Monday, November 30, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 22

Last time on The City: Kelly Cutrone was awesome, Olivia sucked and Whit went on a blind date.

Somewhere in NYC: Whit's designs arrive and she's showing them to Kelly Cutrone. Kelly tells her that the next step is getting a "look book" together. Kelly says she needs to get a photographer, location, hair, make-up, stylist, etc. Whit looks overwhelmed. Kelly says she'll take care of most of it, but Whit needs to start thinking about casting and what she wants the girls to look like. Whit says that maybe Roxy can help with casting and Kelly asks if she's ever done it before. Whit says that this could be her first time. Kelly says "Great." And not in a good way. Then she tells Whit that she can't stress how important this look book is for Whit's career. Kelly tells her that she has to put her best foot forward because if she doesn't, the other foot won't follow. This look book will either make or break her career in fashion. What's Kelly's point? DON'T USE ROXY.


"If You Want Something Done Right..."

People's Revolution, Soho. Whit is doing the casting for her look book and Roxy is there. Kelly walks in ... a little late and says that she didn't know Roxy was working today. Roxy says that she's helping and Kelly gives Whit the "I thought I f-ing told you how important this is. Why is she here?!?!" look. Kelly says that this has to be done right. Then she tells Roxy that she can "push" which I guess means bring the models to Kelly and Whit. So, Roxy walks over to a model and says "you were here first, right?" I'm guessing that's not how it's done. Kelly asks Whit "you had Roxy call the models?" and Whit says "yeah, I figured she could do that." Kelly isn't convinced.

First model up...doesn't have a book. She says it's in the mail. Kelly says "without a book, we can't see how you'll look on film. Ciao. Next." heh. Kelly hates everyone that Roxy is sending back, so Kelly goes out and points to 3 girls and tells the rest to go home. Then she calls Roxy to the back. Kelly tells Roxy that the girls she's picked are not cutting it. "The theme is fairytale tea party not gothic nightmare." HAHA!! Kelly tells Roxy that she's going to need to really pull out all the stops and find some models that work. Because so far this is a disaster for Whit, who put her ass on the line for Roxy. Damn. Kelly: "You're gonna need to pull some magic because this thing is a disaster for her. Get on the phone and find me some models that work." LOVE. Kelly.

Elle Magazine. Erin is sporting some fierce heels. Erin tells Joe that they booked the Today Show and they want him on air. They want 8 looks head to toe and they are giving Elle 6 minutes. Apparently, that's awesome, but Joe says it will be a lot of work. Erin says that she'll need help. Joe says this is the perfect thing for Olivia to work on with Erin. Erin laughs and says that out of everyone at Elle, Joe thinks Olivia is the perfect person. Joe says that she proved herself to him and that he's putting himself on the line for her. Erin says she can't figure out why he would do that. Joe says that he thinks Olivia can do this and Erin says "Let's hope."

People's Revolution, Soho. Roxy brings in a new batch of models and Kelly loves the first two. She thinks that one of the girls looks just like Whit's inspiration for the collection ... BUT, she's short. Kelly and Whit agree on the taller one, Stefania. Yeah. They are booking her. Kelly high fives Roxy and says "Lucky for you, my friend." HA.

Elle Magazine. Erin tells Olivia that they have a Today Show segment. Olivia says "another one. Ok." Erin says yes, but that this time they want Joe Zee on air so it has to be perfect. Erin says the last one was mediocre at best so they need to step it up this time. Erin says that they are doing a "He said, she said" theme. Clothes that girls think guys like to see them in and clothes that guys actually like to see girls wear. Olivia is doing "Meet the parents" and "Evening out". Erin tells Olivia exactly what she needs to get. For "meet the parents", the girl look is flats, skirt, cardigan and the guy's choice is jeans, sweater and sandals. For "Evening out", the girl look is heels, skinny pant/jean and flowy top and the guy's choice is a dress and heels. I mean, how hard can it be? I guess, pretty hard. Olivia tells Erin not to stress and Erin says the fact that Olivia isn't stressed worries her. Olivia says "I'm going to be fine. Don't worry." Erin: "I think that's what you said last time." Snap.

People's Revolution, Soho. It's Whit's look book photo shoot!! The roof is set up like Alice in Wonderland and it looks very romantic. Roxy asks Whit to funk it up a little bit and right then Kelly walks in and takes over. There's a reason she owns her own PR firm. Roxy keeps trying to funk it up with different having the models scream or a food fight. Kelly has had enough, so she pulls Roxy to the side and says "I don't want to upset Whitney because this is her shoot. But I don't want her looking at you and you talking..." Roxy tries to interupt and Kelly says "No no no. I'm going to talk. So no cake fights, no nothing. This is like criss cross apple sauce. Nice and clean so we can get through it. Ok." They keep shooting and Roxy doesn't listen to Kelly and says "let's just get one last shot of someone opening champagne." Whit doesn't say anything but kind of walks away. Kelly tells Roxy that the champagne will explode if she shakes it...which Roxy does. The model opens the champagne and it goes everywhere and ON THE CLOTHES. The dress has champagne all over it. Kelly ends the shoot and says she's going to dinner. Roxy says she'll clean up and Kelly tells her not to break anything else. Whit says she'll help clean up. Roxy says no and tells Whit that she already knows she's mad. Whit tries to say she's not mad, but she's totally pissed. Roxy tells Whit that she can tell that Whit's pissed. Whit says that she just didn't forsee food and champagne going all over her stuff. Seriously, why would Roxy do that??? She's so narcissistic. Then, to break the awkward silence, Roxy throws cake at Whit and they get into a food fight. Dumb.

Mango, Soho. Ooh, I used to love Mango. Then it came to the US and became another H&M (ie. cheap European Contempo). Olivia is meeting Brynn (an Elle accessories intern) to help her put together looks for the shoot. Brynn picks out a black sequined dress and Olivia is concerned that it might fit the model wrong. Olivia: "I can pull it off but I'm not sure everyone can." Ugh. Olivia picks a black pantsuit (?? I think??) and Brynn says "that's not going to go over well." Olivia says that she likes it so she's keeping it. Uh oh. Brynn says that she doesn't want to piss Erin off and that last time they didn't have enough options. So, Brynn suggests that they go pull more dresses but Olivia says "I think we're done. We're all set." Brynn looks nervous and is telling Olivia that they need more options and Olivia says that she's happy so they're leaving. Not good.

Elle Magazine. Olivia is doing a fitting with the models. Erin walks in and says that the dress is too tight on the model. Olivia says she disagrees and Erin says that she's not wearing the dress. Olivia says she disagrees and Erin says she doesn't care. Then they go to the jeans, sandals, sweater look and Erin asks why the jeans are a size 2 if the model is a size 4. Olivia says that they can fix that. Olivia says that she could only find ONE pair of sandals. Erin asks her why she didn't go to more stores. Olivia says that's all she could find. Erin says Olivia is leaving her at the 11th hour without options AGAIN. Erin is totally pissed and she tells the models they can leave. Olivia wishes Erin luck on finding sandals and Erin says that Olivia wished her luck last time and Erin was able to pull it off with lots of options. Erin says that everything has to go back and Olivia says she disagrees about the dress. Erin says she doesn't care, it's going back. Olivia says that they should ask Joe what he thinks. Erin says that Joe has nothing to do with this segment and that she has done this enough to know what they are looking for. Olivia then asks "Erin, would you talk to Joe in the tone that you talk to me?" Erin reminds Olivia that she's NOT JOE. Then Olivia says "I'm saying that you need to respect all your colleagues on the same level". Mind you, she's saying all of this while going through a rack of clothes and doesn't even look up at Erin once. Erin asks Brynn to leave which she does GLADLY I'm sure.

Erin says that if she doesn't want the size 16 model to wear the size 14 dress, then that's it. She's not wearing it, let's move on. Olivia says she disagrees and asks Erin to have an open mind. Erin says she has an open mind to let Olivia go to the store and re-pull outfits for the segment. Erin says that it's taking everything in her not to go to the store and do it herself. Then she tells Olivia that it's Erin's segment, Erin's producers, Erin's contacts and Erin's models so she chooses what goes on the air, NOT Joe. Joe is going to see the clothes the day of the shoot. And scene.

People's Revolution. Roxy says she returned all the shoes, accessories, etc. from the photo shoot and she got the dress with champagne on it dry cleaned. Kelly comes in and says that the look book is ready and the photographer sent it to them. Roxy asks if she can come, too, and Kelly tells her that she wants to look at it with Whit alone first and Roxy can see it later. Oh dang. Kelly and Whit love the pics and they arrive at the pic of the dress that got champagne all over it. Whit says that she and Roxy worked everything out. Kelly says that she likes Roxy but she gets a little carried away. Whit says she's learning and Kelly says it seems like Roxy wants to learn the hard way. Then Kelly tells Whit that she needs to decide if it's worth it to keep someone like that around.

Elle Magazine. Erin goes in to talk to Brynn about what just happened. Brynn looks terrified. Erin repeats what she needed and that what was shown to her was a disaster. Brynn says that they'll go back and she has everything written down and she'll get it done. Erin is just venting. She tells Brynn that this wasn't Brynn's responsibility, it was an Olivia "accessories editor" task. Erin says that it's insulting to Elle and to Joe that Olivia doesn't take her seriously. This task is a reflection on Elle and it's insulting to the producers who trust that the Elle people know what they're doing. Erin says that if one store doesn't have it, go to another store, and another store. Don't give up and come back until you have the looks. Brynn gets it. She got it at Mango. Erin tells Brynn it's not her. Erin just doesn't think that Olivia cares. Erin: "She just doesn't deserve to be here at all." Agreed. See parents?? Don't spoil your kids!!! They will turn out entitled and obnoxious like Olivia!

See you later this week for the finale!!

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