Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 10

Last week, The Farmers were eliminated. :( Four teams remain. I'm rooting for The GLOBES!

We're at the last Pit Stop in Tallin, Estonia.

The Blondes are the first to depart at 12:00 AM.

FIRST CLUE: Teams must now fly to Prague in the Czech Republic. Once there, teams must find the town square and locate a "PRAGA". They must first figure out that a "Praga" is a vintage Czech convertible. Once they find the "PRAGA", they will receive their next clue from the driver.

Blondes take off and I'm guessing there will be BUNCHING since it's midnight. Rainbow takes off next. OMG, these brothers are like the blind leading the blind. Dan: "Prague? Do they speak Spanish there? Where is it?" Sam: "No. It's a country." WOW. Can you say 'brain trust'? Rainbow interviews that Globes are their rivals at this point. I'd say, they are correct. Globes are out for blood after last week's race to the finish line where they insist Dan pushed Flight Time. Globes are next to leave and they tell us that they talked to Rainbow and it's all good. This is about winning the race and it's not personal. Hmmmm. Team USA is last to take off and head to the airport.

Blondes arrive and find out that the first flight is at 5:20 AM to Riga and then at 8:15 AM from Riga to Prague. The ticket office opens at 4:00 AM, so they are waiting. Rainbow arrives next followed by the Globes and Team USA. Globes, Rainbow and Team USA hit the internet. Globes find out what a Praga is. Meghan suggests to Cheyne that they tell the others that a "Praga" is a black hat. Globes are on the internet and discover that a Praga is a vintage car. At 4:00 AM, all teams buy their tickets and head to Prague. Blondes, Globes and Rainbow all hop in Taxis to the old town square. Team USA decides to take a shuttle bus (i'm guessing to save $$). Brian says that someone on the plane told them that the shuttle to the subway is the fastest way to the old town square, so they are taking a gamble.

Blondes arrive and start looking for the Praga. Rainbow sees the Blondes running and follows them. Blondes find the Praga and get the next clue.

CLUE: Teams must now find their way to Kayaky Troja, an outdoor adventure center. Here they will search for their next clue.

Rainbow tells us that they didn't know what a vintage Praga was so they are grateful that they saw the Blondes! Now Rainbow and Blondes are on their way to Kayaky Troja. Team USA is stuck in traffic on the shuttle. Meanwhile, Globes find the next clue. Team USA gets off the shuttle and gets a cab. Of course, Miss America is going to blame this on Brian.

Globes are in a taxi that is completely covered in autographs. Team USA laments their bad decision. Blondes and Rainbow arrive at Kayaky Troja and receive their next clue.

DETOUR: "Fast & Furious" or "Slow & Steady". In Fast & Furious (FF), teams make their way, in a kayak, through a man-made white water rafting course used to train professional kayakers. As they make their way through the rapids, they will have to reach up and grab a ribbon which has their next clue on it. If they tip over before reaching their clue, they will have to start over. In Slow & Steady (SS), teams have to pull themselves through an aerial ropes course. When they reach the end of their rope, each team will receive their next clue.

Rainbow is doing FF and Blondes are doing SS. Globes arrive next, while Team USA is searching for a vintage Praga - but they don't know what it is. Rainbow takes off to do their first attempt at FF while Blondes get ready for SS. Globes look up at the aerial rope and Big Easy says "We'd jump off the third floor in the projects. This ain't nothing. There ain't but two stories right there." Flight Time: "We didn't have but one story in my projects." These guys are great. Globes are doing SS. Dan is bitching at Sam the whole time they make their way down the rapids.

Team USA finally figure out that a Praga is a car and get their next clue. Rainbow tips over and have to start again. Blondes are stuggling and Globes are close behind. Big Easy is so heavy that his feet are touching the water. Rainbow goes for the second attempt. Flight Time passes the Blondes but Big Easy is still struggling. Again, Dan is bitching at Sam and they tip again. Flight Time gets the clue and the Blondes finish. Big Easy is still struggling. Flight Time has to get off the platform and Blondes ask to go first. Flight Time SLOWLY goes down first to give Big Easy some time to catch up and the Blondes are totally yelling at him. Heh.

Rainbow is on their 3rd attempt and Dan is bitching AGAIN. Meghan comes down and Flight Time says that he wasn't trying to slow them down until they accused him of it. Then he did slow down. Meghan tries to diffuse and tells him it doesn't matter and Cheyne comes down and they go read the clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams must now figure out that the words on their clue/ribbon refer to Prague's Estates Theater. When they figure it out, they will need to go there to find their next clue.

Big Easy finishes and they head out. Rainbow is struggling down the rapids and they tip over AGAIN. Team USA arrives and ask their taxi to wait for them. Rainbow switches to SS. Blondes find out that they can take a tram and ask the Globes to follow them. Big Easy says they were going to follow them anyway, so when they invited the Globes, they went right along. Heh. Team USA tells us that Miss America is afraid of water so that's why they are doing SS. BUT, he's really afraid of heights. Pansies. Rainbow starts with the overhead and Dan already starts BITCHING.

Blondes and Globes are waiting for the tram and Cheyne spots a taxi. Meghan has given an older woman a piece of paper and a pen to write down the name of the tram stop. Cheyne yells for a taxi and, when one drives up, he grabs the paper and pen out of the lady's hand and gets in the cab. He yells for Meghan to get in and she yells at Cheyne for being rude. He tells her that he's trying to win a race which I guess that makes it ok. Meghan tells him that he has no reason to treat people like that. She's also upset because they just left the Globes there. Cheyne tells her that, at this point in the game, she's being absolutely ridiculous. Globes jump on the tram and Flight Time says "Cheyne's an ass."

Rainbow and Team USA are still doing SS. Dan is kicking booty and he's yelling out "helpful pointers" to Sam. Brian starts to do the same, but Miss America isn't having that. She tells him to "Take care of you. Don't worry about me."

Meghan and Cheyne are still bickering. Cheyne says he's sorry but this is a race. Meghan says she understands, but now Globes are going to be pissed and hold a grudge. She says that this is the kind of thing that motivates them to mess with people. Good point. Blondes arrive at the Estates Theater and find the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: Teams must go into the Estates Theater to the Opera House where Mozart composed his first Opera, Don Giovanni. There they must search among the 600 seats for a tiny mandolin. Then, they must bring it on stage to Don Giovanni himself and he will give them their next clue.

Cheyne decides that he will do this Roadblock. Globes get off the tram and head to the subway. Meanwhile, Rainbow finishes up and heads out. Cheyne finds a regular sized mandolin and Don Giovanni laughs at him and says "NO!" Heh. Globes arrive and get the roadblock. Big Easy is going to get it done!

Rainbow sees the cab waiting at the detour and they know that it's Team USA's cab. But, they offer to pay him extra to take them to the next place. Team USA sees this and Miss America yells "Oh HELL no. You are ours. Don't you dare." But, he does. Rainbow feels a little bad, but whatever. Team USA is PISSED and Miss America is MOTIVATED now. Rainbow arrives at the Opera house and Dan is going to do the Roadblock. Sam tells Flight Time and Meghan that Miss America was still on the rope when they left and that they "kind of" took Team USA's cab. "Kind of"? Really? No, Sam, you ACTUALLY took it. Meanwhile, Team USA is in disbelief that Rainbow took their cab. They are walking and trying to find a cab.

Flight time gets up and starts dancing. Dan brings a violin and Don Giovanni laughs in his face and says "NO!" Heh. Flight Time starts singing. Big Easy finds a tiny case, but not mandolin in it. Cheyne finds one and gets the next clue. Big Easy is just glad that he doesn't have to hear Meghan yell out "Cheyne, Cheyne" over and over again.

PITSTOP: Teams must now travel by taxi to Prague Castle, the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Blondes take off. Dan finds the next mandolin and Rainbow head to the pit stop. Team USA arrives and Miss America is doing the roadblock.

Blondes are Team #1. They won a trip for two to Lanai at the Four Seasons.

Big Easy finds the mandolin and gets the next clue. Globes head to the pit stop. Miss America says that she shouldn't have to look under every seat. She says "This is redonkulous". THEN, she says that looking for things is not her strength, so Brian should have done this one...yet again. She's a piece of work. It's a good thing Brian is so spineless.

Rainbow is Team #2. Globes are Team #3. Phil asks if there is tension and Big Easy says that there's drama going on because someone stole somebody's taxi, but Globes are gonna stay out of it and win the race. Rainbow just listens and looks worried.

Don Giovanni is now eating lunch and sits with Brian while Miss America looks for the mandolin. She FINALLY finds it and they head to the pit stop.

Team USA is the last team to arrive. Unfortunately, this is a non elimination leg and they are still in the race. Damn. They will have a speed bump in the next leg.

See you next week...

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