Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 19

Last time on The City: Olivia was a bitch, we met Fridolin Fackelmayer and I found out that Roxy Olin is on Brothers and Sisters.

Newsflash! Apparently Roxy isn't the only Olin benefiting from her famous parents' connections. It appears that Clifford Olin, Roxy's older brother, is a WRITER for Brothers and Sisters!

Central Park. Whit and Roxy are at the park and Whit is trying to pry off Roxy's boots. As the girls are laying out - yes they are in bikinis - at the park, Roxy says that she wishes they were on a beach. Whit tells her that Freddie invited Whit (and friends, I assume) to go to his family's place in the Hamptons. Roxy is intrigued. Whit tells Roxy that Sami will be coming, too, and Roxy is not pleased. Roxy says that she feels like Sami is competing with her for Whitney. Whit doesn't think that's it, she thinks that Roxy and Sami just need some QT together. So it will be Whit, Roxy, Sami, Freddie and Harry all in the Hamptons.


"Weekend at Freddie's"

CityView Racquet Club, Long Island City. Whit and Freddie are playing tennis. Whit tells Freddie that she's coming up with Sami and Roxy and hopes that they get along. Freddie tells Whit that Harry is coming from school this weekend, too.

Milk Studios, Meatpacking District. Erin, Joe Zee and Olivia are all there at a photo shoot. Joe fills Olivia in on the next issue: The Personal Style issue. He tells her how important it is to understand the personal style of the people they are covering. He tells her that bloggers (ahem)
are so important right now. They are the ones getting the news out to the public, which Joe finds very fascinating. The woman being shot right now is a blogger named Jane who is obsessed with fashion. Joe tells Olivia that she will be interviewing and that she has to include a Q&A about fashion for each blogger. He tells her how important accessories are to Elle Magazine and he really needs Olivia to draw out from the Bloggers their personalities. And to keep in mind - as the reader - what do you want to know about these people. Yikes! This sounds like actual work. I'm not sure Olivia is up to this...she's more of the "shopper" employee. Joe says to make sure she asks everything and that he's counting on her and Erin.

Car on the way to Freddie's. Sam is driving Whit and Roxy to Freddie's and notes that this is the first time since the party at Jay's that Whit will be with Freddie and Harry. Roxy wants to know why that's weird. Whit tells her that Freddie told her that Harry was trying to hook up with Whit that night. Awkward. Roxy is seriously interrogating Sami. She asks Sami how she met Freddie (through her best friend who met him in the Hamptons), if she ever "got with" Freddie (no.), why not (i don't know), is she from a small town or big city (small town) and - since small time girls are wild, Roxy wants to know the craziest thing Sami has ever down. Sami is embarrassed and can't think of anything, so Whit tells Roxy to go first. Roxy tells us that she got really wasted this one time and she and her best friend went to get tattoos. The tattoo artist told her to pull down her pants a little and she took of all of her clothes. Roxy says that she has no memory of this and that now she has a random tattoo on her crotch. Nice. I bet the 'rents are proud. They are dancing in the car to Mariah and Roxy is rocking out. She decides to stick her head out of the sun roof and totally stands up through it. Girl has gone wild.

Freddie's House. Freddie greets the ladies as they arrive in the house. Harry is in the pool and jumps out to say hello. Roxy tells them that they look like identical twins. Then she asks them if they've been "tanning". They say they've been swimming and kind of mumble and Roxy says "you guys were in the booth, huh?" HAHA. She totally called them out for "tanning" in a booth! She's funny. They all gather in the kitchen to get their booze on and Roxy asks what the plan is. Freddie suggests they go to "Lily Pond" - which I assume is a club - and says that they should get there earlier rather than later... like before midnight. The girls are confused and feel like before midnight is WAY too early. Roxy calls Freddie "Wild Frankenmiles". HEH. Freddie says "it's Fackelmayer" and Roxy just dismisses him. Harry comes in after changing out of his suit. Roxy asks Harry if he's legal to drink alcohol. HAHA. He's 21. Then she asks if there will be an after party and Harry says that the pool is going to get used. So Roxy says "and you are sleeping...?" to which Harry replies "wherever we end up." HA. Roxy is crazy with all the questions. Jeez.

Milk Studios. Olivia goes to interview one of the bloggers, Jane Aldridge (Blogger, Sea of Shoes - apparently she's been blogging since she was 12). Olivia asks her 3 questions: Why shoes as opposed to bags or dresses? I hear you have a stylish mom? (which isn't really a question) and Do you feel you have to constantly update your blog? And...scene. Seriously. That was the big interview. WEAK. Erin comments to Juliet Jernigan, Photo Coordinator for Elle "that was it? I think we're in trouble." Olivia moves onto her next blogger, Tommye Fitzpatrick (Blogger, Olivia asks: How did you start your blog? Describe your personal style. What are the trends that you're seeing right now that you're putting on your website? Anything else you want to add that our readers don't know about you? And...scene. Three questions and a command. Wow. She tells Erin that she's done and Erin asks what kind of questions she asked. Olivia says a couple of them, including the "trend" question she asked Tommye and Erin tells her that they can't use that one because the issue is coming out in late Fall and the interview will be talking about summer trends. Olivia dismissively tells her that she has a bunch of other stuff and that she's taking off. So Erin goes back and re-interviews the Bloggers to get more material for the article.

Freddie's House. The boys are in the kitchen talking about how crazy Roxy is. Roxy is telling Whit that she doesn't think Sami likes her very much. Roxy tells Whit that she tried to talk to Sami and Sami ignored her. Whit says that maybe Sami is tired and asks Roxy to give her the benefit of the doubt. Whit is so nice. The boys are talking to Sami and ask her what she thinks of Roxy. Sami tries to say what she thinks but the boys keep interrupting. Freddie says he likes Roxy and asks Sami if they should be nice to her. Meanwhile, Roxy and Whit are talking about the boys. They agree that Freddie is cute and very nice...which Roxy thinks is a little weird, the nice part that is. Then she tells Whit that Harry's cute, too, and Whit can have her pick.

Lily Pond, East Hamptons. They are all dancing and partying. Um...I think Freddie is wearing a tuxedo shirt. I shit you not. I really think it's a tuxedo shirt. And a blazer, of course. Harry is opting for the Miami Vice look and has a T-shirt with a blazer. Harry goes up to Whit and hugs her and tells her that he loves her. He and Whit are laughing and a very pissed off Freddie watches them. Whit tells Sami that Harry kissed her and Freddie says "this is so fucked up on so many levels right now". Freddie goes over to Harry and says "What the hell, dude? Seriously. Stop dancing with my girl." So Harry walks over to Whit and says "You know Freddie has a girlfriend, right?" OH SNAP! Whit says NO and she asks where she is and why she's never around. Harry says that's the way he wants it. Whit is PISSED and tells Roxy that she wants to go.

Freddie's House. It's the next day and the boys are swimming in the pool. Whit and Roxy are talking about the info Whit received the night before. Whit says that if she were the girlfriend, she would be SO upset. Roxy thinks that Freddie gets away with way too much and that he probably does this all the time - pick up on other chicks. Whit thinks that Freddie was too scared to tell her about the girlfriend so he had Harry do it. But Roxy tells her that Freddie was freaking out because he thought Harry was going to kiss Whit. Roxy tells Whit that she should call his girlfriend and tell her and then Roxy decides that she's going to call her to teach Freddie a lesson. Roxy = Drama! Sami comes in and asks what she's missing and Whit says that Freddie's about to get reprimanded.

Elle Magazine. Joe calls Erin and Olivia into his office. He asks how the blogger shoot went and Olivia says that she has a concern. She says that both girls gave the same answer: they like shoes. Um...not exactly. So Joe asks what questions, specifically, did she ask. Olivia tells him some of the questions but says that the bloggers didn't really give much. She tells Joe that she tried to draw them out but they weren't really talking. WRONG. Joe tells Olivia that the answers are lackluster and that he's surprised because she did such a great job on the A to Z column. He needed her to dig deeper and get some personal stories and some fashion antidotes. Joe tells her that he doesn't want to micro manage her but at the same time, he has no idea what he can pull out of that for the interview piece. He tells her that she has to do some follow up now. Erin pipes up and tells Joe that they don't need to follow up. She tells him that she interviewed them after Olivia left. Joe says "you did?" Erin says "Of course I did." Erin says that they needed to get information from them that people can't get by googling them. So she asked a bunch of questions. Olivia says "Whatever. It doesn't matter." and Erin says "It does matter because I wouldn't have had to stay and do your job, essentially." Olivia just smiles smugly. I really do not like Olivia. I can't believe Erin didn't just slap that smug smile off Olivia's face. Joe breaks the tension by saying that he has to depend on Olivia and he doesn't want to walk away wondering if Olivia "got it." He tells Olivia that she's at Elle because he believes in her taste, her eye and her "passion for fashion." So "don't disappoint, just do it." He basically tells her that he's got her back so she better not make him feel like an idiot for hiring her.

Freddie's house. The girls join the boys by the pool. I love how under Freddie's name, it says "Whitney's Date". Roxy tells Freddie that they aren't speaking and he asks why. Whit says that Harry told her that Freddie has a girlfriend. Freddie's response: "But...I don't know." WTF kind of answer is that? So Roxy asks why Freddie was freaking out when Harry and Whit were talking and saying "if they kiss I'm going to die." Freddie says that he probably wouldn't want Harry hooking up with Whit and Roxy asks why. Roxy says if Freddie has a girlfriend then he can't "claim on Whitney". Oh the lingo of youth. Then Freddie tells Harry that he's supposed to be on his side. Roxy says that Freddie is cock blocking him. Freddie says that they are making him feel like a Douche. If the shoe fits... Roxy shrugs and says that Freddie has a girlfriend and that's shady. Then she says that Whit doesn't always stick up for herself and Roxy wants to make sure that whoever she's with is treating her good. Roxy says that she doesn't think Freddie's treating Whit so good if he has a girlfriend. Whitney interjects and says that she doesn't need a mouthpiece and Freddie doesn't think she does either. Roxy mumbles "Of course, YOU don't think she does." Freddie says that he should have told them. Sami says "let's go" and the girls head out. Freddie did such a shitty job apologizing and defending himself. I mean, I know there's really nothing to defend, but he just kind of sat there. He IS a Douche.

See you next week!

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