Friday, November 13, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 20

Last time on The City: Freddie and Olivia suck.

People's Revolution. Kelly walks in and wants to know why everyone is so happy. Then she points out an article that says "Gift cards lose cache as anxious consumers opt to buy the basics" which apparently is the kiss of death for fashion. Roxy asks Whit for a pen and Kelly is NOT in the mood. She tells Roxy that she's in a staff meeting so she should have a pen and paper! HELLO? Duh! Kelly reminds everyone that there's a recession going on and people are getting fired all over the place. But People's Revolution is growing. And in order to keep growing and not fire people, they need to bring pens to meetings and STEP IT UP. Kelly is in full on "bitch mode" this morning. Ouch. Mara Hoffman is a swimsuit designer who is showing her stuff at Miami Fashion Week and a team has been assembled to go down there. Kelly says that Whit should go, too and she can bring her trainee, Roxy, but wants to lay down some ground rules. They aren't going to eat at fancy restaurants and expect Kelly to pay. Not happening. Eat like you would in New York and don't bring back any receipts. And...scene.


"Friends and Foe-Workers"

Elle Magazine. Olivia has been bonding with the flat iron this morning. Joe talks to Olivia about Miami Fashion Week and wants to send her as the sole accessories editor to go down there and cover it. Joe says that the blog thing last week was a learning experience and Olivia agrees. He says that Elle is hosting a big party so Erin is going down to Miami to do that, but he really needs Olivia to take the lead on covering fashion week. Hmmm...

W Hotel, South Beach, Miami. Whit and Roxy walk into a fabulous suite and Roxy says the place is begging them to have a party. Whit says she wishes they were on vacay. Roxy says that they are on vacay. No, Roxy, you're not. Roxy wants to go lay out and Whit tells her that they have to get ready for the casting. Roxy's response: I'm starving. Jeez. Roxy says she wants to order room service and Whit suggests they get something on their way out so they don't charge anything to the room. Roxy rolls her eyes. I have to give Whit props for trying to keep Roxy focused. Good luck, Whit.

La'Guardia Airport, Queens, NY. Olivia and Erin board the plane (first class, of course) and head to Miami. Erin asks Olivia if she's looking forward to Miami and Olivia says she is. Then Erin asks if Olivia is going to the trade shows and Olivia says she's not. She's only going to the shows on her list. Erin looks like she thinks that's a bad idea but doesn't say anything. Olivia asks Erin if she has any friends in Miami and Erin says yes and then asks the same of Olivia. Olivia tells her that Whit from People's Revolution will be there for the Mara Hoffman Show. Olivia says she might try to catch up with her. Olivia is VBI (very busy & important) so she may not have time. [insert eye roll here]

Mara Hoffman Casting Session, The Raleigh Hotel, Miami. Mara and Kelly are casting and they are so harsh. I mean, these girls put on bikinis and chose this profession, so I guess it is what it is. But, ouch. Roxy wants to go out, but Whit says she needs to check in with the designer to make sure she's ok. So Roxy tells Whit to check in with Mara, they'll make a list and then GO OUT!! I predict Roxy will be on an upcoming Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.

The Florida Room, Miami. Nick (Whit's friend) is there doing some weird white boy dance. Roxy and Whit show up and they get their drink on. Nick asks Roxy where she went to college and Roxy says "Harvard". I assume she's kidding, because Nick says "Me too." Then Roxy says she's not a good student and Nick says he's not either. Nick makes fun of Whit for being a good student and saying she never wants to go out because she's always studying. They all go out and dance and Whit says she'll be right back and - I assume - goes to the bathroom. Nick starts hitting on Roxy. Roxy asks Nick if he wants to go somewhere else and they totally leave Whit. Whit cames back - from the bathroom, I assume - and Nick and Roxy are gone. RUDE.

Mara Hoffman Fashion Show, The Raleigh Hotel. Whit shows up and Kelly asks where Roxy is. Whit doesn't know. Roxy didn't come back to the hotel last night. Dirty. Everyone is getting ready backstage. Olivia is at the show and Whit comes out to greet her. Whit takes her backstage to show her all the accessories. Whit introduces Olivia to Mara and Olivia asks what her inspiration was for the collection. Mara says "Vision Quest". WTF? Weirdo. Whit describes it as "futuristic hippie". Hmmm, not sure that's better. Olivia goes back out and sits with Erin. Roxy comes in ... LATE ... and walks up to Whit. Whit asks her what happened to her last night and Roxy looks confused. Whit says that she told her she would be right back and Roxy was gone when she came back. Roxy says that she couldn't find Whit and didn't know where she went. LIAR. Roxy didn't even THINK about Whit when she asked Nick if he wanted to go somewhere else. They are fighting about what happened. Whit says she told her she'd be right back (which she did) and Roxy says she didn't hear that and couldn't find Whit. Mara and Kelly are noticing the fight which is TOTALLY unprofessional and completely embarassing to Kelly. Whit asks why she didn't call her and Roxy says she lost her cell phone two days ago. Kelly comes up and says "Are you guys arguing? What the fuck is going on here? There are 700 million things that have to go on. If you guys have a problem, take it outside. This is not fucking group therapy. I don't want to see this shit anymore. For real. I've got enough problems going on here." Go Kelly. I love her. Have I said that before? She's my hero. Whit goes with Kelly and helps her direct. Roxy stays to help out backstage. The show goes great. Mara comes out at the end and Kelly tells Whit that's going to be her someday. Sweet. Kelly tells everyone they did a great job.

Elle After Party, W Hotel. OMG. There are models posing on blocks that say ELLE on them in the pool. Dumb. Olivia is talking to her friend, Red Carter (a designer) and Erin tells her colleague from Elle that she hopes Olivia is getting some exclusives. The colleague (i must have missed the name) asks Erin what she thinks of Olivia. Erin says that she hasn't been impressed, but Olivia could pull something off. She says that Olivia needs to get exclusives and make sure they are right for Elle. Erin is skeptical. And so am I. Erin says that she wasn't taking any notes at the Mara Hoffman show, but she doesn't know. Maybe Olivia has a plan. Erin says that if she didn't go to trade shows that's going to be a huge problem. Erin goes to talk to Olivia to see how she did. Olivia says she got a lot of stuff. She didn't go to any trade shows because she had appointments and other shows, blah, blah, blah. Erin asks if she has a lot to show Joe and Olivia says she does. Erin tells Olivia that she's excited to see what she has and Olivia says "Thanks" in a very snarky, sarcastic voice. Erin goes back to her colleague and they laugh that Olivia didn't go to any trade shows and that Joe is going to freak out. Ok, you KNOW I don't like Olivia, but why didn't Erin tell Olivia on the plane that she should try and go to some trade shows? Then, if Olivia STILL didn't go, Erin can say she encouraged Olivia, but Olivia ignored her. Now, Erin looks like a bitch for not "mentoring" Olivia by telling her that she should go. I get that she wants Olivia to fail. But, if she had encouraged her, Olivia would not have gone and would have failed anyway. Dumb.

Elle Magazine. It looks like a staff meeting run by Joe. He asks what everyone saw at Miami Fashion Week. Erin talks about the Lycra after party for Elle and that the trip was a HUGE success press-wise. She says she went to tons of trade shows and met with publicists and model agents and it was great! Olivia says that she went to a few shows and saw a lot of futuristic looks. Um, that was just the Mara Hoffman show. Then she says that one-pieces and turbins dominated the runways. Joe asks what trends Olivia saw at the trade shows. She stutters that she only went to the fashion shows. Joe asks why she didn't go to the trade shows?? Olivia says that honestly she didn't know about the trade shows. LIAR. Erin says that she asked Olivia about the trade shows on the plane. Olivia says that she told Erin she only had fashion shows on her schedule and Erin says she should have scheduled trade shows. Olivia says she didn't know about the trade shows at all. So Joe tells everyone else to leave except Olivia and Erin.

Joe says that, as an editor, you have to go and see EVERYTHING. Olivia said that maybe she and Erin could have worked together and gone to trade shows together. Erin says that she had her own job to do which didn't leave time for anything else. Joe says - exasperatedly - from day one, he has told Erin she is supposed to show Olivia the ropes and she should have told Olivia that she needs to go to the trade shows. See? Didn't I tell you this would happen? Erin could have easily told Olivia that on the plane. Erin says she can only do so much and that she's tried to reach out to Olivia. Joe tells Erin not to be defensive. Joe says he doesn't want any bickering or personality conflicts. Joe says that he's telling them both that he wants them to work together. Olivia agrees that she would very much like that. Joe says a team gets things done more easily and a team is much stronger than an individual. Olivia is happy. Erin is not.

People's Revolution. Kelly walks in and tells Roxy and Whit that the fighting backstage was beyond a huge embarassment for her. Kelly says that she doesn't work with her friends because it doesn't usually work. So she tells them to consider whether being friends and working together is actually going to benefit them in their careers. Roxy tells Whit "She didn't say one nice thing" as Kelly walks away. Kelly totally overhears and says "OOOHHHH. Well you know what, call me like a controlling bitch for wanting us to be professional and deal with the media instead of having whatever...i don't even know what you guys were fighting about. If it happens again, you guys can go find another job. I have better things to do." Oh dang!!! Roxy, wait until Kelly is OUT OF THE ROOM before you start talking shit. JEEZ! Kelly sits at her desk and yells out "Were you guys in Room 615?" Whit: "Yes." Kelly: "What is this bill for like $200? I'm sorry at your level, I give you guys $50 a day per diem. That's $50 and $50, you owe me $100. I'll take it out of your pay. Go to Taco Bell next time. What planet are you living on?" Roxy says "someone's PMSing" and Whit just shakes her head and puts her head in her hands. [FYI - Kelly, "a day per diem" is redundant. "Per diem" means "a day". Just sayin'.]

See you next week.

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