Thursday, November 5, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 6

Last time on The Ruins: Ibis was betrayed and went home. WES lost to Cohutta and went HOME!

Why do they make the intro so stupid and cheesy?

KA is reading a letter that Wes left for her telling her that he loves her. Now KA is bored and wants to go home. Annoying.

Susie and Johanna are chatting on the balcony and Susie says that she genuinely wants Veronica to take KA out in The Ruins. Johanna agrees.

Bananas is telling Evan that the Champions need to diversify their strategy and make decisions that benefit the entire team, not just one person. Bananas is questioning his alliance with Evan and sees that the Challengers are all gunning for him. I don't know. After he stabbed Ibis in the back last week, I think he should go into The Ruins. Evan sees that Bananas is playing scared and doesn't trust him.

Veronica is talking to Casey and KA. Veronica doesn't trust anyone and she says that when you're not having conversations about the game with other people, they are having those conversations about you. She's right. But, I don't care because I do not like Veronica. KA tells Veronica to hurt herself so her teammates can't put her in The Ruins. SHADY. Derrick is watching the girls talk and thinks that she may have a deal with Casey and KA to throw the challenge in exchange for not getting picked for The Ruins. He thinks Veronica is the type of person who would throw a challenge.



Champions - Derrick, Syrus, Bananas, Veronica, Susie and Johanna
Challengers - Dunbar, Brad, Cohutta, Sarah, Casey and KA.

The Game: "Fruits of Your Labor" - Each team has an obstacle course and a large bin of fruit at the beginning of the course. The object is to take as much fruit with you through the obstacle course and dump it into the team's scale at the end of the course. There are 5 different jobs in this obstacle course. In the beginning, the first team members will be "throwers". They will load up their baskets with fruit and throw the fruit over the wall. The team members on the other side of the wall are the "catchers". They will be standing with a burlap sack to catch the fruit that is thrown over the wall. They empty the sack into baskets for the "runners" who will run the baskets to the "delivery guys" at the table. The "delivery guy" will need to pick up the basket with bamboo sticks and take it to the scale. There, the "dumping person" will dump the basket into the scale. The trick is that the team members cannot touch the fruit with their HANDS except for the throwers.

The Champions don't trust Veronica so they put her with Darrell and Evan as a "thrower" so that she can't really throw the game. Kim and Brad will be "throwers" for the Challengers. Syrus and Susie are "catchers" for the Champions and Cohutta and Dunbar are "catchers" for the Challengers. Kim and Veronica can't even get the fruit over the wall. Dunbar is also a "runner", Sarah and KA are the "delivery girls" and Casey is the "dumper" for the Challengers. For the Champions, Kenny is the "runner", Bananas and Derrick are the "delivery guys" and Johanna is the "dumper". Casey is having a hard time "dumping" the basket into the scale. The scale isn't on the ground so she actually has to lift the basket full of fruit and dump it into the scale.

The Challengers have a great strategy. They are picking out all the mangos which are the heaviest fruits. The Champions are just picking fruit at random. Then, it starts raining. The teams have 1 minute left and it's close. And CHAMPIONS WIN!!

Bananas starts to stir the pot and throws Syrus under the bus. He tells Darrell and Evan that Syrus is injured and banged up and dead weight for the team so he should go into The Ruins. Then he goes to talk to Syrus and Derrick. Syrus realizes that Bananas is using him as the scapegoat. So Bananas thinks Syrus is going in BUT Derrick interviews that he hasn't given Bananas his word.

DELIBERATIONS: Veronica, Susie, Johanna, Bananas, Derrick and Syrus are deliberating.

Veronica wants to choose her opponent. But for the girls, the rule has always been that they vote rather than let her choose. So everyone chooses KA. Veronica calls Derrick a coward because he voted for KA to please the team. Derrick says that he voted for what he believes in and he believes Veronica should go up against KA. Veronica asks why and Derrick says that he believes Veronica wanted to throw the challenge so he wouldn't mind if she left. The guys vote Syrus in and he picks Cohutta.

Syrus feels very betrayed and thrown under bus. Evan, Kenny, Johanna and Susie are in a pretty strong alliance. Susie offers to throw herself in next week, but Evan says that they should keep the four of them safe and he's totally comfortable throwing the same people in each time. They agree and then Veronica emerges from one of the bunk beds and says "Evan, did you not know that I was in the room?" BUSTED. Evan responds that he didn't say anything weird and blows it off. Susie interviews that Veronica is annoyed that her "canoodling" with Evan hasn't paid off. Veronica tells Evan that she's upset by what she heard and that she knows they are planning to get rid of her. Evan replies that there's no "plan" and Veronica tells him that she's not stupid. She's got a point. Evan, you guys totally have a plan and Veronica knows it. Just admit it and move on. Evan tells Veronica that they have a good "relationship" and every time he does something in the game that doesn't coincide with how he should be in a "relationship", Veronica takes it personally and she shouldn't. Hmmm. I see his point. This is a game so try to separate it from the "relationship". But, they are only in a "relationship" BECAUSE of the game. I think that's where the confusion lies.

Veronica tells Casey and KA what she overheard. Veronica says that if she and Syrus come back shit will hit the fan. She says that Veronica and Syrus will start throwing challenges...although I disagree. Syrus is a good sport...he won't throw challenges.


The game: "Hog Tie" - Each player will be tied to a pole with their hands and feet and suspended upside down. When TJ says "GO", the player will need to shimmy themselves to the other end of the pole collecting a key along the way. At the end, they will lay on a platform and use the key to unlock their hands and feet. Then they will run back to the start and hit the gong. First one wins.

Cohutta says "if a man's got a real good shimmy about him, I think he'll be ahright." LOVE Cohutta.

Cohutta v. Syrus

They both shimmy across the pole and they are on the platform. Syrus has some trouble unlocking himself and COHUTTA WINS.

KA v. Veronica

The girls are having trouble shimming across the pole. KA makes it to the platform first. KA easily unlocks herself before Veronica even makes it to the platform. KA WINS!

Evan interviews "Veronica, our relationship had its ups and downs. I'm gonna miss you. But not really." Heh.

The teams are now EVEN. Seven members on each team. Cohutta has a target on his back because he has the most $$ in his bank account from winning the 2 Ruins.

Bananas is up to no good. He wants to wait until Derrick passes out and then put maple syrup and feathers on him so he looks like a bird. Derrick is not completely out and he jumps off the top bunk onto Bananas and starts to wrestle with him. He interviews that he sleeps with pictures of his family on the bed and it's a sacred area for him. So the maple syrup and feathers pissed him off and made him flip out. Bananas is pissed that Evan is not jumping in to help him. Evan interviews that Bananas was the one who brought the feathers: "who brings feathers to Thailand? What are you? A freakin' drag queen?" HAHA! Kenny and Evan finally restrain Derrick and Bananas yells "There's 14 people in this fucking house and I'M the one who's always doing stuff" insinuating that he's being wrongfully blamed for the syrup and feathers prank. Um...but it was your idea, Bananas, and those were YOUR feathers and YOU were pouring the syrup and putting on the feathers. Kenny interviews about Bananas: "This is why no one likes you. You're an idiot!" HAHA.

See you next week.

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