Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SYTYCD, 18 to 16

Cat tells us that next week, the public will start voting, but this week the "jidges" will send one girl and one boy packing.

The Jidges: Adam "Spirit Fingers" Shankman, Mary "Screamer" Murphy, and Nigel "Creepy" Lythgoe. They make jokes about Paula Abdrool not showing up. Nigel pretends like FOX and Dick Clark Productions have any say whatsoever about the "rules" of HIS show. He says that they agreed to allow Billy (the kid who had to drop out due to illness) start in the top 100 in Vegas next season. They've also agreed to let Brandon reapply and do the entire audition process again. Wow, how nice of them. Way to pass the buck, Nigel, and make FOX, etc. take any heat for those decisions.

Ok, enough. Let's see the dancers!!

Noelle (she's back) and Russell

New choreographer Jamal Sims will be creating a routine for them. They are dancing with tennis rackets. Interesting. I think it's a hip hop routine.

They are dancing to "Move Shake Drop Remix" by DJ Las, Flo Rida & Casely. And they are wearly shiny tennis outfits. I thought they were together and did a good job. HOWEVER, in the middle of the routine, Noelle did a really weak cartwheel and I couldn't tell if she did it like that on purpose or if her knee was hurting. Either way, it looked sloppy. Otherwise they did good. The judges agree that it was ok and Nigel pointed out Noelle's crappy cartwheel.

Ashleigh and Jakob

They are dancing the Viennese Waltz choreographed by Melanie Lapatin and Tony Meredith. YAWN! I'm going to watch, so I can talk about it, but I'm not going to like it. It's a wedding dance so they are pretending to get married. Dumb. They dance to "At Last" by Etta James. Ok, I LOVE this song. For a long time, I wanted the first dance at my wedding to be to this song. So good. They look like the couple on top of a wedding cake, with the veil and everything. Hmmm. I don't know. Lots of twirling and spinning. Jakob does the splits in the air which was kind of cool. I think they did well, it was just boring. I completely DISAGREE with Spirit Fingers. He thinks there were too many lifts and that he would've just liked to see them waltz. He also didn't like the splits in the air. Ok, the lifts and the splits were the BEST PART! If those were gone, I would've fallen asleep. The judges all like them, but not blown away.

Victor and Bianca

They are doing a Tyce Diorio broadway dance. They are dancing to music from The Color Purple Musical.

They dance to "Maybe God is Tryin' to Tell You Something" from The Color Purple Soundtrack. I saw this musical and really enjoyed it. I thought the dance was fun. There was a lot of jumping around. I didn't think they were very together. I don't know...it was ok. The judges weren't blown away either.

Mollee and Nathan

Someone needs to tell some of these dancers that they spell their names incorrectly. BOLLYWOOD! They will be dancing a Bollywood number choreographed by Nakul Dev Mahajan. Mollee is pretty immature, but she's cute. They are an adorable couple. Seriously, Nathan is HOT.

They are dancing to "Azeem O Shaan Shahenshah" from the Jodhaa Akbar Sountrack (yeah, I don't know). Very cool. I love the Bollywood numbers. I thought they executed it very well. Awesome. Oh jeez. We got a scream from the Screamer. OMG, she totally reminds me of Miss Piggy, swinging her hair around with all that ridiculous jewelry. Nigel is totally her Kermie! I thought they did a really great job. Woot!

Channing and Phillip

They will be dancing the Samba choreographed by Melanie Lapatin and Tony Meredith. Them again??? Seriously? Where are Tabitha and Napoleon?!?! Come back!! I don't like this ballroom crap. It's so boring. UGH!

They are dancing to "Maracatu Funk" by The Samba Squad. They do this complicated lift thing. Awkward. It was not smooth. She's kind of big and manish. When they do lifts, Phillip looks like he's struggling. She's not fat, but she's clearly solid. The judges agree that they looked like they were struggling. Meh.

Kevin and Karen

YAYAYAY!!! Finally!! Napoleon and Tabitha!! LOVE. They are choreographing these guys. I hope that Kevin and Karen can do the hip hop routine justice.

They dance to "Ice Cream Paint Job" by Dorrough. It's a race car themed dance. Karen is the driver and Kevin is the mechanic. I thought that was fantastic. They did a great job!!! So much fun. Love it. The judges agree. Oh good LORD. Kevin is on the HOT TAMALE TRAIN. Screamer is really too much ... not in a good way.

Legacy and Kathryn

They will be dancing a contemporary piece choreographed by Stacey Tookey. Kathryn is going to "struggle with fear" and Legacy will be "fear." So deep.

They are dancing to "2 Steps Away" by Patti LaBelle. Wow. That was AWESOME. I hardly miss Mia Michaels. I thought that was fantastic. I loved it. Spirit Fingers agreed wholeheartedly and I didn't have it in me to listen to Screamer and Creepy. Great Dance!!

Peter and Pauline (NEW COUPLE)

These two both lost their partners last week. Let's see how they match up. Wade "Britney cheated on JT with me" Robson will be choreographing a weird Wade Robson-type routine for them. He's choreographing a version of Van Gough's Starry Night as if people were in the painting. Huh?

They dance to "Little Green Bag" by George Baker Selection. It was totally weird, but really interesting. I thought it was great. The judges agree.

Ellenore and Ryan

They will be dancing an Argentine tango choreographed by Miriam Larici & Leonardo Barrionuevo. UGH! Why couldn't it be hip hop or contemporary? THREE BALLROOM ROUTINES!!! THREE??? Not fair. This better be good.

They are dancing to "Violentango" by Astor Piazzolla. I really like this couple. It was actually lovely... a little boring, but lovely. Her dress was caught in her heel for most of the performance - which I actually thought was part of the costume - but she kept dancing. Great job. UGH - Screamer got up and yelled.


My prediction is Noelle or Bianca for the girls and Russell or Victor.

Bottom four:

Noelle, Phillip, Victor and Bianca are dancing for their lives. Three out four.

Whoa...Bianca and Phillip - two of the three tappers - go home. I'm ok with that decision.

See you for the Top 16 next week.

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