Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 17

Previously on The City: Olivia managed to pull it together. Damn. Kelly Cutrone was awesome. Whitney was dumb.

Jeffrey, New York. Samantha and Whit are shoe shopping. Sami is telling Whit about an event about Lifeguards happening that night and invites Whit but tells her NOT to invite Roxy. They throw pennies in the fountain (in the middle of the store...weird) and wish to meet cute boys tonight. Sami misses the fountain entirely. Dumb.


"Meet the Fackelmayers"

Elle Magazine. Erin goes into Joe's office to show him the Page 6 "mention" of some party. Joe is telling Erin about all the people coming to the party. Joe says they should invite Olivia to the party and sees that Erin disagrees. Joe says that he really wants her there and calls Olivia to come into his office. Joe tells Olivia that Carol Smith, the Chief Branding Officer at Elle, is having a small party at her house and he would like Olivia to come so she can meet more of the "Elle" family. Joe says that Erin will take her around the party and introduce her to everyone. Olivia fake smiles and thanks them both for including her. Gag.

Bergdorf Goodman. Lifeguard party!! Woot! Lifeguards are HOT! Whitney tells Sami about a BBQ at Adam's the next day. I'm confused. Who's Allie? Apparently it's someone that Whit wants to get along with and she's asking Sam to the BBQ for support. Seriously, who's Allie?

STK, NYC. Roxy is on a date with a guy named Zac. Zac asks her what's been going on (I think to just be nice) and Roxy goes on and on about Kelly and how no one likes her, but Roxy gets her, yada, yada, yada. Ok, I'm not sure what kind of dress Roxy is wearing but her entire bra is showing in the back...not just a strap, but the entire bra. Zac asks where Whitney is and Roxy tells him about the Lifeguard event and says that she feels like Sami didn't want her there. Roxy thinks that Sami excludes her on purpose. Hello? Isn't she on a date??

Bergdorf Goodman. Whit and Sami meet some boys. They are total preppy boys from CT and RI. Sam looks at one of them (Harry) and says that he looks just like her friend, Freddie. He tells her that he's Freddie's brother. Weird and random. So Sami invites the Harry to the BBQ the next day. [OHHH, I think Allie is that waify girl from last season who was dating Whit's boyfriend's roommate. Ouch...that hurt my head. Anyhow, Whit's ex-bf is out of town so that's why they were invited to the BBQ. Got it.]

People's Revolution. Whit is filling Roxy in on the lifeguard party and the preppy boys. She tells Roxy that Sami invited the boys to the BBQ at Adam's place. Whit feels weird about going herself and now she's bringing random guys. Roxy encourages her. Kelly Cutrone (!!) comes up to them and says she needs one of them to stay late. Roxy volunteers since Whit has a BBQ. Kelly wants details about the BBQ. Whitney tells Kelly that it's at Adam and Jay's place and Kelly rolls her eyes and says "OMG". Oh, Kelly, you're so cool. Roxy tells Kelly that she's meeting a boy there. So Kelly says "You're meeting a guy at your ex-boyfriend's apartment?" I love Kelly. Kelly tells Whit to have fun and tells Roxy she's hers tonight. Heh.

Elle Party, Carol Smith's Apartment. The Editor in Chief of Elle goes up to Olivia and welcomes her. Erin looks on totally annoyed. Olivia is actually doing well meeting people on her own. She runs into Joe Zee and he starts introducing her as well. Erin just watches - and does not show Olivia around as she was supposed to. Then, Erin leaves the party. Weird. Let me be clear. I like Erin and I do not like Olivia, but Erin is bugging me this episode. I know she just doesn't like Olivia but she's acting like a spoiled child.

Adam & Jay's Apartment. Whit and Sami show up in their gladiator sandal-looking wedges. Yes, Allie is the waify chick. Harry (preppy guy), his brother (Freddie) and two other guys show up. Ok, Freddie is WAY hotter than Harry but he just looks too chiseled. You know? Like he's cute, but looks almost too cute. Sam and Whit go get a drink and Whit says that Freddie is way hotter. They return to the boys and Freddie asks Whit what she wants to do later. Hmmm.

People's Revolution. Whit is telling Roxy about the BBQ. WTF is Roxy wearing?? She's got leggings with slits all along her outter legs, a T-shirt and red heels. Even the other people in the office are looking at her. So, Whit tells Roxy about the boy. His name is Freddie Fackelmayer (WHAT???) and he's from Greenwich, CT. Usually, I would hate on Roxy, but she looks at Whit and says "Fackelmayer" all slow. It was amusing. Whit continues that Freddie is really tan, he likes tennis, he surfs on the weekends. He's so picture perfect. So what's the catch? Whit thinks that Sami has a thing for Freddie. Roxy says to go out with him and forget Sami.

Elle Magazine. Erin asks Olivia how she's doing. She asks Olivia how she liked the party. Olivia says she had a nice time. Erin asks if she met the designers. Olivia smirks that she already knew all the designers who were there so it wasn't a big deal. Jeez. Erin is holding out an olive branch and Olivia simply doesn't get it. How obnoxious. So, Erin cuts Olivia off as she's bragging about some designer she knows and says "That's great, but then where are all of our exclusives?" Oh snap! She tells Olivia that she hasn't seen any and she'd like to. Olivia stutters that she needs to follow up with them first to see what they have. Erin says that she thought Carol's party was fun, but it's not all about air kissing and socializing and have a glass of champagne. She tells Olivia that she needs to look at the bigger picture. Erin asks when she can expect to see something and Olivia kind of blows her off, but just doesn't really know what to say. Erin tells her that she's there to guide Olivia and that she's there to help and would appreciate it if Olivia didn't have such an attitude. Olivia just gets up and walks away.

Elettaria, Greenwich Village. Freddie and Whit are on a date. Whit asks what he does and he's in commercial real estate (yawn). Then, he asks Whit where she went to school and she says USC (BOO!!!) and Freddie says "you really like the West Coast, huh?" Um, that's where she's from, you fool. So they talk about going to Nantucket this Summer. And Whit asks "Are you sure there's nothing going on with you and Sami?" Freddie: "Well, I'm here with you, right?" And, that's it. Um, Whit? He didn't answer the question.

See you next time on The City!

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