Monday, November 2, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 7

Last time on the Amazing Race: Mika was lame and wouldn't go down the waterslide, so Clueless went home. 6 teams remain...

The teams are departing from the Atlantis Resort in Dubai.

The Blondes are the first team to depart at 1:13 p.m.

THE CLUE: Teams must now fly to Amsterdam. Once there, they will drive themselves to the Leili (sp?) Monument. There, they will find their next clue.

The Blondes take off. They arrive to find out that the earliest flight to Amsterdam leaves at ... MIDNIGHT! Bunching!! So, it will be difficult to remain in the lead with the other teams leaving on the same flight. DOH!

Poker Chicks are second to leave, followed by Rainbow. Team USA is next and Miss America admits that she is a nagging wife. Heh. Farmers (!!) leave fifth and the Globes are last to depart. All teams are headed to the airport.

All the teams are chilling out and the Globes come up. The teams want to know what happened with Clueless. Big Easy is telling them how Mika was crying and he didn't want her to cry so he told her not go down 'cuz it ain't worth it!! The teams all laugh. Then he says that he felt bad that she was crying, but he didn't want to lose either. It is a game afterall. The teams are all getting along and laughing Rainbow decides that it's time to "come out" as the "token gay team" to everyone. Everyone smiles and laughs. I think this group of teams is my favorite Amazing Race group ever. I don't strongly dislike any team. Yes, Poker Chicks are annoying and probably my least favorite. But they aren't bad. Team USA can get annoying, but they are ok, too. I only dislike the Blondes because they are so obviously the frontrunners and I like it when it's a close race. But overall, the teams are great. They totally embrace Rainbow. :)

All teams head out on the same flight and arrive in Amsterdam. The teams are frantically getting in their cars and heading out. Everyone makes their way out of the garage except for Team USA. Poor Brian can't get the car in "drive" and Miss America is trying to coach him. Poker Chicks comment that some teams don't know how to drive luxury cars since they are all in Mercedes SUVs. Heh. Brian finally asked some random to help him get the car in drive. Dumb.
Brian is freaking out and Miss America yells at him for getting her all upset. WTF? I guess Brian isn't allowed to be freaked out or upset because it makes Miss America too upset. DIVA ALERT! Wow. Can you say "high maintenance"? Whatever, I'm sure he knew what he was getting into when he married her.

The Blondes, Rainbow, Poker Chicks, Farmers and Globes all make it to the monument and run to get the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now make their way to the city of Groningen and head to the Martinitoren, the highest building in the city, and search for their next clue.

The five teams are on their way to Groningen and Team USA is still on the way to the monument. The Globes are talking about Team USA having car problems. Flight Time says that the one name they know on this race is "Brian" because all they hear from Miss America is her yelling "BRIAN!!" "BRIAN!!" HA!

Team USA finally makes it to the monument and head to Groningen. The Blondes and Rainbow make it to Martinitoren (Rainbow: "Like the drink!"). They find the clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must navigate their way up the narrow winding staircases and maze of doors to the top of the Martinitoren. On the way up, they must count the number of bells in the tower of the Martinitoren that makes up the famous carillon. Once they have the correct number (62), they will tell the player of the carillon and receive their next clue.

Sam (Rainbow) and Meghan (Blondes) decide to do the task together to help each other out. It seems complicated to have two people doing it together, but whatever. Flight Time (Globes) and Matt (Farmers!!) arrive next and start up the stairs. Tiffany (Poker Chicks) goes up for her team. Team USA finally arrives and Miss America goes up.

Sam and Meghan are at the top trying to count the rest of the bells when Matt arrives. The bells start to ring and Sam and Meghan have trouble communicating over the loud bells. Meanwhile, Matt finishes and goes back down to see if he has the right number. HE DOES!! WOOT! Farmers are now first and get the next clue!!

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now drive themselves to the town of Vierhuizen de Marne and find a windmill where they'll find their next clue.

Sam and Meghan get the right number. On their way down, Sam tells Tiffany (Poker Chick) that the number is 62, so she goes right to the guy to get her next clue. Blondes and Rainbow are now making their way to Vierhuizen de Marne by following a taxi. They pass Farmers, who are asking locals for directions. Poker Chicks and Globes are next to take off. Miss America finishes counting and comes up with 43! WRONG!! Miss America is telling herself that BRIAN should have done this roadblock. Heh. No matter what, it's his fault.

Rainbow makes it to the windmill first with Blondes a close second. They get the next clue.

DETOUR: First, teams must put on traditional Dutch costumes and ride bicycles to the fork in the road. There they must choose Farmers' Game or Farmers' Dance. In Farmers' Game, teams must find a creek, strip down to their costume underwear and swim across it. Then, using the Dutch clubs, they have to play three rounds of farmers' golf. Taking turns, teams must finish each hole in less than 8 strokes. If they don't, they have to keep playing until they are up to par.
In Farmers' Dance, teams must find the country festival. One team member will need to ring the bell at the top of the high striker. Then, they'll have to learn a Dutch folk dance which they will have to perform correctly in front of a crowd. If their instructor is pleased with their work, they will be rewarded with some salted herring and onions (gross). When they finish the herring, they will get their next clue.

Blondes and Rainbow both opt for Farmers' Game. Sam gets the guy outfit and Dan will be wearing the girl outfit. Cute. The real Farmers arrive and they opt for Farmers' Dance. Matt will be the guy and his dad is wearing the girl costume.

Back at Martinitoren, Miss America re-counts and misses (56) again. She's starting to panic a little bit. She heads back up to count again.

Rainbow, Blondes, and Farmers take off on their bicycles. The dad and Dan look so cute in their dresses! Poker Chicks arrive and decide to do Farmers' Dance. HAHA! Rainbow arrive at Farmers' Game and strip down to their long johns. Blondes show up and strip down. Both teams make it across the creek and start playing. Meghan has never played golf and she's having issues. It's actually more like a cross between croquet and golf. The clubs are large with dutch shoes as the "mallet" part of the club. The balls are larger and look more like croquet balls. The only thing that's "golf" is that you need to get the ball in a hole. Rainbow makes it in the first hole.

Miss America tries a third time and is wrong again (57)! She's only counting the bells on the top, but not the ones hiding along the way!

Farmers arrive at Farmers' Dance and they each ring the bell and go inside. They both laugh hysterically during their "interview". So CUTE! The Poker Chicks head out on their bicycles and Maria is having issues because she's in the "Man" costume and the shoes are HUGE.

Miss America comes down from the tower and tells Brian that she's not giving up but it's the hardest thing. Brian is so sweet and super understanding - more than she would be if the situation were reversed. He tells her to take a five minute break and they walk outside.

Back at Farmers' Game, Rainbow gets the second hole and the third and get their next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now bike through town to Zoutkamp Harbor, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Meghan is getting increasingly frustrated and the Blondes can't make the first hole. Meghan finally gets the hang of it and they get the first hole. Meanwhile, at Farmers' Dance, Matt reads the clue again and realizes that they will have to eat herring. HE HATES FISH. So Farmers head to Farmers' Game. Rainbow make it back across the creek and head out to the next Pit Stop. Blondes finish up Holes #2&3 and make their way back across the creek. The Poker Chicks are taking turns hitting the high striker but they don't have enough strength to make it up to the top. Globes arrive at the windmill and decide to do Farmers' Dance.

Miss America FINALLY gets 62!! WOOT! Now she and Brian head to the windmill.

Rainbow is the first team to the PIT STOP! Phil asks them if they like to dress up like that and Sam tells him that they "aren't those type of gay guys!" Heh. As winners of this leg of the race, they won a SAND BUGGY!

Farmers cross the creek to play Farmers' Game. Globes are riding bikes to Farmers' Dance. Poker Chicks give up after not being able to hit the high striker and head to Farmers' Game. The Globes easily hit the high striker and go in to learn the dance.

Blondes are the second team to the pit stop!

Team USA makes it to the windmill and decide to do Farmers' Dance. Poker Chicks head across the creek to play some golf. Team USA heads out and miss the bicycles entirely. This is not their day. Farmers make the first hole and head to the second one. Poker Chicks are not having an easy time.

OMG. Watching the Globes dance is classic! They are super tall compared to the old Dutch folks and they are totally getting the dance. Big Easy is adding his hip hop flare to the dance and watching them is hillarious. They rock! They finish the dance and all of the people are clapping and cheering. Such hams, these guys! :) Now they have to eat the herring. Big Easy sucks it down and Flight Time looks ill.

Team USA is running (not biking!). Poker Chicks are having problems with the golf. BUT, they couldn't hit the high strike, so they are stuck golfing. Farmers make the second hole. Poker Chicks give up and head back to the Dance. They are going to just try to hit the high strike. Hmmm.

Big Easy finished his herring and Flight Time is getting it done. Big Easy interviews that he finished his in two bites and asks Flight Time how he did. Flight Time says he's not talking about it. HA! These two are awesome. They finish and get the next clue and head to the pit stop. As they walk out, Flight Time says that he's not talking about it and wants the camera out of his face and then all of sudden, he smiles and says "Did you see me gettin' down, though?" and starts dancing in his Dutch dress. HAHA! Globes might be my second favorite team. Love them.

Team USA is still walking. UGH. Not good. Poker Chicks are back at the Dance and trying to hit the high strike. They are on attempts 32 and 33. The mallet thing must be super heavy because they are barely getting the bell up the pole. At that rate, they will NEVER hit the high strike. The Poker Chicks are really getting frustrated so they decide to hug it out. They hug and cry and try to motivate each other. They shake it off, dry their tears and try again.

Team USA FINALLY re-read the clue and realize they were supposed to get bicycles. Of course, Miss America has to yell at Brian "The least you could do, is be compassionate!" Jeez.

The Globes are the third team to the pit stop.

The Farmers make it into hole #3 and head back across the creek. The Poker Chicks are still trying to hit the high mark. Ok, Maria is contributing NOTHING to her team. She barely hits it. Lame. Team USA continue walking. Brian asks Miss America if she wants to give up. She says no and proceeds to complain about her ailments. Brian complains, too, but she isn't giving him any credit because she's done more work than he has today. UGH! Tiffany hits the bell again and ALMOST hits the high strike. Miss America is still complaining. Poker Chicks give up AGAIN and go back to Farmers' Game.

Farmers are the fourth team to the pit stop.

Poker Chicks are going across the lake AGAIN. Team USA makes it to Farmers' Dance and Brian hits the high strike easily, of course. WOW. I can't believe Team USA may beat Poker Chicks. Although, I don't remember Team USA never got their bikes. Team USA successfully completes the dance and now must eat the herring. They eat the herring and ask some people if they can borrow their bikes to the next pit stop. I wonder if they'll get penalized for not using the bikes to get to the Dance. They ride their borrowed bikes to the next pit stop. Poker Chicks are still having difficulties golfing although they claim they are improving. I'm actually cheering for the Poker Chicks. Team USA is seriously annoying.

Team USA is the fifth team to arrive. They are SHOCKED. However...they have incurred a 30 minute penalty for not riding their bikes to the detour. Something tells me that the Poker Chicks won't complete their challenge in 30 minutes. Miss America is FREAKING out while Team USA waits out their time.

Team USA is officially team #5.

Phil comes out to Farmers' Game to meet Poker Chicks. They've given up by this point. Phil tells them that he understands that they are quitting the race. Tiffany says that they don't want to quit the race but they don't foresee being able to complete the challenge. They know this means that they will be eliminated.

Poker Chicks are eliminated from the race.

See you next week!

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