Thursday, November 19, 2009

RW/RR Challenge: The Ruins, Episode 8

Last week: Johanna and Cohutta went home.

Everyone is getting drunk and celebrating KA's 23rd birthday. Dunbar decides he's not drinking for the rest of the challenge. He doesn't care that it's KA's birthday. Susie tells KA that there's no better way to celebrate your birthday than being in your "birthday suit". Because KA is drunk, she gets NAKED and runs around the house. Two words: TRAIN WRECK. Evan says that the Champions are "happy as pigs in shit." He's the king of the one-liners.

Brad is angry and venting to Susie about Casey doing crappy. Susie sympathizes and tells Brad that Casey is the Champion's best player. Susie tells him that she's holding all the cards. The Champions need her to win the challenges and they need her vote. She tells Brad that she's going to tell her team that she wants to go against Casey in the Ruins and, if they don't agree, she has an incentive to throw the challenge.

KA confronts Dunbar because apparently there's a rumor that KA and Dunbar slept together. Dunbar is denying that they had sex and denying that he started that rumor. She's drunk and slurring her anger. Brad takes her outside and tries to talk rationally to her. He tells her to wait until the next day to confront Dunbar, but she disagrees. And, she starts crying. OMG. Susie walks up and tries to stop the drama. Brad, why are you trying to reason with the crazy drunk girl.

KA goes into the bathroom and she's crying hysterically. Susie comes in and KA keeps saying that she's never had sex with Dunbar. She's sobbing. WTF? Susie tries to get her to have fun because it's her birthday. KA is not having it. Susie: "Well, at least you had cake." Nice.

Dunbar is talking to Kim. He tells her that KA was always open about wanting to f*** him and whispered in his ear everyday that she wanted him. Hmmm, I saw Real World Sydney and I do NOT remember that.

Brad is WASTED and he's really angry. He walks into the Champions' room and tells Darrell that he looks weak. Brad gets up in Darrell's face and Darrell's pushes him away. Brad says: "Let's roll, baby". He's totally picking a fight with Darrell. MEATHEAD. They start pushing each other. Darrell is trying to stay out of it. Brad is telling him to stand up. Brad is so angry. He keeps calling Darrell "son". Brad needs to calm down. Brad keeps yelling for Darrell to stand up and fight him and Darrell calls him a little bitch. That does it...Brad is REALLY PISSED now. He goes up to Darrell and pushes him and Darrell pushes him away. Evan tries to stop it from getting worse. Too late...Darrell pushes Brad to the floor and just starts punching his head over and over until Kenny, Evan and Bananas pull him off. Holy crap. Brad can't stand up and his eye is gushing blood. Brad runs out of the room and is out of control. The Producer finally catches up with Brad and kicks him out. HOLY SHIT...Brad's eye is FUCKED UP. It's HUGE. He can't even open it. Darrell goes home, too. Brad interviews that he was stressed and just lost it and he's sorry. Darrell also apologizes in his interview and says that he likes Brad. CRAZY.

Sarah fills KA in on the drama from the night before. Dunbar is the only guy left. He has to go into the Ruins each time from now on. KA brings up that Dunbar lied about sleeping with her. She's going nuts about it. WoW! Dunbar tells Kim that KA is sad because she's sleeping alone. KA is listening and keeps pushing him. He tells her to leave him alone and she says she won't leave him alone until he admits that he lied about sleeping with KA. OMG. She is the new Mayor of Crazytown.

They all go out into town for drinks. Susie says that Sarah is in love with Kenny. She also thinks that Kenny likes Sarah because he pulls her hair and treats her badly, like a school boy with a crush. Awesome. They all sit and eat and Bananas dares Kenny to make out with Sarah. Kenny refuses, so Sarah gets up and kisses Kenny. That's all he needs...more ego.



Champions: Kenny, Derrick, Bananas, Susie
Challengers: Dunbar, Kim, Casey, KA

The Game: "On the Fence" - There's a giant structure with a series of three chain link fences suspended over the edge of a 20 story building. Today team members will be racing across the fences and ringing the gong at the end. If you fall, you get a 15 minute penalty. The team with the fastest combined time will win.

First up are Kim and Kenny. She is keeping up. Kenny wins, but Kim is not far behind. Next up are KA and Bananas. Bananas wins. Next, Evan and Dunbar race and Evan wins. Sarah and Derrick go next and Derrick is being crazy. He's shaking the fence to try and knock her off. Derrick wins. Finally, it's Casey and Susie. Casey is terrified, as usual. Susie kills it. Casey is so ridiculous. Her team is so annoyed. The Champions LOVE her because she sucks.

Champions win.

Deliberations: Kenny and Evan are talking about what they are going to do. They decide they are not letting Susie choose Casey. The boys pick Kim. They all vote Bananas in.


Ragdoll: Each player will begin holding a rope inside a circle. When TJ says "GO", they will need to pull the rope out of the other player's hand. The one who does it, WINS.

Susie v. Kimberly

It's pouring rain.


See you next week.

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