wes, then Johanna, then Tonya, then Evan, then Ev, then Ibis again. 12/12.

Champions win. They get $20k to divide and a mobile webcam. Now they get to pick who goes in the Ruins.

Deliberation. Wes wants to go against Nick. Done. Now for the good part. Ev wants to go in against Casey. NOPE. They pick Ev and KA. Wes and Ev feel blindsided. Awesome. Wes is in Bananas face. Ev is PISSED and keeps bumping up against Bananas so he pushes her away. Then Wes yells that Bananas just pushed a girl! Seriously? If Bananas gets sent home for that...I don't even know. TJ comes in and they are still fighting so he makes the 6 of them vote right there. Obviously, it's Ev and KA. Ev and Wes decide that they are going to throw every challenge from here on out.

Wes runs in and yells at the Champions. He says "You just lost this challenge for yourselves because you have the 2 STRONGEST players really f****** PISSED." He's like a huge APE running around screaming. Ev is kicking shit. Kenny looks straight in the camera and flexes like an ape. Johanna: "Wes looks like a psychopath. And Evelyn kicking shit? Come on. Grow up."

Wes and Ev are sitting on the stairs and KA walks over to them. Wes tells KA and she laughs. Ev is having a freaking nervous breakdown. She's literally SOBBING. KA tries to pretend (in her interview) that she's outraged. I'm sensing she's a little embarassed. My guess is that KA is glad to be leaving and wants to start disassociating herself from Wes and Ev ASAP. I know I would. Wes busts into the Champions room and starts pointing at everyone. Ev is still hitting and kicking shit. Wes starts screaming at Bananas and interviews "the fact that I am more mad at Johnny than I am at Kenny just shows what a lowlife he is"... OR, it shows how desperately you need a psychiatrist, Wes. I'm guess it's the latter. Wes just keeps saying how much he wants to beat the crap out of Bananas. Seriously?? It's a GAME, people. AND, it's $120K DIVIDED BY THE GROUP. Even if it was $120K total for one person...STILL NOT WORTH IT. These people need jobs so they don't take this so seriously. Jeez.

Wes, Ev, and KA are all strategizing. Ev is thinking about throwing the Ruins. Now Ev thinks that the Champions are terrified of her. What is up with these people?? No one is scared of you guys. You're all suffering from delusions of grandeur.

Shauvon is back. Kenny is begging to see her boobs. Of course he is. So, Shauvon went to the emergency room and got a CT scan. She has major tissue, nerve and muscle damage. "From the top of my chest to my waist!" She's leaving. She has to be on bed rest. She goes around to everyone on the house retelling her emergency room story. It's actually kind of comical. Kim sums it up in her interview "Shauvon has this elaborate story. Just say you're going home and you have a bruise on your boob. Sorry. See you later." The Challengers are happy to see her go. She's was dead weight on that team.

Evan is seeing the error of the Champions ways. He sees that their plan was short-sided. The Champions thought that they could get rid of KA and it would show Wes that they were serious and he'd come back and play hard for them. No one expected Ev to join Wes and start throwing challenges.

Bananas is trying to pump up Nick and encourage him to beat Wes. Ev is wondering if she has it in her to lose the ruins.

"Shadow Fighter" - Each player is going to have their wrists and ankles attached to their opponent by ropes. Each player will start at the front of their platform. The goal is to pull their opponent OFF their platform. Need to do it 3 times to win.

And, it's raining so the platform is slippery.

Wes v. Nick - Wes wins the first one. Wes wins the second one. Wes wins the third one. Wes is the winner. Nick goes home.

It stopped raining.

Ev v. KA - KA wins the first one. Ev wins the second one. Ev wins the third one. KA wins the fourth one. KA wins the fifth one. Ev goes home.

So, KA gets to stay AND she takes Ev's money. TJ is disappointed that Ev is a quitter. wow. She's super delusional because she believes KA would do the same for her. No way. KA looks out for number one. She's not that selfless.

Johanna and Wes are talking ... AGAIN. She's trying to find out if he's going to play to win or if he's going to keep throwing challenges. Then, she tells Wes "Let me make this easy for you. If you throw this whole challenge, I will sell the house and keep all the money because it's only in my name. So..." Interesting. So they bought a house "together" but it's in Johanna's name. HA! She says "You want to f*** me out of $30K, I will f*** you out of $300K". Oh dang! She leaves him with "I learned from the Master" and points to Wes and says "you sleep on that tonight." He interviews that she's a horrible person for threatening him that way. But, it looks like she's got him by the balls. Now he has to rethink his strategy.

Til next time.

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