Friday, November 13, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 7

Last time: The teams are tied after Veronica and Cyrus lost the Ruins.

The girls are all swimming and Bananas and Evan join them. Interesting...with Casey, KA, Kim, Sarah, Susie and Johanna being the only girls left, no one is sloppy drunk or naked in the pool. BUT, they decide to play "Truth or Dare." Good times.

Kenny says to Susie "Would you or would you not F*** Cohutta?" Susie says "Yeah. Sure." Cohutta totally perks up. He's totally got a crush on Susie. HA! Someone dares Sarah to bite Bananas' nipple. She does it. Kenny dares Kim to get naked and run around the pool. Instead, she takes off her top and flashes everyone before jumping in the pool. Kim says that Sarah is flirting with Kenny. Sarah tells us that she was not flirting and that she hasn't done anything with anyone. Kenny tells us that it's inevitable for all the girls to want him because most women do. Ass. Kenny dares Casey to get on a table, moon everyone and then jump in the pool. She does.

Evan and Kenny go back to the house and they hear what sounds like two animals wrestling, so they investigate. They go upstairs and hear giggling and moaning and they bust open the bathroom door to find Kim topless in there with DUNBAR. HAHA. Busted. Kim claims that she was talking strategy.

The Champions are talking about the fact that Brad is realizing what a mistake it was not getting rid of Casey sooner. Casey goes to Brad and asks what her odds are. Evan tells her that if the Champions win, she's not going in. Evan tells US that "Casey is nervous. Chihuahuas are nervous because they are small and can get stepped on. Casey feels the same way. She doesn't have an athletic bone in her body. As long as Casey is on their team, we can't lose." True dat.

The Challengers (minus Casey) are talking about sending Casey in if they win. Sarah says that Casey is good for team morale, but Brad and Dunbar say that it's not a cheerleading squad or a sing-a-long, it's a competition for $120K.

[Commercial: STFU!! There's a show called JERSEY SHORE coming to MTV on Dec 3rd. Get ready for a whole new crazy. That's going to be awesome.]

Susie and Johanna are stressed out a little about being the only girls left. Susie asks if Johanna wouldn't mind going in. Johanna agrees. Challengers are asking them to throw the challenge because that's the only way the girls on the Champions will go in the Ruins against Casey. HAH!



Champions: Johanna, Susie, Darrell, Evan and Kenny
Challengers: Sarah, Casey, Kim, Brad, Dunbar and Cohutta

The Game: "Rotary Club" - [Cohutta: "My hillbillie self knows automatically that you're gonna be rollin your happy ass down this hill in a huge tractor tire which is not fun." LOVE HIM!] TJ confirms it. Team members are going to get into the tractor tire and roll themselves down the hill into the endzone. Once in the endzone, the team member must roll the tire up the hill for the next team member. All 7 team members must do it. One team member must be a "tracker" so that if one team member gets off-course before the endzone, the tracker can help put them back on track.

Evan is the "tracker" for the Champions and Brad is the "tracker" for the Challengers. Challengers are up first. Cohutta is first. It kind of looks fun, but it's bouncing so much it probably hurts. Kim is next and screams the whole time. Next up is KA. That is a heavy-ass tire. Casey is next and also screams the whole time. The hardest part for Casey is pushing the tire up the hill. Susie says it's a total joke watching Casey and kind of sad. Sarah is next followed by Dunbar. Brad is now up and Cohutta tracks him. They finish and Champions are now up. Johanna is first. Susie is second and it looks painful. Derrick is next, followed by Bananas. Then Darrell is up and Kenny and Evan, who says he feels like a fat kid in a little coat. HAHAHA.

And the winner is: The CHAMPIONS!

Deliberations: Darrell picks Cohutta. Johanna picks Sarah. She decides that if she picks Casey and loses, it would be a HUGE embarassment.

Sarah and Susie have a boring conversation about the power of positive thinking. YAWN. Bring one of the crazies back. Cohutta is feeling nervous about The Ruins. He's so cute. Johanna feels pretty checked out. I think she's saying that because she doesn't want to be all psyched and work hard and then lose.

This show is boring now that all the drama queens have left.

Evan interviews: "Johanna, how much do you want to be here? Sarah wants to be here as much as a fat kid loves cake." HAHA.


"Crunch" - Each player will be hanging from bamboo - over a dunk tank - in the "crunch" position with 40lbs of weight on their chest. The object is not to drown. Sweet. If a team member wants out, they pull their emergency release and they're done. The person who lasts the longest wins.

Johanna v. Sarah

Johanna is struggling. She keeps dunking herself under and repositioning. Sarah is calmly hanging on. Johanna pulls the emergency release and ... SARAH WINS.

Darrell v. Cohutta

They both are doing ok. Cohutta starts to struggle and pulls the release. DARRELL WINS. :(

Cohutta says that there's nothing good about losing until he sees his "Susie" and she gives him a hug. Everyone tells her to kiss him and she gives a smooch on the lips and he's so happy!! I think they would make a very cute couple...except she's a little too academic for him. But they are both so sweet.

Back at the house, Brad is lecturing Casey about stepping up. He says that he doesn't see her on the treadmill or working out, he sees her smoking cigarettes and drinking booze. He's not seeing any effort. Casey doesn't give a shit. Brad says it bothers him that she feels like she deserves to go to the end with no effort and drag her team down.

See you next time.

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