Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Amazing Race 15 - Episode 8

Previously on the Amazing Race: Poker Chicks quit the race, Team USA was annoying and the Farmers are still my faves...followed closely by the Globes. Five teams remain...

Rainbow is the first team to depart ZoutKamp Harbour in The Netherlands at 9:33 p.m. and receive their first clue.

FIRST CLUE: Teams will now fly to Stockholm, Sweden. Once they land, they must travel by train and ferry to the Tivoli Grona Lund Amusement Park and find the Fritt Fall ride where they'll get their next clue.

Hmmm. It's 9:33 P.M. - I'm thinking this may be another bunching scenario at the airport.

Rainbow take off towards the airport and they crack me up. They are bickering and Sam's laughing at Dan's frustration. They're brothers...it happens. So cute.

Blondes depart next, 15 minutes after Rainbow. They've been together for over 4 years and Cheyne tells us that marriage is definitely in their future. Globes are third to depart and while Flight Time reads the clue, Big Easy is counting the money. It's Flight Time's birthday, so Globes would like "first place" today. Flight Time asks Big Easy if he wants to stop at the Red Light District on the way to the airport. HA! Farmers are 4th to leave and Gary says that he's motivated to do well because he's the oldest guy left. Matt says that his dad doesn't seem old because Matt's always trying to keep up with him. CUTE.

Rainbow arrives at Schipol Airport and look for tix to Sweden. The Blondes arrive next and discover that there are two flights to Sweden in the morning: 6:55 A.M. and 9:25 A.M. The Blondes run into Rainbow and tell them about the flights. They all decide that they need to get on that 6:55 flight. They camp out at the KLM ticket booth until it opens at 5:30 A.M.

Team USA finally departs at 1:38 A.M. from the Pit Stop. They are now driving the route that they WALKED in CLOGS the day before. But they think they looked good in their costumes, mmmkay. Hmmm.

Next morning at 5:30 A.M., Rainbow, Blondes and Globes get tix on the 6:55 A.M. flight to Stockholm. The Farmers walk up to the desk and they are told the flight is fully booked. NO!!!!!! Team USA is told the same thing. So, Team USA and Farmers are on the 9:25 A.M. flight. C'mon Farmers!!

The first flight arrives in Stockholm and it's a mad dash to the train into Stockholm City. The Blondes and Rainbow buy their tickets upstairs and race onto the train. Globes decide to get to the train first and then buy their tickets. The doors close before Globes can print their tix and they have to wait for the next train.

The second flight arrives in Stockholm. Globes get on the next train to Stockholm City. Rainbow and Blondes make it to the ferry and then to the amusement park and find the next clue.

ROADBLOCK: One person from each team must now ride the Fritt Fall. OMG!! This would be my favorite challenge next to the waterslide one!!! SO FUN! While riding they need to spot the arrow on top of a building pointing to their next clue box. The arrow is only visible for 15 seconds before the ride plunges 24 stories to the bottom. LOVE IT!

Sam and Cheyne are going on the ride. Sam spots the arrow.

Blondes and Rainbow are running through the park and find the next clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams will now play a game of Roaming Gnome Ring Toss. Once a team has successfully thrown a ring on the giant hat, they will be given the Gnome under the hat with their next clue. They will need to keep the Travelocity Gnome with them until they reach the next pit stop.

Blondes and Rainbow easily master the ring toss and receive their Gnomes.

GNOME DETOUR: Sweden's history is well known for 1) Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and 2) the Vikings. Teams must now pick between Nobel Dynamite and Viking Alphabet. In Dynamite, teams must fill sandbags and build a protective barrier in a rock quarry. Once protected, they'll set off an enormous explosion which will unearth a box containing their next clue. In Viking, teams must decode a message using the ancient Viking alphabet. Once they solve the message, they will locate the viking and receive their next clue.

Blondes and Rainbow decide to do Dynamite and head out.

Globes have made it across the ferry to the amusement park and found the clue. Flight Time will be going on the Fritt Fall because you can't be more than 6'4" to ride and Big Easy is too tall. Wah wah. Big Easy: "They should just put in the clue, 'Big Easy, you can't ride the Fritt Fall.'" HAHA! Flight Time finds the arrow and he's so excited!! They find the next clue and Flight Time is having trouble with the ring toss. Big Easy takes over and easily gets a gnome. Big Easy takes the gnome and says he's on "gnome duty". heh. They pick Dynamite and head out.

DAMMIT! Team USA made it on the next train and Farmers did not!! Farmers have to wait.

Blondes and Rainbow found some sucker to show them the way to Dynamite. Globes are in the car thinking of names for their Gnome. Flight Time says "Sweet Pea" and Big Easy says "that's lame". I kind of agree. Then Big Easy says "Louisiana Shorty" and Flight Time tells him "that's ghetto". HAHA. These guys crack me up. I think they finally decide on "Harlem Gnome".

Farmers are 15 minutes behind Team USA and make it on the next train. Team USA find the Fritt Fall ride and - since Brian is afraid of heights - Miss America will go on the ride. She finds the arrow and they head to the Gnome Toss. She also gets the ring on a hat and they get their gnome. Farmers make it to park and Matt easily spots the arrow as he goes up the Fritt Fall. They get their Gnome and head to Dynamite.

The Blondes, Rainbow and Globes are all at Dynamite. They have to wear protective helmets, goggles, ear phones and rubber boots. They are all filling sandbags and all I can hear is Meghan whining that Cheyne is not helping her. Rainbow finishes first and blows up their quarry. They run out to get their clue.

NEXT CLUE: Teams will now drive themselves to Bogs Gard Farm where teams will search for their next clue. OH NO!! The needle in a haystack roadblock!!!!

Rainbow heads out. Globes blow up next, get the clue and head out. The Blondes FINALLY finish and blow up their quarry. They get the clue and head out. As they drive away, Meghan tells Cheyne that they had awful teamwork and that she asked him about a thousand times to help her (I can vouch for that...I definitely heard her whiny voice about a thousand times). Cheyne tells her to move on because the task is OVER. She's frustrated and doesn't want to let it go. She tells him he didn't listen to her at all. I hear her, but it's over, move on. Seriously, the haystack roadblock is a freakin' nightmare. Save your frustration for that.

Team USA makes it to Dynamite.

Rainbow and Blondes make it to Bogs Gard Farm and find the clue box.

ROADBLOCK/PITSTOP: Teams must pick one teammate to unroll haystacks until they find a clue hidden in only 7 of the 180 haystacks.

Sam is doing it for Rainbow. Dan is yelling at Sam to unroll the haystack and tells him that they did it before in another season and one team did it for 8 hours. It was 10 hours actually. UGH. Blondes show up and Dan yells to Sam that the Blondes are there. Sam tells Dan to SHUT UP! Heh. Meghan asks Cheyne who he wants to do the roadblock and ... *crickets*. He tells US that he thinks Meghan should do it since she's taking the lead in this leg of the race. I actually think he doesn't want to hear her whining at him, so he'd rather her do it. She's still clearly irritated by him and says she'll just do it since he obviously doesn't want to do it. Ha! Dan is still yelling out "helpful hints" to Sam, so Sam looks at him and tells him "I need you to stop talking for 10 minutes" which totally shuts Dan up...temporarily. Heh. The Blondes are the opposite and Meghan tells Cheyne to keep talking to her. Globes show up and Big Easy does it. Dan is NOT listening and keeps screaming at Sam. ANNOYING.

Farmers get to Dynamite just as Team USA are finishing their wall. They blow up their quarry and head to Bogs Gard Farm. C'mon Farmers!! Farmers finish and head out.

Dan is still yelling at Sam from the sidelines. It's hillarious. Now I want to tell him to shut up. Sam flips him off and tells him to SHUT UP again. Seriously, Dan, stop talking. All the teams are struggling. It looks like a horrible roadblock. Big Easy says that they didn't have no hay in the projects. Heh! Team USA arrive at the roadblock followed by Farmers (it's hard to tell how far behind Team USA the Farmers were).

BIG EASY FINDS A FLAG!!!!! WOO HOO!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLIGHT TIME!! Flight Time is yelling that it's his birthday as Globes run to the Pit Stop. SO CUTE!!

Globes are Team #1 to the Pit Stop. They win a trip for two to the Turkes & Caicos. Woot! There's a band of three country people playing on the way to the pit stop and Globes are totally skipping and dancing with their gnome. LOVE IT!

Now it's time for my Farmers to step up!! C'mon guys. WOOT!! Brian goes for Team USA and the Farmers are right behind them. The Dad decides to do it. They are all struggling. Meghan is crying and losing it fast. Sam keeps yelling at Dan to SHUT UP. Brian finally tells Dan that it's harder than it looks. I think that did it because Dan decides to just keep quiet. FINALLY. Thank you, Brian.

Meghan finally finds it and she decides to surprise Cheyne. She runs over to him and says she can't do it anymore. She says "come on, let's go" and hands him the flag!!!

Blondes are Team #2.

Brian finds the flag for Team USA!

Team USA is Team #3.

Crap. Sam finds a flag.

Rainbow is Team #4. Dan totally has a breakdown. He feels horrible that he was being such a jerk and yelling at his brother. He's crying and hugs Sam.

After 2:45 minutes, Gary finds a flag!! He refused to quit the race and found the damn flag!

Farmers are the last team to the Pit Stop. YAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!! It's a NON ELIMINATION ROUND!!! WOO HOO!! The Farmers are still in it. I feel like crying. I love this team!!!

See you next week!

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