Friday, November 20, 2009

The City, Season Two, Episode 21

Last time on The City: Kelly was an awesome BITCH, Roxy was a bad friend and Olivia was annoying.

Whitney and Roxy are having lunch and talking about calling pest control. Apparently, there's a squirrel in Whit's apartment. How does that even happen? Whit tells Roxy that Sami is setting her up with some guy and she's going out with him tonight. Apparently, he works at Bergdorf's with, is he straight?? This is Whit's FIRST blind date. Roxy says that she has a date with Zac again tonight. Although, she has a feeling in her tummy that something is just not right with him. But that makes her even more attracted to him...not ok.


"Forget About Boys"

Elle Magazine. Olivia walks in and Joe tells her that he needs her help. They are having a photo shoot with Brooklyn Decker (Andy Roddick's wife) and he needs her to get the accessories together and organized so that the shoot goes smoothly. He tells her that it's "men's wear" inspired so Olivia should pick out more masculine accessories. OMG! I just laughed out loud. Joe says that Brooklyn is so sexy, she can pull off men's accessories. Joe: "I love a men's watch on a woman." Olivia: "Me too. I love it. It's the sexiest thing." STFU, Olivia. So dumb. Erin is walking by and hears them chatting and walks in. She tells Joe that she's excited to meet Brooklyn and Joe tells her she should come to the shoot to go over PR stuff with Brooklyn and Erin says she'll definitely be there. The three get silent and look at each other. Awkward.

Bar Artisanal, Tribeca. Whit meets her blind date, Patrick. She asks if she made him wait long. He says yes, but it's all good. HA! Then he notices that she's "rockin' some bling this evening." I like him. She asks what he does and he says that he convinces people to buy expensive clothes. HAHA. Then he asks Whit if she shops on 5F. Whit says "What's that, like, Fifth Avenue?" and then realizes that it's the floor he works on at Bergdorf and they both laugh. Whit, don't be dumb. He jokes that he's talking slang. Then he says that he told his roommate to meet him at "LV" the other day and Whit asks what that is. He says "Are you serious? Louis Vuitton." HELLO?? Even I knew that, Whit. I don't think Whit gets his humor. He's a little tiny bit effeminite. Just slightly. They aren't talking and it gets awkward.

Madam Geneva, Noho. Roxy meets Zac for dinner. She asks him about his friends and he tells her that she'll meet them. Then she asks what happened with him and his girlfriend. Rookie move, Roxy. Why ask him that? Does she really want to know? He tells her that they broke up. Done and done. Roxy says she thinks it's more complicated than that. He says it was, but he's making it simple. Ha. Roxy tells him that her ex was CRAZY.

Bar Artisanal, Tribeca. Blind date is still awkward. Patrick asks Whit if he can try some of her watermelon. She says yes and he tries some. She tells him that the point is to eat it with the cheese and he tells her that he will keep that in mind. I think Whit doesn't like this guy because he has a personality, he's too smart for her and he's not falling all over her. just got super awkward. The bill comes and he says "let's join forces". Whit says "join forces?" and he says "Yeah. Team up." HAHAHA. Basically, this guy sees that the date is going nowhere, so he figures why should he have to pay. It's a blind date...he didn't ask her out. Fair is fair. It's just funny because Whit is super insulted. I actually understand. I'm a little traditional on a first date...I think the guy should pick up the bill. I's not very "women's lib" of me, but that's just what I think.

Whit's Apartment, West Village. Whit tells Roxy that the date was "kind of a nightmare". She says that he started out by complimenting her "bling" and then had all these abbreviations, like "LV" for Louis Vuitton. Not entirely accurate. If she understood his humor, she would know that he was actually making fun of her by calling it "bling" and assumed - because she's in fashion - that she would know LV. Then she says the best part of the night was when the bill came and he told her they should "join forces". She says she didn't mind splitting but it was the way he said it - "join forces" - that bothered her. Then she asks about Roxy's date. Roxy says that she likes how grounded Zac is and that she's not sure if she "likes him, likes him" but after hearing about Whit's date, Zac is Prince Charming. Tonight she's going to see him again and this time she's bringing Whit.

Brooklyn Decker Photo Shoot, Midtown East. Joe tells Olivia he wants to see "preppie" and "wasp-y" in the looks. Erin walks in and she and Joe go to meet Brooklyn. They go up to the roof where the photoshoot is taking place and Joe tells Erin that Olivia is getting it. He also concedes that maybe it's because she knows "preppie" and "wasp-y" styles, but whatever. Joe keeps praising her and Erin says "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. All she did was pull one outfit that looks exactly like her." He tells Erin that with proper management, Olivia can do well. Erin, correctly, asks who has time to micro manage her to make sure she doesn't screw up. Then she asks if maybe Joe's expectations for Olivia are a little low. They go back and forth. Finally Erin says that she doesn't know why she has to hold Olivia's hand because no one held hers. The photo shoot is going on and Joe is about to leave. He tells Erin and Olivia about a dinner party he's having and invites them both to stop by.

The Gates, Chelsea. Whit, Roxy and Sami go to The Gates and Roxy says that she invited Zac and told him to bring his hot friends. Zac comes in with 6 girls and tells Roxy that the table she has is too small so he and his friends are going to find a bigger table. Then Roxy says "ok, I guess I'll see you later" and he says "ok, cool" and walks away. NOT OK. Whit and Sami are totally disgusted by Zac's behavior. His friends ask what the deal is and Zac tells them that Roxy is his friend from LA and she has a crush on him. WOW. Ego much? He said he asked her out to drinks and said he would introduce her to some people. His friend asks if she thought "drinks" was a date and Zac says "some might think that". What a douche.

Zac comes over to talk to Roxy and she goes off. She tells him that SHE invited him out with HER friends and asked him to bring some hot guys (for her friends) and he shows up with 6 girls. She tells him he's RUDE. He says that she invited him to a club that he goes to anyway. And, he comes over to say hi and she attacks him. Roxy says she doesn't even want to talk to him anymore and he gets up and thanks her for inviting him.

Rouge Tomate, Upper East Side. Joe is having his dinner party with the band COBRA STARSHIP, Erin, Olivia and the Editor in Chief of ELLE, Robbie Myers. The band and Robbie are asking about the photo shoot with Brooklyn and if Olivia and Erin worked together. Joe jumps in and says that they worked really well together and that he loves Olivia's eye for fashion. Erin is visibly annoyed. Robbie says she needs a dress for a Hollywood event. Joe says that the girls can help and Erin can do the PR stuff. Then Erin suggests that they pick 5 celebs including Robbie and do a shoot with them getting ready for the event. Olivia says that getting ready is a private thing and Erin tells her that they aren't going in her bedroom. Robbie notes that they make a good team and Olivia says "Indeed". Erin hates Olivia.

Joe and Robbie leave and Olivia, a senior editor, Erin and the band stay and continue to eat. They ask Olivia if she's into music and she says that she loves music. Her favorite is "house" music and that she has always been the biggest hip hop fan. So the lead singer asks her if she likes "Tribe" and Olivia looks confused, so he clarifies "Tribe Called Quest" and Olivia says that she's never heard of them. Dumbass. How can you "love hip hop" and not know Tribe Called Quest. Olivia excuses herself and after she leaves, Erin bitches about her to the band and the senior editor. Not very professional, Erin.

People's Revolution. Whit asks Roxy what was up with Zac. She says she has no idea...he was acting different, he dressed totally different, and he was with "has been", old models. Whit and Roxy are totally chatting loudly at their desks and Kelly keeps looking over at them. The other employees are also listening and looking at them. Kelly interrupts and asks Whit to come into her office. Whit walks in and Kelly says "Do not make listen to that. It's bad enough I have to hear Roxy's voice in my office, but to hear you guys talk about boys when I'm trying to run a freakin' company during this recession" OMG. Seriously, every boss in America is loving the "in this economy" and "during the recession" excuse for EVERYTHING. JEEZ. Whit says she's sorry and Kelly says that she should be. Kelly: "First of all, it's not appropriate for our office, but secondly, if you told me you wanted to be a cook or a librarian, I'd be like, do whatever the f*** you want. But you want to be a fashion designer, you have to work your ass off. And aside from your early sketches, you haven't shown me anything yet. Forget about boys, you gotta stay focused on the task at hand. You've got a collection to make. So stop wasting your time and mine, alright? And watch out for hanging out with kooks, ok. Because Roxy doesn't have the same pressures that you have. It's apples and oranges. So don't f*** around, Ok?" SNAP! Love that woman.

See you next week.

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