Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SYTYCD, Top Sixteen Perform

Last week two of the tappers, Bianca and Phillip were eliminated.

Btw - I really hate the new stage. It's too big and busy.

Spirit Fingers, Screamer and Creepy are all back to judge. Paula Abdrool is still MIA. The Top 10 from Season 5 are all in the audience. WOOT!

The dancers were all asked to tell the audience something we don't know about them.

Karen & Kevin - THE HUSTLE

Karen tells us that she and her husband (who also tried out but didn't make it) are getting a divorce. :( Kevin tells us that he has traveled the world. Maria Torres is the choreographer and will be creating a dynamic story for us. Hmmm. I'm skeptical.

They are dancing to "Come to Me" by France Jodi. This dance looks like Disco Lite. It's like the slow part of "Last Dance" by Donna Summer and it gets a little faster, but not like the crazy disco dances that Doriana Sanchez choreographs. I also didn't really see the Hustle at all. Maybe I wasn't supposed to see it, but I was expecting it. I thought it was kind of boring. I'm going to change Spirit Fingers to Chatty Cathy. MY GOD, does that guy like to hear himself talk. He raved, Screamer raved, Creepy raved. I completely disagree. They were...ok.

Ashleigh & Jakob - JAZZ

Ashleigh tells us that she is a big nerd because she "studied" political science and history and lived in the library at college. I wonder why she didn't tell us where she went to college and if she graduated. Interesting ... Jakob tells us that one of his best friends was on SYTYCD last season and it's ... JANINE!!! The WINNER! Mandy Moore is choreographing a jazz routine for these two and they are using a cane.

They are dancing to "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. I find that I'm distracted by Ashleigh's super tight and weirdly shiny spandex pants and little half boots. So werid. I thought it was good, but again...a little boring. Jakob is so great. I love him. I feel like he makes Ashleigh look good, but that's just because she bugs me. Chatty Cathy thinks that it was great (I think...I tuned out), Screamer raves and so does Creepy. It was ok...I wasn't blown away.

Pauline & Peter - QUICKSTEP

Peter tells us that he volunteers as a choreographer for people with special needs. Pauline tells us that she eats A LOT. JT & Tomas are choreographing this "kiss of death" dance. It's the dance all contestants hate and always get wrong.

They are dancing to "Hey Baby! (Shake Those Hula Hips)" by Big Kahuna & The Copa Cat Pack. I thought they did a good job. It was fun. It was very "broadway". Sort of cheesy. Chatty Cathy said that he thought it was fun and a great performance. Then he makes fun of Cat for how she says Pauline (Po-LEEN). HA! Screamer thinks they pulled it off and attacks the technicality. Who cares, right? Creepy says they were not technically good, but their performance was fantastic. I thought it was ok. Again, not blown away.

Kathryn & Legacy - BROADWAY

Kathryn tells us that she went on a mission to Costa Rica and she loves helping people. Legacy LOVES soccer and was supposed to be a professional soccer player but he fell in love with dance. Andy Blankenbeuhler is the choreographer.

They are dancing to "I Wanna Be Like You" by Swinging Fireballs. Ooh. It's the song from Jungle Book. :) It totally looked like they were making out at the end. This show needs a little more drama. I thought it was very cute and I enjoyed it. Chatty Cathy didn't love it. He wanted them to get into their characters more. Screamer thinks Legacy overshadowed Kathryn. Hmmm. Creepy also trashes Kathryn. I thought they did good.

Channing & Victor - CONTEMPORARY

Victor tells us that he used to be a hardcore Gothic Rocker and there are pictures! Channing tells us that she used to race...wait for it...lawn mowers. I'm not kidding. Stacey Tookey is the choreographer. I hope this is good.'s about a toxic relationship. Those usually make good dances.

They are dancing to "Be Be Your Love" by Rachael Yamagata. Good song. I just got chills. Love this song. Love the dancing. Chills. So good. I thought that was a great dance. And, I thought they both did very well. Chatty Cathy really liked it. Screamer and Creepy agreed. GREAT JOB!

Ellenore & Ryan - HIP HOP

Ellenore tells us she is 6 different ethnicities. She's Mexican, African American, American Indian, Italian, Hawaiian and Phillipino. Ryan tells us that he's an extreme sports junkie and secretly wants to be a superhero in an action movie. Lil C is the choreographer and he'll be putting together something BUCK...or not.

They are dancing to "Lost Boiz Anthem" by Tha J-Squad. Hmmm. I feel like Ryan is trying too hard. They are mostly together. I just feel like he's exaggerating too much. Chatty Cathy liked it. Eh. Screamer said it got a little sluggish for her and I actually agree. She also says she liked it but she doesn't want to scream. THANK GOD! Creepy said he didn't think it was good AT ALL. Wow. I wouldn't say they were BAD. I just thought it looked a little off.

Mollee & Nathan - SALSA

Mollee tells us that she's deaf in her left ear. Nathan tells us that he loves to jet ski. Gustavo Vargas is the choreographer. I bet they do a great job. They might be my favorite couple...and not just because Nathan is so dreamy. Ok, maybe it is. Whatever. I still like this couple!

They are dancing to "Quimbara" by Celia Cruz & Johnny Pacheco. Wow. Mollee is in a hot yellow number that looks like pieces of cloth sewn together to cover her girly bits. And Nathan has slick hair. They look like they are from Dirty Dancing Havana Nights. The white American girl and the Cuban local. Very sexy...although, they looked a little awkward. Chatty Cathy was disappointed. He thought they were awkward, too. Screamer agreed...she said it wasn't "sexified", it was "french fried". WTF? She didn't think it was good, either. Creepy agreed. They did look uncomfortable and awkward. Not good. BUT, I love them and I hope they'll be safe.

Noelle & Russell - AFRO-JAZZ

Noelle tells us that she has a big family - 3 sisters and a brother. Hmmm. Russell tells us that he's an artist - he sketches. Choreographer Sean Cheesman tells us that Afro-Jazz is a mixture of African Technique and Jazz Technique minus the "jazz hands".

They are dancing to "Frog Dance" by Mickey Hart & Planet Drum. Cool. They did this somersault thing that was super cool. I think they did a great job. It's not really my favorite style of dancing, but they executed well. Good job! Chatty Cathy tries to make a joke and it falls flat. HA! He keeps going...I think he liked it. Screamer says "that was crazy" and when Cat asks her if it was crazy good or crazy bad, Screamer yells "CRAZY GOOD!". Why are all these judges so annoying? Creepy agrees. I thought it was great.

All in all, not a great night of performances. I liked Channing and Victor's Contemporary dance the best, followed by Noelle & Russell's Afro-Jazz. The rest were all kind of boring. The judges all agree that Ryan & Ellenore and Mollee & Nathan will be on the bottom. BOO!

We'll see what happens on the results show!!

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