Thursday, November 12, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance, 16 to 14 Results Show

This post will be brief because I have very little patience for "results shows".

The show starts off with what looks like an Afro-Hip Hop routine by Dave Scott. I just made that up, but they are all wearing tribal-wear and dancing to a hip hop song. Weird. it was ok. I don't know what it is, but I'm not terribly impressed with the Season 6 dancers. I thought last season had better dancers and better routines.

First three couples are up:

Ellenore & Ryan
Channing & Victor
Kathryn & Legacy

IN THE BOTTOM THREE: Ellenore & Ryan
SAFE: Channing & Victor, Kathryn & Legacy

Dominique (Season 3 & America's Best Dance Crew (QUEST)) is quizzing some audience members about their dance knowledge.

Cat Deeley has entirely TOO MUCH make-up on. Seriously.

Next three couples:

Ashleigh & Jakob
Po-LEEN & Peter
Noelle & Russell

IN THE BOTTOM THREE: Pauline & Peter
SAFE: Ashleigh & Jakob, Noelle & Russell

Last two couples:

Karen & Kevin
Mollee & Nathan

SAFE: Mollee & Nathan (SHUT UP!! WOOT!)

Creepy thinks that if it was based purely on dance, America got it wrong. He lectures Nathan and tells him he will keep getting votes because he's cute not because he can dance. I agree that Nathan is adorable. But he's also an awesome dancer. He and Mollee had an off night. Creepy is way too hard on them.

Now we get a dance from the Alvin Alley American Dance school. It's an incredible dance. My only critique is that it's not graceful in any way. Maybe it's not supposed to be. But these dancers are SO cut and muscular, I can't ever see them looking graceful. It's just weird to me, that's all.

Now the bottom six dance for their lives.

Ellenore - Just ok
Ryan - It was entertaining. I think he's a strong dancer.
Pauline - Ok, but better than Ellenore
Peter - Tap routine...'nuf said.
Karen - she does some salsa dance. Hmmm. I guess it's good. I don't know.
Kevin - cool hip hop routine

Um, I think Cat has a huge beetle clip in her hair.

Ok, my thoughts: I like Ellenore best out of the girls, but I think her solo was the weakest. I don't like Pauline or Karen, so if one of them get cut, I'd be happy. For the guys, I think they were all strong in their own genres. I think Ryan is a strong dancer overall. I think Peter is a great tap dancer and an ok dancer overall. I think Kevin is great at hip hop, but just ok overall. However, I think Ryan's solo was the weakest.

Let's see if the jidges agree:

Creepy says that all the solos sucked. I agree.

The girls: Creepy tells Karen that America might be too intimidated by her beauty so she may not be getting votes. Um...WRONG. She's latin, that doesn't automatically make her hot. He tells Ellenore that she needs to bring up her competitive edge. Then he tells Pauline that she's ... GOING HOME!

The boys: Creepy tells Ryan that his last round-off in his solo sucked, but that his partner work is solid. Creepy tells Peter that he's not really a star and his star quality didn't come across in the solo either. Creepy tells Kevin that he's improving each week and they are keeping him. Creepy calls Peter again and tells him that he's ... GOING HOME.

Bye, Peter (the last "Tapper") and Po-LEEN!

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